‘Tis the time’s plague when madmen lead the blind.” Shakespeare, King Lear.
Boris blunders and bungles along making a total bollix of the pandemic response, sparing the odd moment to cast a glance towards the Brexit negotiations. Today he’ll talk directly to the EU President Ursula von Leyen, pushing his standard line of – there’s a deal to be done but we don’t care if it isn’t.
If the UK leaves the transition period on 31 December without an agreed trade deal, tariffs would be imposed, which would cause damage to the UK economy. The National Audit Office has warned of “significant disruption” when the Brexit transition period ends. Moody’s has downgraded the UK’s credit rating, pointing to a “weakening in the UK’s institutions and governance”. Since the start of the year, the FTSE 100 is down 22 per cent, more than comparable European equity indices.
The election of Joe Biden would also shift the dynamic since he has said he would not allow peace in Northern Ireland to become a “casualty of Brexit” and that any USA/UK trade deal must be contingent on respect for the Good Friday Agreement and preventing the return of the hard border. And that is a conundrum without a solution if a No Deal happens.
As ever the astrology is as clear as a pea-soup fog about any breach. All that is showing on the UK chart is an exceptionally bad-tempered 3rd house Solar Arc Mars conjunct Mercury, exact in ten weeks though in effect now, which may be more to do with Covid restrictions. Though 70-mile lorry tailbacks in Kent border areas at New Year might well spark up a belated yowl from the electorate who will waken up to the implications of what the Brexiteer mob and the Boris bodge have done.
In 2021 there will be significant pressure on the financial UK 8th house Mars from late March as the tr Saturn square tr Uranus collides in hard aspect. The economic hangover from the pandemic plus perhaps Brexit miscalculations will cause major havoc – and that runs off and on into early 2022. Into 2022 the UK Solar Arc Pluto squares the UK Sun for a grind-to-a-halt year with more financial panics and major upsets as tr Uranus squares the 5th house speculative Venus and then opposes the 2nd house Neptune in 2022/23. By 2023 tr Uranus will be square the UK 11th house Saturn for sudden changes to the legislature (parliament). And there will be a jolting Solar Arc Saturn opposition Uranus on top. And by 2024 the Solar Arc Uranus will be conjunct the 8th house Mars for more crises and perhaps national disasters, since that Mars is very accident prone in terms of trains crashes/ferry sinkings etc.
There’s nothing much of cheer to indicate a sudden get-a-grip ability emerging from the Boris Government, 13 December 2019, with catastrophic panics running now till late January 2021; with added frustrations through this December and brain-mush from late January through February 2021. From late March tr Neptune squares the Government Sun for a year long phase of dither and indecision.
Boris’s own chart is bedevilled by Eclipses with the Lunar late this month shaking up his Pluto Uranus and Saturn; and the mid December Sagittarius Solar Eclipse opposing his Mercury, Sun, Venus which will be mentally stressful with several crises running over the months thereafter. His Solar Arc Uranus is moving towards the exact conjunction to his Moon, in 10 weeks’ time, but undoubtedly triggering early – that could be health-connected or personal financial upsets. He’ll get a minor lift late this month to late December from tr Pluto trine his Mars/Jupiter midpoint but that’s a mild influence.
On his relationship chart with Ursula von Leyen, there’s not much of note instantly barring a mild indication of change from later this month for a few weeks; with more showing into spring of 2021. The same timeline is true of Boris’s toxic Mars Pluto relationship chart with the EU.
Joe Biden was never going to be an easy fit with Boris since his Saturn Uranus in Gemini clashes mightily with Boris’s scattergun Mars in Gemini and Uranus, Pluto and Saturn. Indeed Biden’s Sun Venus in late Scorpio opposes Boris’s focal point Mars – for arguments all the way. Biden’s controlling/influential Pluto fall in Boris’s 10th which may help to push him onto a different track; and Biden’s Jupiter falls in his 10th as well for a positive effect.
Their relationship chart is very heavy duty with a hostile power-struggling composite Mars Pluto conjunction in the middle of a Half Grand Sextile from a suspicious Neptune opposition Saturn sextile Jupiter – some good, much more truly difficult. Not much hand holding ahead if Boris stays the course – and Biden wins.
It transpires tonight that he may have been exposed to Covid, again!
See UK papers headlines tonight.
What next?
Historian Dan Snow had a good old rant on Jeremy Vine this morning.
Is Biden Going to be bad for Brexit, was the question of the moment.
‘Everything is bad for Brexit,’ he almost wailed. ‘Brexit is bad for Brexit! There is nothing that can be done that will make Brexit a good thing! It’s as if we’ve shoved grenade down the front of our trousers and pulled the pin!’
Sums up my feelings on the matter.
Thanks for that VF! It is indeed the most awful mess. I’m wondering what lies ahead with Saturn, Jupiter, and Uranus transiting the UK 1801 fixed planets. I noticed that UK Jupiter is 1 Leo, so think the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius this December may set that off. Jupiter in the 10th, ruling 3rd and 6th…news that affects everyday life? News about a prominent person/leader? Both 1066 and 1801 have a fixed Mars – Aquarius 8, and Taurus 11. Saturn and Uranus seem to me, in some ways, to symbolise what’s happening with the Brexit negotiations. So quite a bit of restriction and upheaval there.
The other thing is, I wonder how these transits to the UK chart would have manifested without Brexit. Clearly some other kind of upheaval was looming in the planetary patterns. But then, this is futile. We have to deal with what we have.
Sometimes I wonder, too, how Boris can sleep at night.
@Jane – ‘Boris Johnson was very slow to tweet congratulations to Biden and Kamala Harris, which didn’t look very gracious, to say the least’ – Probably because the jury is still out on this Election – Trump’s campaign on Monday filed a lawsuit in a Pennsylvania federal court, seeking an emergency injunction to stop state officials from certifying Joe Biden’s victory in the State. A lot going on behind the scenes and no real winner has been chosen yet. Don’t buy the media hype and spin. Please look into Biden and China, not a pretty sight.
“Trump’s campaign on Monday filed a lawsuit in a Pennsylvania federal court, seeking an emergency injunction to stop state officials from certifying Joe Biden’s victory in the State.”
Good luck waiting for something coming out from a lawsuit penned by the same people who booked Four Seasons Landscaping for their big event, with a star witness who has multiple sexual assault convictions.
I’m not American or a lawyer, but even I can tell what Bill Barr was referring to, specifically, on memo when he specified “fanciful or far-fetched claims should not be a basis for initiating federal inquiries”. He is desperate, but not stupid, he knows how to cover his back to all directions.
I’ve been a silent but regular follower of your paje Marjorie and love it. But I must also take my hat to the intellectual comments others leave too.
I’m fed up of keeping myself obscure so after following Trump’s never-ending bizarre behaviour over the last few years, I must share what my instinct tells me: that Trump will leave (among others) poisoned gifts for Biden to deal with like signing a bilateral trading deal ahead of BREXIT or something of sorts.
I expect everything and nothing from him!
What a nightmare!
Hmmm I certainly hope not. But it is a bit scary that, now that the Murdoch papers ink Fox have dumped Trump, his followers have gone over to Newsmax which was founded by Jacob Rees-Moggs father. Rather scary to think that the last bastion for Trumpism is not the crazy right in the USA but Westminster! I will have to look at how Marjorie has intepreted has interpreted Rees-Mogg’s chart in the past. I notice also that the Irish foregn minister has advised his house not to be too optimistic about a Brexit / EU deal.
Hmm. This from Marjorie om Rees-Mogg exactly a year ago
“He regrettably looks upbeat and successful in 2021/22 as tr Pluto trines his Jupiter; with faint traces of that from March 2020 onwards as tr Pluto is trine his Jupiter/Pluto. …… He’ll also be facing a major setback as his Solar Arc Mars squares his Saturn in 2021 or 2022.”
William Rees-Mogg was Chairman at NewsMax, but it was founded by Christopher Ruddy. It’s founding date is 16th September 1998. Good chunk of Virgo, plus what’s curious is that Saturn is in early Taurus, while Uranus is in Aquarius. They’ll be squaring/conjucting themselves. Changes? I have no idea if Jacob RM has any financial interests in NewsMax.
Jane, loved the Bwussels remark, so Bowis…..who I fear will be histowy if his chart is anywhere near the actual time. His prog. MC is exact conj Uranus – and retrograde, or Mars conjunct MC, transit Node at 20 Gemini conjunct his natal Mercury (powerful as its his vocational indicator), so a big announcement, or another foot in the mouth. Prog. Mercury is squaring natal Mercury and Node, and Neptune is opposite the prog. Mercury and square natal Mercury, so there is a lot of horse-dealing and smoke and mirrors….but its the Ur conj MC which may see him orf suddenly…..let’s face it, no cardinal planets at all so his physical stamina is low, but his Mercury is what got him where he is and now he (and Mercury) are bewildered beyond reason.
Thanks Maggy. Much Mercury it seems! How appropriate for a multiple Gemini. I wonder if one of the ways Mercury to Mercury and Node might work out is through the people around Boris? He hasn’t always chosen well when it comes to associates and allies. It will be a good test of his MC with the Uranus or Mars transits you mention.
I suspect there will come a time when he has had enough, and we can’t know what – if any – lingering effects Covid19 has had on his vitality. He doesn’t look that well, but we’d have to factor in the effects of being a leader during this extraordinary year. His new son would also have been a shock to the system. The upcoming eclipses and Solar arc Uranus to the Moon Marjorie describes suggest both inner and outer challenges. He’s been remarkably resilient in his life, or perhaps fortunate to always wriggle out of difficulties. But possibly the Wizard of Oz scenario is about to happen and that curtain will be pulled back.
Well, Jane, we all hope, but cometh the day, cometh the man….I don’t think Boris has a plan personally, he’s in an historical moment, without realising or wanting to be – all eyes are on what happens next, but can he rise to the challenge? I doubt it…he has personal issues he has long ignored and it seems he may just walk……it may be a good thing, or bad, but it is beyond him.
From today’s papers. Trump dumped so attention now turning back to the elephant on the doorstep,
“Wakey‑wakey! Brexit is a big deal, and the country doesn’t know where it’s going.” Robert Colvile. Sunday Times.
“It is one of the most extraordinary facts in British politics. We are weeks away from the end of the Brexit negotiations. We still have no idea whether we will be signing a trade deal with Europe or walking away. And the issue — which will profoundly shape our future — is barely even mentioned on the front pages.
Having destroyed two premierships and consumed all the oxygen of British politics, Brexit is now something that used to be a thing — like fidget spinners and American democracy. When Michel Barnier popped up on Twitter on Wednesday with another warning of no deal, the reaction brought to mind the old line about a tree falling in the forest with no one to hear it: pipe down, Michel, we’re watching the count in Pennsylvania.
Independent: “Liz Truss has been accused of misleading MPs and the public over her new Japan trade deal, because all the tariff “wins” are for goods the UK does not export to the country anyway. Just 10 of 9,444 products will enjoy lower taxes, experts say, a list of obscure items such as birds’ eggs, raw hides, fur skins, handbags and ultra-strong spirits of at least 90 per cent alcohol. Crucially, none of the 10 have been sold to Japan for at least three years – which means the gain to British exporters is “zero”, the study has found.” Monty Pythonesque.
And there’s Joe Biden – “I’m Irish” quoth he to the BBC. Boris is well and truly jammed in.
Johnson and Brexit are looking disastrous for the U.K. I read an article today about why the Biden team are wary of Johnson after he made racist comments about Obama and questioned his loyalty to the U.K. The Biden campaign were aware of Johnson’s previous form for casual racism. Also, Johnson had meetings with Bannon and the loathsome Farage before he was elected – Johnson is a hopeless judge of character. I see that, riding on the wave of euphoria following Trump’s defeat, #BorisNext is trending on SM!
Thanks Marjorie. It’s like a fairground hall of mirrors, with the scary clown, Johnson, capering about inside. He has changed his opinions so many times I am wondering whether he dares do that again. There is the ongoing Neptune transit to his Mercury, plus next June’s eclipse conjunct the Mercury – but possibly this may work out as some kind of leaky media scandal. Of which we’ve had so many….
The Tories have always been quite ruthless about getting rid of their leaders, so who knows. Brexit is a huge worry now, but I cling onto hopes for a deal. Otherwise, Johnson and Co will wreck everything for years to come.
Here’s what Boris Johnson said about the EU as recently as 2013, in an article for the Telegraph:
In The Telegraph in May 2013, Boris Johnson wrote that if Britain left the EU, “we would have to recognise that most of our problems are not caused by Bwussels” [sic].
In his article, titled ‘Quitting the EU won’t solve our problems, says Boris Johnson,’ he responded that, “the question of EU membership is no longer of key importance to the destiny of this country”.
No wonder the new American President Elect and his VP Elect are more than wary of this slippery creature…..
I laughed at your heading. Don’t get much chance for that nowadays!
The only worry about when they throw Boris out/defenestrate him is who we get in his place, unless of course we get a national government, but we’d need a better pool of talent than there is at present.
@ GnarlyDude? You seriously think that Trump is a fighter? Why?
Because he tweets on Twitter like a hormonal teenage girl or that calls his opponents names? Or he threatens to sue or imprison anyone who crosses him?
Do tell me what makes him strong?
I don’t think he’s strong at all.
But he never backs away from a confrontation or disagreement. He never looks to solve issues amicably or by building bridges. He turns everything into a fight. He can’t just say “You know what, let’s agree to disagree” or “It’s not worth my time to battle this out, so we’ll do it your way”. That’s what I mean by he’s a fighter.
Do you not see what he does as fighting at every turn?
Focal point Mars in Gemini – on a hair-trigger fuse when it comes to leaping into arguments. It’s a psychological flaw – needing to live in a state of constant hyper-excitement and aggravation. Without drama, much of it self-created, he’d sink into a depression.
Boris announced the second lock down because he did not want to be the person who ruined Christmas. But I have a feeling that the second lock down is going to last more than a month unfortunately.
Thanks Marjorie. Joe Biden is now President Elect of the USA. Boris Johnson was very slow to tweet congratulations to Biden and Kamala Harris, which didn’t look very gracious, to say the least. A number of commentators have observed Johnson’s fascination with Trump’s strategies and MO. Now he must think again, and somehow reverse out of the tight spot he’s in.
I notice that the Good Friday Agreement, 10th April 1998, has Saturn at 22 Aries – conjunct the Biden/Johnson composite Saturn, and opposing Neptune. Currently that’s quite a sensitive degree, with transiting Pluto and Jupiter at 22 Capricorn – looks pretty testing with elements of a power struggle….
The Good Friday Agreement also has Neptune at 1 Aquarius, aligning with the Biden/Johnson South Node. With both Saturn and the nodes standing out, I can’t help but think of a very fateful pattern unfolding here.
Do you foresee Boris staying as PM next year?
I’ve heard it said he’ll quit once the whole Brexit thing is completed. Like a highly paid management consultant brought in to make all the cuts, while leaving the chief executive / board without blood on their hands.
While Boris is as scattergun as Trump in his responses and planning, he’s no fighter like DJT and runs away when the going gets tough. He won’t be angling to cling onto power to the last. Despite the best Tory majority in decades, even his own MPs are beginning to tire of backing him.