US-Russian relations – rapid deterioration



Whether an intended consequence or not, Trump’s Syria missile strike appears to have killed any notion he was on side with the Russians. [He also managed to obliterate the Chinese premier’s visit news-wise which won’t have gone down well; nor the implicit hint that he’s capable of doing the same to North Korea. And that détente won’t last either.]

The relationship charts between USA and both Russia 8 Nov 1917 and 8 Dec 1991 charts all pinpoint mid May onwards for a sharp deterioration in US-Russo relations as tr Neptune opposes the composite Mars on one and opposes the Sun Saturn at the same degree on the other. Both those influences run through till late 2018.

There’s also a major turnaround tr Uranus trine Pluto exact now on the US/Russ91 chart with tr Saturn hitting on the composite Pluto, Uranus and Sun through this year, the last in December and into early 2018, which is an even wider rift. On the US/Russ17 chart there’s an enthusiasm denting tr Saturn opposition Jupiter in July, late Sept/early Oct, when Trump’s Mars is being rattled up with the Leo Eclipse. And more high-tension and explosively insecure in 2018 with tr Uranus square the composite Mars and trine Neptune.

So suggestions the strike might have been a set piece with the discreet acquiescence of the Russians seems less than likely.

2 thoughts on “US-Russian relations – rapid deterioration

  1. Also, the turn in Russian-American relationship is probably the clearest indication of Kushners – with the help of McMasters – having wan the showdown with Bannon. There has been a lot of talk on Ivanka’s friendship with ex-Mrs. Murdoch Wendy Deng rumored to be Putin’s girlfriend. And about Jared telling “Russian probe not going anywhere”. But, while pampered and priviledged, these two however are very “worldly”. Once in WH, they’ve become privy of information – Ivanka has had an official position, and I’d think a security clearance for a week – that has convinced them that cointinuing to be associated with certain alt-right people is counterproductive for them.

  2. Good call on President Xi’s visit! There was no agenda for the meeting, with a very formal Chinese delegation. In comparison, Xi’s visit to Finland, which was a “layover” on the way to Florida produced three new bilateral treaties: One in innovation, one in human development and on in giant panda reservation, meaning a Finnish Zoo will host two giant pandas for 15 years, at least. And this was with a small country China none the less consideres strategic partnership in certain areas. The news we heard from The US were about President Xi being offered a steak, and that’s it.

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