USA – mood around election and inauguration

I’ve been puzzling over the USA 1776 and First Presidents’ chart to see if I could gauge the mood of the country over the election and inauguration – and am not much wiser.

When GWB was inaugurated after the dodgy 2000 election, there was a Sun Neptune, Mercury Uranus in the 10th – so vague, indecisive, ineffectual, impulsive. Mars was opposition Saturn square Uranus Mercury – so militarily inclined and explosive. There was a secretive (dirty tricks behind the arras) 8th house Moon Pluto which through 9/11, the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars tr Saturn moved to oppose.

Barack Obama’s first term had a 10th house Sun Jupiter Mercury with a country largely delighted they had elected their first black president and buoyed up his ‘we can change’ message. Plus an all-systems change Saturn opposition Uranus.

Ronald Reagan’s inauguration had a 10th house Sun Mercury Mars trine Saturn Jupiter and with Sun opposition Moon. Mars was also trine Pluto. So reasonably dynamic and idealistic.

The 2017 inauguration, assuming 20 January 12 noon, has a solo 10th house Sun square a Scorpio Moon so out of step at times with the mood of the country. A pushily over-confident Jupiter opposition Uranus square Pluto – looks controlling, inclined to take risks and arouse resentment (perhaps abroad) or with dogmatic views. There is a balancing Saturn in Sagittarius trine Uranus and sextile Saturn which may help as an antidote. Though Saturn trine Mars also looks military. I can’t decide whether that looks more like Hillary than Trump.

The election will be held on 8 November 2016 with a Scorpio Sun trine Neptune and Neptune square Saturn – so arousing paranoia and some confusion, maybe undecided. Though there’s also the pushy Jupiter opposition Uranus square Pluto with Uranus square Mars – so much heat generated.

The USA 4 July 1776 11am chart is trudging through thick mud, feeling discouraged in 2016 with tr Pluto square Saturn; and undermined with tr Saturn square tr Neptune hitting on the Solar Arc Sun – not knowing what to do for the best. Tr Uranus will be square Mercury in Cancer so outbursts of excited utterances, ie. arguments and insults; with tr Uranus moving to square Pluto in 2017 for quite an upheaval.

On the First Presidents’ chart 30 April 1789 12.45pm New York, there’s a good deal of passion being aroused through 2016/17 with tr Pluto opposing the FP Moon; with a lacklustre feel over the inauguration.

On reflection and you can argue these things round all ways – Jupiter Uranus Pluto could be the not-entirely-humble Trump; and the election North Node opposition Neptune square opinionated Saturn in Sagittarius could be ditto, for a conservative result.

I hate US elections, they go on for aeons of time. And this one seems even more obscure than most.

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