Jacob Zuma – wobbling on his perch

There are increasingly strident demands for President Jacob Zuma of South Africa to depart. His latest idiocy was to fire a respected Finance Minister which sent the rand and markets tumbling, debt-servicing costs rising, and will cost the country billions.

His term chart 24 May 2014 11.35am Pretoria has a crisis-ridden Cardinal Grand Cross of Uranus opposition Mars square Pluto opposition Jupiter. The Pluto Jupiter probably alludes to his cavalier tendency to throw taxpayers’ money at personal projects as if there were no restrictions. The Pluto moves by Solar Arc to square Uranus exactly in 6 months’ time so the run up will be very unstable. Ditto tr Pluto back to square Uranus from the New Year through January 2016.

His own personal chart, 12 April 1942, has tr Uranus conjunct the Aries Sun from late April which will be a jolt; and he has four midpoints being undermined by tr Neptune and tr Saturn hard aspects, now and through 2016. So definitely sagging.

The South Africa 1910 chart looks uncertain, undermined and indecisive next year with the Tr Saturn square tr Neptune hitting on the 9 degree Gemini Sun. Plus a high panic tr Uranus opposition Mars Neptune in Cancer early in 2016 and tr Pluto square Neptune, then Mars – huge frustration, anger and devastation.

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