“Trump taxes show chronic losses and years of tax avoidance” ran the New York Times headline as it claimed to have sight of Trump’s tax returns for the past 15 years. The revelations will damage Trump’s claim to be a successful businessman, capable of stewarding the US economy. He could be due a possible $100m bill if he loses a decade-long IRS audit battle. Plus other debts which are due to be repaid in coming years. There are also question marks about how his businesses have continued to function if they have constantly lost vast sums of money.
Trump’s astro-timeline below from a previous post. What is worth highlighting is his Solar Arc Saturn conjunct his slippery 2nd house Neptune, exact in a year’s time, though possibly in triggering earlier which was always going to have a poleaxing effect on his finances – a sharp reality check for evasive practices; with a highly-strung (nervous meltdown) Solar Arc Neptune opposition his 10th house Uranus, exact at the same time = reputation damaging. His Progressed Moon is moving into his 2nd house in the middle of 2021 to stay for two years plus, which always bring up cash concerns. Then he faces a grind-to-a-dead-halt, enraged and high-risk catastrophe by late 2022 with Solar Arc Mars square his Pluto; with 2023 being restricted every which way and feeling a very cold draught from Solar Arc Pluto square his Saturn. Plus a great deal of Neptunian dissolution from spring 2021 onwards.
The house of cards starting to topple, validating the acerbic description from years back by another businessman of Trump – “a con man with credit.” Another question being who supplied the credit – the Deutsche Bank et al revelations may fill in a few blanks.
His adult children, heavily involved in his businesses all look stressed ahead. Donald Junior has a completely-blocked, deprived and depressed Solar Arc Pluto square his Saturn now; a neurotic, panicky, uncertain tr Pluto square his Saturn/Neptune midpoint late this November to late December; and a scarily trapped tr Pluto square his Sun/Mars over this New Year and on and off through 2021. 2021 looks insecure, jangled, uneasy as he heads for another deprived, discouraging road block in 2023 from Solar Arc Saturn conjunct his Pluto.
Eric is looking forward to 2022 being his year of cataclysm with a hugely disruptive Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Uranus and Solar Arc Mars conjunct his Venus; with a nightmarish 2023/24 and even worse 2026.
Ivanka does have a bullishly upbeat tr Pluto square her Jupiter across the New Year and on and off through 2021; but she also has depressed patches making heavy weather of progress with major glooms from late February on and off through 2022 as well with tr Pluto square her Sun/Saturn midpoint; plus her slippery Venus Neptune in Sagittarius may well shake loose a few undermining secrets through 2021 as well as it comes under aspect from a run of tr Neptune squares. Her nadir looks to be 2022 with Solar Arc Pluto square her Mars which is trapped and scary; and 2023 with Solar Arc Saturn conjunct Uranus which will upset her applecart.
Methinks losing the election would be the least of their worries and even another WH stint wouldn’t protect him. It’s all going to build from now – but 2022/23 look to be the real disaster years for the Trump and family finances.
August 31 2020 post:
From 5th July he picks up the catastrophic tr Uranus square his Mars/Saturn midpoint, to which Ebertin ascribes accidents, illness or tests of nervous strength. At the same time he has the disruptive tr Uranus square his Pluto. Both keep running till late September, and return in April 2021 along with a blocked tr Saturn in opposition to both his Pluto and Mars/Saturn, and those run on and off till early 2022.
July 6 to August 18 he has the discouraging tr Pluto opposition his Saturn, returning late November till late December.
He will get some uplift mid August to late November from tr Pluto trine his Mars/Jupiter midpoint though that’s minor and it won’t outweigh the fraught tr Pluto opposition his Mars/Uranus running at the same time which will bring a struggle for survival and a real test of nerves, and the other influences.
He’s got an extended run ahead of Neptune transits which tend to lower energy and undermine ego-driven ambitions, and can also indicate underhand and deceptive tactics. He’s nerve-stretched at the moment and not thinking clearly with tr Neptune square his Sun/Uranus midpoint late April to late August. Tr Neptune squares Uranus/Node through September; and opposes his Progressed Moon over the election.
Into 2021 from late March 2021 tr Neptune squares his Moon and then his Sun, on and off till early 2023.
The June Lunar Eclipse this year will be opposition his Uranus for a shake up; and more significantly the December 23 Sagittarius Eclipse will conjunct his Moon and oppose his Sun.
A Solar Eclipse opposition a natal Sun usually brings a realisation of not always being right and needing to acquire a fresh perspective. A Solar Eclipse conjunct the Moon brings up the past and tests the foundations of life in a major way. It can bring public image under scrutiny. Robert Jansky says: ‘If society considers you a valuable person it will let you know.
Add On: I’ve been so focussed on the election and immediate aftermath I completely overlooked the cataclysmic state of Trump’s chart moving ahead.
In addition to the Neptunian low energy/low confidence swamp he moves into courtesy of transiting Neptune from next spring for two years he has a run of disastrous Solar Arcs. Mid to late 2021 his Solar Arc Saturn is conjunct his 2nd house Neptune which will bring a significant panic and rising neurosis possibly around his personal finances. In addition his has Solar Arc Neptune opposition his 10th house Uranus which may have a dissolving action on one of the planks of his career – and could also have a neurological component. Worse by far is Solar Arc Mars square his 12th house Pluto come late 2022, followed swiftly by Solar Arc Pluto square his Saturn, both of which are likely to run him into a dead-halt meltdown. These Solar Arcs are not dependent on his birth time – but what it does mean in the unlikely event of his re-election that he would almost certainly not see out the term.
Thank you Marjorie for all your analysis ⭐️
Of course the $73 million tax refund was due to Obama’s stimulus package. No-one was bothered about that until Trump won.
He owes over 400 million dollars to groups, individuals unknown. What a huge security risk.
According to Forbes Trump owes over a $1 billion and has a net worth of almost $3 billion.
Dan Alexander is good. However, as a writer for Forbes, he is careful not to bring out the key issue some other reporting uses to debunk Trump’s billionaire status, as estimated also by the publication he works for. This would cast too much shadow on how Forbes evaluates people’s billionaire status (hello, Kylie Jenner) on their list.
The key issue with Trump is that he tends to inflate his properties operating income to mislead lenders. WaPo’s David Farenthold in particular has been following this story for a long time. Unfortunately, much of his reporting is behind a paywall, but I think that he has written and spoken (at Trump Inc. podcast I keep coming back to) particularly about Jupiter, Doral and Chicago proprieties not making nearly as much as what Trump declares, and more likely running on a loss. Also, Dan Alexander doesn’t seem to even touch his foreign properties. Turnbell Golf Course in Scotland in particular is interesting, because Scotland requires more financial transpartity than The US. If you are on Twitter, author Adam Davidson has a very interesting theory, based on Scottish on how Trump Org. not only does inflate property values, but might lauder money. Which wouldn’t, of course, surprise anyone in New York, or those in Italy “in knowing” on how Silvio Berlusconi got his start (difference to Trump is that Silvio is, in fact, pretty bright, and managed to make a legit fortune from shady beginnings).
The Turnberry Golf Resort opened on 17 May 1906, acquired by Trump Organization in 2014. It’s founding chart makes a number of connections with Trump’s own natal chart. It’s Sun and BML squares his Mars, it’s Pluto at 21 Gemini conjuncts his Nodes, and Sun, and opposes his Moon. It’s Venus (money?) at 17 Gemini is conjunct Trump’s Uranus. So here comes slippery Neptune, which has already been transiting the Gemini stellium of this golf resort (Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Pluto, plus there’s mutable Saturn at 13 Pisces). Supposedly, they acquired the resort in order to develop land around it for luxury housing. Trump has claimed he is not in a hurry to do this, and has run (inevitably) into opposition anyway. I think there’s another Scottish golf course, plus one in Ireland. It is said the TO paid cash for Turnberry, and there’s talk of investigating this, I don’t know how far this has gone. Murky waters.
You guys will love CNN reporter poppy harlow being honest about new York times reporters really going back in time to get this stuff on trump,and how she would’ve shut down the interview with white house press secretary if he kept dissing the honest reporters and the us dnc,when the dnc had no role to play,and it was just honest reporting that make Bob cry tears of joy,that there are still honest media in america,maybe this why Trump is scared he won’t get a reelection treat in November,but a pink slip in his bag,as well as a road trip to hell along with his family really letting him have it for not really washing his mouth out with soap,instead of letting all his worse fears get out of his mouth,and contaminating his family for generations,I wonder what barron will really tell his father during the road trip,unless barron is kept out of the family fireworks his father has caused the Trump clan to unleash on don,and I’m sure happy trails won’t be on the radio either.
“Never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself.”-
Napoleon Bonoparte.
A fitting overview of this malignant man who has no redeeming qualities at all.
His fall on November 3rd is imminent.
Donald Trump and his odious ilk won’t be missed by any decent person.
The worst is yet to come after his ignoble defeat.
I also notice that Saturn goes stationary direct (dependent on time zones) today and tomorrow (28/29 Sept) at 26 Capricorn right on Trump’s natal Mars, 26 Leo in his 12th house. Saturn going direct in his 5th house.
Marjorie, I have no idea how to sum up in words the action planet in the house of secrets being challenged by the taskmaster. Just wondering, does the NYC breaking news report today, mirror Saturn going stationary direct today whilst squaring his Mars?
I’d say this is a good call. Saturn is, however, inconjunct, not square, to DJT’s Natal Mars,. Inconjunct is still a tense aspect too, but in a different way than square. With natal inconjunct, natives find it hard to access both planets’ energy at the same time. In transit, my experience is transiting planet drains energy out of the natal planet. My interpretation here is Trump finds it hard to access his “fighting spirit”.
Incidently, this transit last affected him from 5th house Capricorn in January-February 1991, just a month or two after he finalized his divorce with Ivana. She skinned him, and in fact, according to Mary Trump, that divorce was the base of his current financial hardships and alienated him from his siblings. 1996 inconjunct from Piscea was weeka before when he fired a bodyguard who he suspected was having sex with Marla Maples (reports say they were found together underneath a lifeguard stall April 14th 1996). He fired the bodyguard, but stayed with Maples for a year before separating and 2 years before divorcing her. Again, this was an expensive divorce, and might be the reason DJT has tolerated Melania’s rumored long time affair. Must be hard for a NPD person, though.
Thanks Solaia
Very interesting stuff indeed.
Sounds like ‘inconjunct’ is more challenging than a square because no matter what you want to do, the draining planet says ‘nope not today’? I’ll read up on this aspect some more.
@JenniferE, you can work it, if you can stay focused, but obviously, that has never been DJT’s strong point. Also, since the orb for a natal inconjunct is 3.5 degrees and for a transit not greater than 1 degree, it’s very passing influence, too. You could also find a Yod formation, two inconjuncts with base planets forming a sextile, helpful. I have a natal 11th house Leo Saturn inconjunct 5th house Capricorn Moon. When covid-19 restrictions hit, I realized my life didn’t change drastically, since my social life had been mostly online anyway after I had a child. And that has been fine with me. I also have a creative streak, and that too has always been an immense source of pleasure for me when my social life has been quieter.
Thanks for the additional info. Checked my chart and I have Moon in 9th inconjunct Neptune 4th house 2 degrees. How would you read that and which would be my focus. Very creative but vibe does really throw me off track and then I fight to get back on. Is that a fair description of what inconjunct can do ? Thanks for your informing feedback. So interesting!
Addition: While inconjunct transits are passing, losing concentration on these times may have longer standing effects. It came to my mind that Saturn-Mars is very accident prone, too.
Doesn’t the combination of Mars & Saturn here also signify the danger of a kind of cold cruel anger and the possibility of acrimonious ego disputes?
Marla Maples famously signed a pre nup that meant she got peanuts comparitively.
@Marina, yes, and that’s probably the case with Melania, too. We know why she “can’t” (quotation marks, because in reality, she obviously could, but leave. Marla may find this a blessing in disguise now, since she has adjusted her lifestyle. She is probably smarter with her investments than her ex-hubby is too, and so is Ivana. Not that she won’t have trying times coming, she has Sun and Venus in Scorpio about to be hit by a Saturn square, also 2nd Saturn Return and Moon in Aquarius receiving a direct hit. These are later in 2021-22, and could also signify other things, Saturn conjunct Moon is typically a time women have children and grandchildren, and Tiffany seems to be in a solid relationship, so grandmothering would make sense.
My point though, is it wasnt an ‘expensive divorce’. Fact checking is crucial to astrologys credibility.
@Marina, I never said Marla Maples divorce was expensive. It was humiliating to DJT for other reasons. She cheated on him. Now, find me a professionally diagnosed clinical narcissist (Mary Trump is a pro) who enjoys being publicly “made fool of” in that way, no matter how much they cheat themselves.
Losing money or “love” in itself isn’t a key to triggering tr. Saturn inconjunct “loss of vitality” in DJT. It is the narcissistic wound being ripped open by being exposed as “less”. Less a “ladykiller”, less a successful businessman, less a statesman than DJT has convinced himself to be. This is really not that difficult to see for people familiar with NPD and how it works.
Saturn is, however, inconjunct, not square, to DJT’s Natal Mars,. Inconjunct is still a tense aspect too, but in a different way than square. With natal inconjunct, natives find it hard to access both planets’ energy at the same time. In transit, my experience is transiting planet drains energy out of the natal planet. My interpretation here is Trump finds it hard to access his “fighting spirit”.
Well the first Presidential debate between Trump & Biden is tonight (Tuesday) Trump may perform badly and deflated
Thanks Marjorie
Seems like he has already cried ‘fake news’ but this would mean he is now between a rock and a hard place. Either show his taxes to prove that the news report is fake, or don’t show them and people will run with it.
I wonder what the less better off of his dedicated following are saying now they realize they are paying more taxes than him?
Crunch time!!
“I wonder what the less better off of his dedicated following are saying now they realize they are paying more taxes than him?“
I fully expect them to set up a GoFundMe page for their beloved leader.
Looool!!! Great answer 🙂
Like the GoFundMe set up for The Wall, the one that Bannon sucked dry.
Sadly, the most frequent comment I can see from the MAGAs I’m unfortunate enough to either live near or be related to (I’m in the Southern US) is “So?” or just utterly thrilled he “beat the system”. It’s a cult. I have no clue what could possibly shake their faith in him but it’s damned scary to see people I thought were sane fall under his spell. These are not unintelligent people but they can’t seem to understand the difference between taking advantage of available tax breaks and flat-out tax fraud and tax evasion.
@DG, yes, this definitely won’t shake DJT’s base, but he needs votes outside his base to win the Election.
I also think that the best “bubble burster” with DJT is boredom. People will become bored of him. This was ultimately what happened with Berlusconi in Italy. Most of his base didn’t abbandon him because of shady finances, or Bunga Bunga parties, but because they realized, during his prison sentence, that they could well do without him on TV, newspapers, even popular magazines all the time. Berlusconi is, by all accounts, smarter (something brought to my attention by podcast “Bunga Bunga” is that unlike Trump, he never did traditional “solo” press conferences) and more entertaining than Trump, but even his jokes got very old in 20 years. This is already happening with Trump – even Fox News can’t get ratings out of his appearances.
What’s more concerning to me are racism and sexism Trump has been tagging to. These won’t go anywhere, and there will almost certainly be someone trying to outTrump Trump when he will be gone (in Berlusconi’s case, this was Matteo Salvini). Not having this happen would require some sort of a “denazification” process.
The recent reuters news clip of him speaking to ‘fake news” did not endear compassion or support.
Hell of a way to start the week…
It is also important to note that SC Justice Kennedy’s son was a banker at Deutsche Bank who gave Trump loans – and once in power Trump and his team worked hard to get him to retire – wonder what the whole story there is
I feel like this run of revelations and influences could speak to his failing to secure that second term at all. The Presidency and the power it holds would insulate him from a lot of consequences, particularly the way he has wielded it.
This revelation last night is why I didn’t look at GOP charts re. SCOTUS nomination as planned. As someone who has been following Trump’s business end a lot (a great place to start is Trump Inc. podcast), not much of this surprised me. But now, it starts coming out. It shows serious legal liabilities not only DJT himself, but his entourage holds. They will inevitably turn on each other.
I read today that Brad Parscale, Trump’s ex campaign manager, now apparently an advisor is in hospital after threatening to harm himself. Police have sent a SWAT team to his home. The timing of this cannot be an accident, surely.
This article from July claims Trump hid $170m in campaign spending and that Parscale was the main enabler.
Virgoflake, yes. This is not the road I wish anyone to take. Hopefully Parscale pulls a “Michael Cohen”. He has been seen paying “officially” Lara Trump and Kimberly Guilfoyle for their work as surrogates, and I’ve suspected it’s through his companies Trump family receive money they use to fund their lifestyle.
Now, Fort Lauderdale police reports Parscale’s spouse bore bruises. So, here’s another wifebeater associated with Trump Campaign. I don’t put it beyond him he staged this in order to be unavailable. Florida has a suicide watch law (really a great thing) requiring observation after an attempt or threat.
For me Parscale just oozes dark and menacing vibes so the abuse of his wife comes as no surprise. Trumpian ‘Family Values’ no doubt.
He looked like a biker Don Jr. pulled out of a bar.
Thanks Marjorie – so much to think about here! And so much has been teetering on the edge of the abyss for what seems like forever. The actual Trump Tower in New York has it’s Saturn at 10 Scorpio (30 November 1983), so the transit of Uranus to Trump’s Pluto hits that as well, followed by Saturn in 2021. It’s Pluto is 0 Scorpio, squared by the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in December. Sounds a bit like something rocking the foundations of this visible vanity project in some way.
I agree that when, and if, we learn more about Deutsche Bank’s potential involvements a fuller picture should emerge. I noticed that it’s founding date chart, 10 March 1870, has Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Taurus (perfect symbolism!). It’s Sun/Mars in Pisces has the Neptune transit now and in 2021, with Pluto transiting the Capricorn S.Node of what? Chickens coming home to roost? Deutsche Bank has repricocity with a number of other banks around the world….so I imagine armies of forensic accountants may be needed to unravel it all.
“I agree that when, and if, we learn more about Deutsche Bank’s potential involvements a fuller picture should emerge. I noticed that it’s founding date chart, 10 March 1870, has Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Taurus (perfect symbolism!). It’s Sun/Mars in Pisces has the Neptune transit now and in 2021, with Pluto transiting the Capricorn S.Node of what? Chickens coming home to roost? Deutsche Bank has repricocity with a number of other banks around the world….so I imagine armies of forensic accountants may be needed to unravel it all.”
You know what’s also amazing? Deutsche Bank Jupiter/Pluto is 16′-17′ degrees Taurus. Uranus is going to hit these in June-July 2022. Per NYT reporting, there are US$ 420 million of Trump loans due in 2022. I’d bet much of this is with Deutsche Bank. This isn’t big enough credit loss to bankrupt a bank, but certainly not good PR, either.
That is really amazing! I just checked, and see that the Moon’s Nodes will also be aligned with Uranus, and during the summer Mars in Taurus joins them. Before then, Saturn in Aquarius in February 2022 may apply some pressure as well to those Deutsche Bank degrees, maybe highlighting electronic transactions. It’s interesting that all this Taurus symbolises money, but also property and land.
Well, just possibly we may yet witness the Fall of the House of Usher!
Deutsche Bank Jupiter/Pluto is 16′-17′ degrees Taurus. Uranus is going to hit these in June-July 2022.
Marjorie’s write up on SCOTUS Chart “highly uncertain in 2021” – yr Pluto square Neptune from 2021 to late 2022, and relationship Chart with Trump looks much worse from late April 2021 onwards tr Uranus return to square the composite Pluto: toxic hostile and seriously nasty.
Other then the potential cases brought on by trump that SCOTUS will probably get involved with, I wonder if more will come to light about the retirement of Justice Kennedy and his son’s role at Deutsche bank. It was reported that Kennedy had already lined up all his clerks for the next session and his departure was very sudden after a meeting at the WH. Speculation was that Kennedy’s son’s role at Deutsche Bank involvement with Trump’s loans may have been the reason for his sudden retirement. A potential scandal brought on by Trump’s dealings with Kennedy & his son at Deutsche Bank could really rock SCOTUS.
I’ll join you Jo, popcorn at the ready.
A couple of years ago an acquaintance told me that the revelation Trump feared more than anything, was the fact that he’s a crap businessman and skint.
Thank you.
I’m actually going to enjoy his catastrophic fall. Anyone care to take ringside seats with me with a big bag of popcorn? It’s only because it couldn’t happen to a more deserving, corrupted, evil person – I don’t care what political side they are on. If you are an indecent person doing deeply indecent things, you deserve to pay for it spectacularly. He is his own worst enemy and has tried and managed to destroy people to get where he has using extremely duplicitous means. The Trump Dynasty’s chickens are finally coming home to roost? Let’s hope so. We need 2021 to kick off far better than 2020.
I’ll also be taking a ringside seat. I suspect an awful lot of people will be looking forward to the massive retribution heading down the tracks for Trump and Co. A hard rain will fall on him and then hopefully on Steve Bannon and our very own Dominic Cummings as well, they are all implicated in election manipulation and malfeasance. The rats nest will
unravel and it will be explosive.
Well, Steve Bannon is on bail to be trialed in May 2021. The crimes he is accused of are more recent, but it will be easy to hear him if needed.
Pardon me?
Only if the popcorn has real butter and not too much salt… 😉
Trump must deeply regret his decision to run for president. Huge mistake. The Oval Office has turned out to be his Waterloo.