What a relief, the UK has a new PM – a hand on the helm, maybe not everyone’s cup of tea, but an experienced presence is better than a vacuum. Theresa May will be anointed sometime on Wednesday afternoon, which is the second relief, that she’s not taking up the reins around that really sticky September Eclipse.
There’ll be a Scorpio Moon; with a Cancer Sun, sextile Jupiter and trine Mars which is confident and positive; Jupiter trine Pluto which is also beneficial. And the Sun opposition Pluto square Uranus, which suggests a fairly crisis-laden term – though may also point to a break from the past since she’s been firm up till now that Brexit means Brexit. Plus Neptune opposition North Node square Saturn which could be wobbly, scattered, cool, self-righteous.
Her relationship chart with Angela Merkel, although a bit comme ci comme ca – friendly and fiery, could be worse. Both have obsessively conscientious Saturn in Scorpio and TM’s Libra Sun is conjunct AM’s MC from the 9th.
Francois Hollande will flirt with her (can’t help himself) with a friendly Sun Venus composite conjunction; though there’s also an explosive, no compromise Mars opposition Uranus as well, which is similarly on Merkel’s relationship with her.
Jean-Claude Juncker will try power-playing with her and blocking, but she’s made of tough stuff.
The worst relationship chart she has is with Hillary Clinton – a hostile, jealous Pluto opposition Node square Mars; with a disappointing, evasive composite Sun Neptune; and a cool Saturn Venus in a tense square to Uranus.
Her relationship to Barack Obama isn’t that wonderful – a fight for control, but it’s better than BO with Cameron, and he won’t be around too much longer.