Climate Change Deal – maybe, might just do good

Much triumphalism by political world leaders about their historic climate change deal which was gavelled into agreement just before 7.30pm yesterday in Paris. And just as much cold water being poured on its overblown promises by climate sceptics and climate obsessives alike.

The chart has a trail-blazing Uranus in the 10th opposition a domestically-irritable 4th house Mars square an uphill-struggle 6th house Pluto. There’s certainly enough power in that T square though also potential for arguments.

The grandstanding 5th house Sun is in an overly expansive square to Jupiter, sextile Mars and trine Uranus so prone to promising what it can’t or won’t deliver but willing to try. A 5th house organisational Saturn square a 9th Neptune – at best, hopes for a better society, though it’s fairly disconnected.

The one thing which is marginally hopeful is the 17th Harmonic = leaving a legacy for history. It’s strong with planets in all three Earth signs – which, with wide orbs, does make a Grand Trine, formed into a Kite focussing on idealistic Neptune. And a T square of Sun opposition Uranus square Moon. So something may emerge from it.

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