Todd Palin – a speed-freak Virgo

Todd Palin, husband of Sarah is in intensive care after extensive surgery for injuries sustained during a snowmobile crash. According to reports he has multiple broken and fractured ribs, a broken shoulder blade and clavicle, a collapsed lung and knee and leg injuries. Some years ago he was thrown 70 feet from his snowmobile, got a broken arm and still finished the race.

Born 6 September 1964, he has a chart fairly similar to that of Francois Delecour, the French rally driver, with a Virgo Sun Pluto Uranus and a Virgo Moon – both speed merchants on different terrains. Palin also has an excitable and enthusiastic Mars Venus in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus. So very Earthy and drawn to excitement.

Tr Saturn is squaring his Virgo planets this year which will be downbeat; with tr Neptune beginning several years in opposition to Uranus, Pluto, Sun – so not an easy time. Tr Uranus will also square his Mars from June this year till early 2018 which looks insecure, overly excitable and possibly chafing at the bit as the recovery to his injuries slow him down.

He’s a very different personality to his wife who is very Air, with Sun Mars Saturn and Moon Mercury all in Aquarius; and Venus Jupiter in Aries. He lives out the Earth and Water; and she lives out the Air and Fire.

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