Known around Hollywood as “Psycho Kilmer”, the actor Val is trying to burnish his reputation with a documentary culled from 800 hours of home video footage and premiering to rave reviews at the 2021 Cannes Film Festival. His reputation as ‘difficult to work’ with shot his problematic reputation above such as Marlon Brando, Edward Norton, Russell Crowe and Steven Seagal. Not even his super-successful movies – The Doors, Top Gun and Batman Forever – could persuade directors who worked with him to ever repeat the experience.
Industry commentators remark: “he never quite cracked the code of interacting with other people” and describe him as “a personality not exactly on speaking terms with self-awareness.” The documentary appears to indicate not much has changed.
He was born 31 December 1959 7.58am Los Angeles and brought up in the Christian Science faith which has been his guiding light since his career took a nose dive and he latterly contracted throat cancer which means he now speaks through a voice box.
He does have a tricky chart with an 8th house Pluto trine a 12th house Sun Saturn in Capricorn, sextiling Neptune Midheaven in Scorpio. Pluto in the 8th would provide an unconscious ability to project an influential aura but in trine to a 12th house Sun Saturn it is also depressive and locked in. The hidden houses wouldn’t make gaining insight easier. That trine focuses onto a filmic and religious Neptune in his 9th conjunct his Midheaven so he would push aside any questioning of himself by focusing on his creative visions and spiritual beliefs. His Moon also squares Neptune which wouldn’t help with insight either as Neptune fogs up his perspective.
His seductive 10th house Venus in Scorpio is in a needs-space square to Uranus which in turn is in an adventurous trine to Jupiter, Mars, Mercury in Sagittarius – all of which would lift him out of his gloomier tendencies from time to time.
His recent years have been understandably challenging with his Solar Arc Neptune conjunct his Sun, Saturn; his Solar Arc Mars opposition his Uranus and tr Neptune trailing in square to his Sagittarius planets. It doesn’t look much easier ahead but he has the support of his children and his faith and will no doubt appreciate the attention at Cannes.
Was never a Top Gun fan but now seeing he’s a Sun-Saturn Capricorn Asc with Aqua moon says it all about his nickname in the film … “Iceman” !
Val Kilmer had an obsession for a long time with the life of Adrian Boshier and wanted to make a film about him. Adrian Boshier was known as the white bushman and Lyall Watson wrote a book about him called Lightning Bird -it’s an amazing story. I can understand why Val Kilmer would be so drawn to him. I watched an interview somewhere, where VK went to Africa to research Adrian B. Everone was looking for him because they wanted to offer him the batman movie…a d when they finally tracked him down he was sitting in a cave full of bats!
‘when they finally tracked him down he was sitting in a cave full of bats!’
Lol… not sure what to say about the bats; maybe something about particular planets in that? But is the cave situation symbolic of his 8th and 12th (hidden planets) influence which, Marjorie’s descrip above, appears to be strong.
*or should I mean ‘hidden houses’