Golden Globes – hopes and disappointments

The Golden Globe nominations are out for the awards on January 10 next. Too many to cover and most without birth times.

Just on a brief scan. Cate Blanchett up for Carol has tr Jupiter trine her Taurus Sun exactly that day which has to help.

Leo di Caprio – The Revenant – Scorpio Sun Libra Moon. Has a couple of useful Jupiter transits to Jupiter midpoints though they aren’t that strong. He’s certainly very emotional with tr Pluto square his Libra Moon and Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Venus – which is either making him feel much loved or seriously jealous.

Saoirse Ronan – Brooklyn – Aries Sun Taurus Moon. Looks happy in the aftermath but not necessarily on the day itself.

Maggie Smith – The Lady in the Van – Capricorn Sun Virgo/Libra Moon. Fairly mixed. Tr Pluto will sextile her Jupiter in the immediate aftermath and across the Oscars but tr Pluto is also trine her Solar Arc Saturn which in turn opposes her Jupiter. A dashed hopes tr Pluto square Jupiter/Neptune and an upbeat tr Jupiter to a Jupiter midpoint. Pleased to be nominated maybe but not quite there, maybe more of a shot in the Oscars.

Mark Rylance – Wolf Hall/Bridge of Spies – Capricorn Sun Virgo Moon. Looks frustrated and irritable, rather uncertain.

Damien Lewis – supporting, Wolf Hall – Aquarius Sun Leo/Virgo Moon. Nothing too good, blocked and irritable with Solar Arc Saturn conjunct Mars; and tr Neptune square too Mars midpoints which are sinking.

Idris Elba – Beasts of No Nation/Luther – Virgo Sun, Moon Leo/Virgo. Could be chipper with tr Jupiter trine his Sun/Pluto but his life is certainly in a state of upheaval with the tr Uranus square tr Pluto hitting his Uranus – a mid life crisis and then some.

Bryan Cranston – Trumbo – Pisces Sun Capricorn Moon. Tr Pluto trine his Solar Arc Sun and moving to sextile his Pisces Sun in the weeks thereafter suggest he feels his life is coming together satisfactorily. But he looks jagged and rather lacklustre over the Globes, though with one upbeat tr Jupiter to a Mars midpoint showing.

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