Thomas Tuchel considered one of the best football managers has been named as the England team coach from 1 January 1925. He is described by one commentator as ‘an impressive, if abrasive, personality with a reputation as an outstanding tactician.’
Born 29 August 1973 Krumbach, Germany, no birth time, he has a singular, complex and determined chart. His Virgo Sun and Mercury are sextile Saturn and trine Mars in earthy Taurus; as well as being square a visionary Neptune. His Pluto is in an unrelenting square to Saturn and a confident trine to Jupiter.
What marks his chart out in addition are three yods. Neptune sextile Jupiter inconjunct Saturn; Saturn sextile Sun Mercury inconjunct Jupiter; and Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct Mars.
What a complicated mix of opposites.
His start chart of 1 January 2025 is not too encouraging with a frustrated/trapped Mars opposition Pluto – and an up-and-down Mercury opposition Jupiter square Saturn.
Tr Neptune Saturn into Aries will give him problems into 2026 as it undermines his Pluto and Saturn but he’ll respond with bullish confidence as tr Pluto is conjunct his Jupiter.
Thanks Marjorie, those yods are indeed intriguing. It will be interesting to see the effect of trNeptune and trPluto hard aspects on those focal planets
Thomas Tuchel’s biwheel for startup is very impressive. It gives him
Mercury and Pluto along the Asc/Desc. axis, him vs opponents.
Ebertin describes this axis as…”good powers of observation, a quick
grasp of every situation, intellectual triumph over others crafty sublety.”
He truly is a tactician. Click on biwheel link and enlarge with magnifier.
Thank you Marjorie! He’s a clever man with a sense of humour, which he’ll need I suspect….was interested to see his Mercury in Virgo – precise with words, and the tactics of the game? Anyway, we shall see. Possibly hopeful, with his Mars fairly close to UK Mars in Taurus. Not that I nurse any hopes of World Cup glory, but I think he’ll do his very best.
As long as he stops them skulking around in defence, it will be an improvement!
Hahaha! Yes, agree, although German football tends towards the defensive. Another Virgo like Gareth Southgate, but possibly this one is more in touch with his Mars square Jupiter than Gareth was with his. I just want someone to stop me shouting ‘pass the ball’ at the tv……
@Jane@Martha : Me too! And to stop goalie’s long throws into arms of their defence! Mars Jupiter blue spots whatever, fingers crossed. His interview showed the qualities mentioned in Martha’s analysis and what bigger prize could there be for a German to enable England to win the World Cup?! I’m so old I can remember 1966 not that I bothered to watch it, but have since been colonised. I’d really like not to hear about it again. Let’s hope.
Thank you Marjorie