Careering towards a general election with no great enthusiasm for either of the top two choices, the UK is no less confused and uncertain than elsewhere.
This will be due in part to the lacklustre, indecisive Solar Arc Sun square the UK Neptune exact now and fading over coming months. But change is coming for good or ill once Neptune’s sea-fog is blown away by tr Pluto trine the UK Uranus from late February 2024, repeating on and off till late 2025. That influence runs alongside tr Pluto opposing the UK 10th house Jupiter which should bring a surge of confidence and enthusiasm with a renewed push for success.
2024 is the year for a UK Nodal Return bringing a reevaluation of partnerships since the North Node falls in the 7th house of close relationships. It was crucially upended at Brexit so there may be a revisitation of an adjusted EU relationship post the split. It will never be reversed but there could be more cooperation. Though with the Progressed Moon going through the 12th house till late 2025 it will continue to be a time of endings and introspection rather than a leap-ahead into a brave new future.
Transiting and Solar Arc Uranus remain the key influences. Tr Uranus is square the UK 11th house Saturn bringing shock changes to the UK legislature? Or a shift in forward hopes. It hits once May 12 to 28 in 2024 and again December 20 to March 16 2025. Which may or may not be a hint about the House of Lords. But the really consequential aspect remains the SA Uranus conjunct the 8th house Mars in Taurus which comes exact in late 2024/early 2025. Transiting Uranus is still moving through the UK’s 8th house of deeper transformations, joint finances and sexuality (2020 to 2027) which was always going to be roller coaster on the international and business finance front.
When tr Uranus crossed the Mars in 2021/22 it was the anniversary of the previous Uranus in Taurus in 1938 as WW11 approached and before that 1853 when the UK along with France declared war on Russia over the Crimea. In 1853 as well there was a cholera outbreak in London which killed 10,000.
The UK deeply buried 8th house Mars tends to stir up a volcanic eruption of accidents or anger when it is triggered. When tr Pluto in Scorpio opposed the UK Mars in 1987/88 – there was a relentless stream of disasters – Hungerford mass shooting, Zebrugge Ferry sinking, IRA bombs various, Kings Cross fire, Piper Alpha rig explosion, Lockerbie plane crash, Prince Charles equerry killed in skiing accident, Clapham Rail crash. Maggie Thatcher was elected for the 3rd time and the Channel Tunnel was started – no noticeable economic fall out. Admittedly Pluto will have brought a more destructive effect to bear on the Mars than Solar Arc Uranus will – but there is still likely to be a key event or events of a highly unsettling nature.
The Bank of England chart, 27 July 1694 JC, like elsewhere globally is logjammed through 2024 with tr Pluto trine the Mars; and extremely anxious and uncertain from April 2024 into 2025 with tr Neptune square the Saturn. That undermining Neptune transit along with tr Saturn continues on to square the BoE Venus for a downbeat 2025. But a recovery looks likely with a confidence surge and a mighty push forward in 2026 and onwards from tr Pluto square the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint and then the Jupiter in following years. Which timeline coincides with tr Uranus exiting the UK’s 8th house of joint finances so financial stability if not an outright improvement may return.
PM Rishi Sunak, 12 May 1980, will be rattled by tr Uranus conjunct his Taurus Sun mid March to early April and then opposition his Uranus in May 2024. That is when the Conservative Party chart, 9 May 1912, is also in a disruptive phase with tr Uranus and SA Uranus both conjunct the Sun/Saturn midpoint. Which may or may not be a spring election. But the Tory Party chart will continue to be undermined by tr Neptune square the Pluto through 2024 and SA Uranus conjunct the Saturn in 2025/6 – a longish phase of instability and major pressures for change. The April Solar Eclipse is also exactly opposition Rishi Sunak’s Pluto in Libra, bringing heightened tension. And now that I look the Tory Party is also on a Nodal Return – much rethinking of direction and objectives.
The UK are not that enamoured of Rishi Sunak, though oddly they may prefer him to Keir Starmer. Which does not mean Starmer could not get elected this year and rapidly become seriously disliked since his relationship chart with the UK has a strongly hostile Mars Pluto aspect as did Tony Blair. But Starmer is certainly going nowhere good – even in the short term with a disappointed Progressed Mars square his Neptune over coming months; and two cataclysmic Solar Arcs by 2025/26 – SA Mars conjunct his Sun, Pluto and SA Sun Pluto conjunct his Neptune. He is by no means a slamdunk even for a an early 2024 election though he does have one faintly upbeat popularity surge from now till mid March 2024.
His leadership chart, 4 April 2020 10.45am is facing an aggravated uphill slog over the next three years with setbacks galore.
I am not overly fond of political party charts but for what it is worth the LP 12 February 1906 chart will be rattled by the late March Lunar Eclipse opposing its Mars with an all-systems change tr Uranus square the Venus Sun in May 2025. But it is heading for a roadblock of considerable proportions by 2025 with the SA Sun Venus conjunct the Pluto. And 2027 to 2029 looks like a downhill slide.
The LP 27 February 1900 chart is having a Saturnine year in 2024; some shocks in 2025 and setbacks in 2027.
The Liberal Democrats, 3 March 1988, upbeat through 202/23 with tr Pluto square the Jupiter looks completely trapped now and on for a few months with nothing about undermining Neptune’s entry into Aries in 2025 which will suit it through till late decade.
Throw them all into the Thames and start again – I wish
Thatcher being elected for a third time was not a disaster.
The poll tax in 1990 was certainly a disaster for Margaret Thatcher!!
It was for some!
Any readers of other well-known astrologers will perhaps know that at least one of them recently suggested that Nigel Farage is in for a pretty good year. I know, I know! But vacuums have to be filled and, as is pointed out in Marjorie’s article, none of the obvious names look that happy in the next 12 months and beyond. Interesting times!
Regarding transits of Uranus to the UK’s Mars at 11 Taurus 45 in the 8th house:
The abdication of Edward VIII was on 10th Dec 1936 with Uranus at 6 Taurus (having reached 9 Taurus in August 1936 as the crisis brewed).
The coronation of George VI was on 12th May 1937, with Uranus at 10 Taurus 15. (8th house theme with unexpected inheritance of the throne).
Regaring Rishi Sunak, both Jupiter and Uranus will be conjunct his Sun in April 2024, so he might get lucky if he goes for an early election (unexpected win would be Uranus-Jupiter, right?)
Listening as I do, to LBC radio, it is noticeable how many rank and file Conservatives are actively saying they will vote for Sir Keir. The country seems to be in a ruinous state with charlatans and the rich benefiting from Government policies. So many children are malnourished, lack basic provisions and even beds. Professionals like nurses having to use Universal Credit to survive, I hope to God there is positive change soon.
Unfortunately, These problems won’t disappear with change of govt. more so with Starmer’s Labour Party in charge. Starmer stands on the same side as Sunak in terms of economic policies.
There are many conservative and Labour voters who are disillusioned with their respective parties and are willing to vote for others. A large chunk of leftist Labour Party voters have switched to the Green Party.
In a nutshell, the electorate is confused and that confusion might reflect in the next election in the form of a hung parliament. Also, quite befitting with the start of Pluto in Aquarius era.
Thanks Marjorie, how I wish we could cancel the lot of them and make a fresh start too! I looked at the Edgar, 11th May 923 (JC) chart, since it can be quite helpful. There seems to be the possibility of an upheaval in the summer. Uranus and Mars are conjunct at 26 Taurus, aligning with fixed star Algol, 26 Taurus in July. The Edgar Sun is 25 Taurus, Mars 25 Taurus, Mercury 26 Taurus, at the 26 Taurus MC. They square Pluto at 27 Leo. Uranus meets Algol again in October, and the following May. It’s curious that Rishi Sunak’s birthday is 12th May, although using our modern calendar of course.
A bit off topic, but this Uranus/Mars/Algol line-up also aspects Joe Biden’s 27 Scorpio Sun, and Trump’s 26 Leo Mars. What happens in the USA does tend to have an effect elsewhere.
Yes, it’s interesting that it will square Netanyahu’s Mars too, since he has it at the same degree of Leo as Trump. All ties in.
Marjorie, could you add a line or two about the SNP in Westminster? Could they prop up a minority Labour government if it came to that?
I suspect the election will hinge on turnout, with a higher than average abstention possible.
Sir Keir may be acceptable to many Conservative voters, while he may not be acceptable to Socialist/Corbynite Labour voters and, due to the Gaza situation, Muslim voters who normally vote reliably Labour may sit out this election.
So it is really hard to predict this election.
As for throwing them into the Thames and starting over, the Thames is dirty enough and does not need additional sewage.
Also, the US tried it by electing a president with no previous political experience. And neither the US itself nor the rest of the world was very enamoured with the result. Better the devil you know…
See post 21st December below