Tom Hiddleston – intellectual Aquarius

Actor Tom Hiddleston is on a roll now with increasing profile after Loki, Thor, War Horse, Midnight in Paris, various theatre awards for Shakespeare performances and most recently the BBC’s The Night Manager.

Born 9 Feb 1981 to a Scottish father and English stage-manager mother, he attended Eton and took a Double First in Classics at Cambridge.

He’s a Sun Aquarius sextile Neptune, widely square Uranus and trine Pluto; with Jupiter Saturn in Libra trine Venus in Aquarius and an Aries Moon. So very Airy, a thinker and communicator with a fiery streak. He’s got no Earth planets which might make me wonder whether the rumours about him being the next Bond would work out. He’s certainly very good looking but lacks the ruthless physicality of Craig and Connery.

His Solar Arc Pluto is conjunct his Uranus round about now and that plus tr Uranus opposition his Pluto from mid this year does suggest his life will be undergoing radical changes.

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