An unwelcome blast from the past hove into view this week with Tony Blair winding up a head of steam to step back into the UK political arena. Probably not to become a party leader or candidate but to play puppet-master and king maker for a centre-left and centre amalgam to replace the shambles of Johnson, given that Keir Starmer is unlikely to win a majority for Labour.
The scars of Iraq are too deep to allow for his personal re-entry, never mind his government’s woefully misconceived deregulation of EU immigration after 2004, which set the stage for voter resentment and thence for Brexit. But according to Andrew Neil, Blair was anchored at home during the lockdown and turned his messianic gaze on home politics, clearly reckoning he was the one chosen to bring about a transformation.
Born 6 May 1953 6.10 am Edinburgh, Scotland, Blair has a politician’s 10th house Moon, in his case in Aquarius conjunct a wedded-to-a-cause North Node also in Aquarius. He has an enduring Taurus Sun in his 12th square Pluto, so he will be controlling, dogged, stubborn and not good at letting go or owning up to mistakes – see Prince Andrew and Amber Heard with Sun opposition Pluto (below).
His Sun is also square his Moon opposition Pluto, thus sitting on the focal point of a Fixed T Square – giving him strong willpower which can be overpowering and making him arrogant, ego-centric and self-seeking, wilfully resistant to outside influences. He sees himself as a natural born leader.
He also has a hopes-for-a-better-society Saturn Neptune in Libra opposition Mercury Venus in Aries squaring onto an innovative, rebellious and obsessively-status-quo-upsetting Uranus. It can be a disruptive placing, even lawless; but if handled correctly can also be a catalyst for change and a trailblazer.
Finally he has a high-octane, exuberantly enthusiastic Jupiter in indulgent Taurus conjunct Mars, which can turn him at times into a ‘holy warrior’, justifying his anger/ambitions with a moralising veneer.
Saturn has moved an entire cycle since his rise to prominence as Opposition Leader in 1994; and he has just finished several years of pressure and confusion with his Solar Arc Pluto in hard aspect to his Neptune Saturn and Mercury T Square. Though his Solar Arc Sun has still to square his Saturn which will throw a few setbacks across 2023.
He also has tr Pluto crossing his Midheaven this year which usually begins a longish career-phase of many years, searching for renewed purpose and can coincide with an upsurge in ruthless ambition. Tr Pluto will trine his Jupiter in 2023/24 which will boost his confidence and probably bring success. And by 2025 tr Uranus will conjunct his Jupiter for lucky breaks. His Solar Return from birthday May 2024 for a year thereafter is certainly super-busy on the career front with Moon, Mars and Venus and Sun, Uranus, Jupiter in the 10th.
But he’ll have a few lurches before then from tr Uranus conjunct his Sun and square his Pluto over the next eighteen months and disappointments from Neptune transits to midpoints. Plus some upbeat good luck. His Sun/Moon midpoint the indicator not only of his marriage but also political popularity will be undermined in 2024/25.
His relationship chart with the UK which was always hair-raisingly bad, making his initial success mystifying has a T Square of Mercury opposition Uranus square Mars, Algol and Pluto. Certainly an agent of change through destruction who aroused intense reactions of extreme dislike. Tr Saturn will square those planets now into early 2023; and tr Uranus will upend them in 2023/24. What happens is anyone’s guess but he’ll be on the move, for sure, rocking a few boats.
Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, George W Bush and Joe Biden all have 12th house Suns.
People vote for the persona on the Ascendant and then find to their shock they’ve elected another character.
No-one knew of Blair’s inflexible messianic side in 1997. They thought they were electing a fluent charming Gemini.
Thank you (and the replies) for such a brilliant – and chilling – posting.
Oh God, Tony Blair again…sigh..my heart sinks. I wish he’d just crawl under a rock somewhere; never to be seen or heard of again. Does he not know how to let go!
He gave me the screaming hibigibees on first sight.Then immediately after being elected, there was that sleight of hand by the media re his affair with a journo at the beginning of his reign, Australia reorted on it, UK didnt, and it was only in the headlines for a day, and then vanished. And all the rest followed, the vulgarity the selling of Brit culture, the endless insincerity, the corniness and the criminal lust for war to burnish his reutatation etc. A marketeer.
“His Sun/Moon midpoint the indicator not only of his marriage but also political popularity will be undermined in 2024/25.”
Thanks Marjorie. Yes, I think he will certainly rock a few boats as you say. He seems to crave attention, and as a very wealthy individual has little to lose. Regarding his marriage, though, there have been rumours in the past about Carol Caplin, and then Rupert Murdoch’s ex wife Wendi Deng (spelling?).
Other rumours are a little more recent, but despite their persistence seem to be nailed down somewhere and don’t get published. Hard to know what to make of it, but more publicity for the politics will surely go hand in hand with more publicity around his private life, and perhaps some of the sources of his wealth. That solar return Pluto on the 7th, square Venus might be an indicator? There’s also an eclipse on his natal Sun this November. And one opposing it on his birthday next year.
I always wondered if he had a strong Gemini element in his chart. From across the pond, I occasionally saw PM Questions and noticed his stubborn, confident, and very fluent style of making his points. The kind of certainty that rallies supporters and infuriates opponents, but either way they’re talking about him! Not sure how much of that is him personally, or how much is the result of the kind of education he had.
He will have Pluto conjunct his North Node in the next few years which is a powerful placing. However, it demands the sort of death/rebirth experience involving deep critical self examination of the sort that Blair does not seem capable of achieving. I personally find his messianic view of his destiny much more dangerous, insidious and destructive politically than a here today and gone tomorrow idiot like Johnson. The Pluto in Aquarius period is also going to be a particular challenge to his Leo in Pluto birth generation as it is to the coming Pluto in Scorpio generation in politics. It is from the latter for good or ill where I think a lot of the future leaders of the U.K. are likely to come
A very interesting comment. Maybe the Pluto’s in Libra may come forward and take a more pragmatic view of leadership and voting. I think after Johnson, a period of calm, balance and reflection is needed. Incidentally I have spent my whole life under Plutonian rule, Sun conjunct Pluto on the IC, Midpoint Sun/Moon in Scorpio and Mars also conjunct Pluto. For me I am looking forward to Pluto in a positive way, as it can’t get much worse. I was taught Uranus was the higher mind, and Mercury the ordinary day to day mind by a Theosophist, not sure if this is correct? However, we could do with a few innovative thinkers and enlightened people around at the moment.
Dear Marjorie.
The Jupiter Uranus conjunction of 1997 transit had a lot to do with Blair getting a landslide victory right next to N Node and Moon and Diana’s death and funeral also prominent for him opposite the Leo sign of Royalty.
Uranus on his Sun now, and him making a comeback and Jupiter next year. Completely brilliant for him I feel.
Starmer is pathetic, Johnson is like an incurable disease so Teflon Tony is looking good. The Lib Dems can’t be trusted either after taking coalition office with the Tories, I won’t ever forgive that after voting for them for 2 decades.
What a choice!
The outside planets transits really do talk.