At the risk of overkill on Algol there is a pertinent example from the rarefied world of covetous and cosseted celebrities. Robert De Niro has been fighting a bitter divorce battle with his ex-wife Grace Hightower, with both accusing the other of extravagant spending habits. His lawyer described her demands as “rich with indulgences and waste and greed”. A judge has now ruled she is not entitled to half of his income though she’ll get $1 million a year alimony plus a $6 million house so she won’t be out on the sidewalk.
Both have Mars in Taurus conjunct Algol – in his case square a 2nd house (financial) Leo Sun. In her case without a birth time on a 12 noon chart, she has her Mars Algol in a ferocious T square opposition Saturn square a controlling Pluto in her financial 2nd house – which seems plausible. Why they ever married is a mystery but they almost certainly deserve each other.
Money is not much mentioned around Algol which is odd given its position in Taurus though in Arab and Chinese systems the constellation of Perseus does govern the finding of treasure and accumulation of wealth.
Below is a rerun of an April 23 2021 post on the witless de Niros.
Robert De Niro, one of the all-time Hollywood greats with a string of awards for his nine Martin Scorsese movies including The Godfather, Taxi Driver, The Deer Hunter, Raging Bull, Cape Fear, The Unotuchables as well as Wag the Dog, Silver Linings Playbook etc has gone noticeably off track over the past two decades with a string of clunkers – Meet the Fockers, Meet the Parents, Dirty Grandpa – and lame TV adverts for a breadmaker and a car company. His lawyer now claims he is “working at an unsustainable pace” in order to support his about-to-be-ex-wife Grace Hightower and pay off all his back taxes. Her lawyer retaliated that he had been “unfairly decreasing” the agreed-upon payments including cutting her credit-card expenses from $461,000 a month to “just” $127,000 from January.
He hooked up with Hightower in the late 1990s with a two year marriage which split and got together again in 2004 which more or less coincides with his downturn and bad career choices.
He was born 17 August 1943 3am New York and has a 2nd house Leo Sun square Mars in Taurus conjunct Algol; with Jupiter Pluto and his North Node in Leo in his 2nd. Money will always have been a driving force in his life with a strong tendency to profligacy and gross indulgence when it comes to spending with no limits and, on the evidence, less inclination to save for tax.
What is astro-intriguing is his ex-Grace, born 7 April 1955, also has Mars in Taurus conjunct Algol in an extraordinarily difficult, stubborn-to the-nth-degree, and hard edged opposition to Saturn square Pluto. Her Pluto is conjunct his 2nd house Sun so she will be drawn to controlling him financially. But if ever two people should never have got hitched they are it. Their relationship chart does have an affectionate composite Sun opposition Venus with a passionate Venus trine Pluto so there would have been an attraction which ended in disappointment with a composite Sun trine Neptune. But it’s that stand out Mars Algol which has obviously wreaked destruction on their relationship and his judgement.
When the couple finally split four years ago tr Neptune was conjunct his Pisces Moon and starting to move round his T Square of Mercury Venus squaring onto Saturn and that won’t clear till early 2024 after an uncertain tr Neptune square his Saturn is finished. In 2018 as well tr Uranus just into Taurus was aiming to square his Pluto and Jupiter which he’s not in the midst of. Tr Saturn is just into his 8th till April 2023 which will be tight financially (comparatively speaking) – and tr Saturn square tr Uranus is also tugging on his extravagant Jupiter Pluto in Leo this year.
It’s an unedifying divorce spat which has left the judge unimpressed. He said: “I want to get these parties divorced – to go their separate ways. They will still come out of this richer than almost any human being who walks this earth. There is nothing ordinary about these expenses. For 99.9999 per cent of the world, these are extraordinary to an almost unimaginable degree.”
It’s not clear that De Niro can untarnish his legacy any time soon with tr Neptune heading to conjunct his Midheaven between now and 2024.
Hollywood at its worst.
Thanks Marjorie – Wow! Her credit card expenses were cut from £461,000 to £127,000! Eye watering to say the least. How will his ex wife survive?
Can you talk about Algol ? I have it conjunct Jupiter in 10th . Jupiter is part of triangle with Moon and Sun. 90
degree to Saturn .
Many Aries born people have Venus in Taurus…..
Cher once acidly remarked, “A fool and his money are soon married.”
Robert’s ex-wife Grace appears to be a very greedy woman.
Oddly enough, I knew a few Aries-born men and women and they were obsessed with money and flashy items of luxury. Having said that, many born under that sign are also very kind and generous people.