Ugur Sahin who along with his wife is credited with developing the new Covid vaccine for his German company BioNTech in coordination with Pfizer, hopes it will get life back to normal by next winter. He’s a billionaire entrepreneur and physician oncologist of Turkish origin who came to Europe as a four year old.
He was born 19 September 1965 and is a Sun Virgo in a confident square to Jupiter; a super determined Venus and Neptune, Mars in Scorpio; and most significantly his Sun and Mercury conjunct the Uranus Pluto conjunction in Virgo. Uranus Pluto is a ground-breaker and trailblazer and in Virgo, it was guaranteed to push back the frontiers in medicine.
Obviously there are other vaccine developers but his is the prominent name at present.
Looking back over the history of vaccination, starting with Edward Jenner, 17 May 1749 GC Berkeley, England, who pioneered the concept of vaccination and developed the world’s first – the smallpox vaccine – he was a Sun, Mercury, Venus in Taurus opposition Saturn in an innovative, experimental and self-willed square to Uranus in Aquarius; with his Uranus inconjunct Neptune.
Then there was microbiologist Louis Pasteur, 27 December 1822 2am Dole, France, Uranus who had his Sun, Neptune, Venus, Uranus all conjunct in Capricorn.
In the 20th Century American virologist Jonas Salk, 28 October 1914 7.30 am New York, was amongst the first to develop the polio vaccine. He had a marked Neptune opposition Uranus square a Scorpio Sun. Uranus is known as the torchbearer shining a light on new paths and Uranus Neptune is inspired, brings ‘eureka’ like epiphanies leading to new discoveries.
Salk like Sahin had the ultra-determined Mars in Scorpio so perseverance and the never-say-die spirit helps. Pasteur had similar with his Pluto sextile Mars.
The question is: this new vaccine will be effective or not??
It is “lauch” in eclipse time…not the best time!
Will see….
This is a corona virus (seasonal winter virus) with a 0.4 percent mortality rate, disproportionately affecting those over 80 living in care homes with 2or more co-morbid diseases. New Corona viruses emerge all the time, they take out the vulnerable, last a season or two and then there is herd immunity built up via our immune system in the summer. This coronavirus is less dangerous than swine flu. Anyone remember what happened to that fast tracked vaccine? Clue – a medical journalist exposed early trial failures in animals, but it had already been rolled out and caused narcolepsy in kids.
Dr. Yeadon was vice president of Pfizer-has some interesting things to say on his YouTube channel about the misrepresentation of “infections” and lock down measures in UK. He states that the pandemic was over in April.
There is no effective vaccine against the flu, it’s just supposed to tone down symptoms. Ditto this immunisation, 90 percent effective, they say, at raising immunity to reduce symptoms for a disease that 99.6 percent will recover from.
Wear a mask, wash your hands, cover mouth when sneezing. Take extra vitamin C during the flu season; whisky and OJ works well 😉 Get lpenty of sleep. All the stuff we’re supposed to be doing for covid anyways.
The wifes name is Özlem Türeci…
I think they’re amazing. It’s a shame Ugur Sahin and his wife Ozlem Tureci aren’t U.S. citizens instead – if they were, they would be the perfect medical research team to serve in Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s cabinet!
Anyway, the vaccine for Covid-19 is very encouraging news. I read that healthcare workers and possibly essential workers (retail, grocery, bank workers, etc.) will likely be the first to receive the vaccine once it’s been approved and distributed.
Some linguistics: Uğur in Turkish and Azerbaijani = luck, good omen. Possibly from the latin augur = omen -> good omen. “Migliori auguri” etc in contemporary Latin, the Italian language.
And some astrology. Wikipedia Turk: Doğum 29 Eylül 1965 under the photo, 19 Eylül 1965 in the text
Also “Prof. Dr. Uğur Şahin, 19 Eylül 1965” in Milliyet (https://www.milliyet.com.tr/gundem/ugur-sahin-ozlem-tureci-kimdir-nereli-korona-asisi-bulan-ugur-sahin-ve-ozlem-turecinin-hayati-6351300).
Anyway, I prefer the 19 Eylül. Sun-Mercury-Uranus-Pluto in Virgo sextile Mars-Neptune in Scorpio. This is bone-breaking BioNTech-nology.
Hi Margery.anf everyone, don’t forget Edward Jenner the Gloucestershire doctor responsible for smallpox vaccination, and of course Sarah Gilbert who was prepared for this pandemic with her prototype for Asro Zeneca’s Oxford vaccine.
Thanks Marjorie. Wonderful to see scientists in the news, and this couple are inspiring.
Edward Jenner’s vaccine for smallpox was developed decades after Lady Mary Wortley Montagu’s discovery of smallpox innoculation. She was living in Turkey, in 1717, where smallpox innoculation was already being practised in what was the Ottoman Empire. She introduced this practice to England. It’s interesting to see that, like Jenner, she’s a Taurus. 15th May, 1689 – with Uranus in Taurus (conjunct Sun) and Neptune in Pisces. Pluto in her chart opposes Pluto’s position now.
Thank you for this inspiring post, Marjorie. I wonder if the virus will mutate and different vaccines will be needed as is the case with the flu. Also, will we need to be vaccinated for Covid-19 every year for the rest of our lives?
Love this. Thank you. They are real heroes. My understanding is they are cancer doctors with a specialty in Immunotherapy which is usually a last resort, and have had success. Using skills from that for vaccine. Compassionate in Service Virgo.