The UK Royals are feeling the effects of Pluto moving into Aquarius more than most with a double whammy of Mars Pluto conjunct in Aquarius on February 14th and Venus Pluto conjunct on 17th. Plus repeating hits on various charts through this year and the next two.
Pluto stays at zero degrees till late February, then moves onto one degree till mid April and then into two degrees till late May. After which it repeats that sequence backwards to 29 Capricorn in September and from November moves ahead again into early Aquarius.
On the personal charts, King Charles is obvious getting the full Pluto experience as it squares his zero degrees 10th house Moon facing him with career challenges as well as health, the Moon ruling the body. Prince William also with his Jupiter at zero Scorpio conjunct his Midheaven at 2 degrees will be pushing confidently ahead in his new role for the next two years. The Duchess of Edinburgh has a zero degrees Aquarius Sun as she steps up her workload.
Prince Harry has his Pluto at zero Scorpio. Tr Pluto in square to his natal Pluto is part of his midlife crisis, attempting to pull him away from the past (with difficulty) as part of his individuation transformation (which does not always work.)
Meghan Markle has tr Pluto conjunct her 1 degree South Node, which hints at pressure for a profound change, letting go old patterns, habits, and unresolved issues from the past. The south node being seen as the comfort zone of what is familiar but getting stuck there is also the road to nowhere.
On relationship charts: King Charles and Harry have a composite midheaven at zero Aquarius under considerable pressure to change (or a tug of war) last year and throughout 2024. With Meghan, KC is irritated and frustrated with tr Pluto trine the composite Mars Sun this year and next. His other two areas of stress look oddly enough to be Edward and Sophie – confused this year and disruptive in 2025/26. And Andrew’s children and ex-wife with discouraging influences.
Of the others: the composite Suns in the Catherine/Meghan relationship chart and the Andrew/William – both at zero degrees Fixed signs catching the transiting Pluto hard aspect won’t be making for a rapprochement anytime soon.
Camilla shares KC’s sense of strain with Edward/Sophie and Andrew’s family.
Those themes repeat with other top Royals.
The one who intrigues me – along with a few others – is Princess Anne. Her 3 degree Leo Midheaven and 2 degrees Mars in Scorpio are being pounded relentlessly, by Solar Arcs and transits from last year 2023 right though until 2026/27. She has tr Pluto square her Mars and crossing her IC opposition her Midheaven in 2025/26. She also has the even more pressured SA Sun Pluto crossing her Mars as well. Her husband Tim Laurence with his Mars at 2 Aquarius will also be feeling the strain.
Part of the above will be the shifting dynamics of the new order with all the standard family jealousies and tensions multiplied, as hierarchical constraints are imposed. Plus the Andrew and Harry mayhem. Plus the King and Catherine under medical care which could be a real problem since the Princess of Wales is one of the key hopes for the future – and the present. Quite a stormy transition.
Sorry to hear the latest news regarding the Duchess of York’s illness. Her Sun caught last year’s eclipse in Libra and her nodes will align with the lunar eclipse of March 25th this year. She has her ascendant at 18 of Scorpio. One hopes that her treatment and recovery go well, but it must be yet another blow to the family in addition to Charles and Catherine’s situations.
Hm her astro did not look good ahead for a couple of years, certainly taking a financial hit. But I don’t like focusing on health issues when it may get reported back to the individual. Best say good luck and stay cheerful.
Sure. Thank you Marjorie.
I am thinking Kates may be a hysterectomy. I had a complete one, and it takes two weeks for the staples to come out. They do not want you doing anything either. Maybe in the hospital the whole time to spare her Paparazzi?
Interesting to note that Catherines progressed Sun is at 1degree of Pisces exactly where Saturn is now transiting !
Was waiting for this post. The sudden hosp matter with Katherine, you haven’t mentioned her chart Marjorie? I she not in this Pluto influence?..
You can take a look at the most recent Quesions & Comments for a few thoughts on the matter.
See post 9th January.