Myanmar – the winding road to democracy

Myanmar has elected the first civilian president for decades – Htin Kyaw – as a stand-in for Aung Sang Suu Kyi, whom the previous military regime had manipulated legislation to bar her from the post.

Born 20 July 1946, he’s a serious Sun Saturn in Cancer square a fair-minded Jupiter in Libra; with a passionate Venus Mars in Virgo. Tr Uranus is just opposing his Jupiter to give him the opportunity to lead his country. Though none of it will be easy given its economic state and the fact that the generals still control a fair amount of power.

He’s got the tough-slog and frustrating tr Pluto trine Mars in 2016/17; with an irritable tr Saturn also square Mars this year; plus a devastating Solar Arc Saturn conjunct Neptune this year as well.  2017/18 will be ratchety and high-tension with tr Uranus square Sun Saturn. Luckily he’s also got a couple of confident  Jupiter Plutos in there to keep hi pushing ahead constructively.

His Election chart for 11.30am (I think) 15 March 2016, has an idealistic Neptune conjunct the MC with a Mutable Grand Cross of Neptune MC Mercury opposition Jupiter North Node square Saturn opposition Moon. In fact apart from the Cardianl Uranus square Pluto, it’s all Mutable signs – which suggests scattered, blown around by prevailing circumstances, good intentions but not enough grit.

The Burma 4 Jan 1948 4.20 am Rangoon chart does have tr Jupiter now moving through the 10th house bringing confidence to a country that has seen much misery over the decades. Though Saturn moving into thew low profile first quadrant for seven year ahead suggests it will be a slow rebuild.

Htin Kyaw will be popular since his Jupiter is conjunct the Myanmar Libra Moon and his enthusiastic, hard working Venus Mars straddle the MC. But the relationship chart does indicate disappointment from mid this year and increasing pressures over the next three years with tr Uranus opposing the composite Sun and then tr Pluto squaring it.

One problem may be the second vice-president, voted in by the military bloc, ex-general Myint Swe, whose brutal crackdown on Buddhist monks in 2007 earned him a USA blacklisting.  Born 24 May 1951, he’s a Sun Mars in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries.  His relationship chart with Aung San Suu Kyi is starkly hostile with a composite Mars square Saturn Pluto. That chart is under chilly and undermining influences for the next two years, worsening in 2017/18.

President Htin Kyaw’s relationship chart with Myint Swe is a bad match of opposing beliefs with a composite Sun Uranus Mercury conjunction. There will be a blow out from late June onwards between them.

The road from dictatorship to democracy won’t be smooth despite the election result.

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