Terry Jones – quirky and offbeat wit


Surreal comedian Terry Jones, a driving force behind Monty Python’s Flying Circus and the movie The Life of Brian, has died. He was the most scholarly of the Pythons, writing books on Chaucer, presenting History Channel documentaries about gladiators, the crusades and barbarians. He was born 1 February 1942 11am Colwyn Bay, Wales with a bank clerk father. At Oxford University he met Michael Palin and started his performing career, which after Python success led onto directing two of the movies.

In 2005 he left his wife of 26 years to live with and eventually marry a Swedish student, who was 41 years his junior. In recent years he suffered from frontotemporal dementia that impaired his ability to communicate.

He was a charming and eccentric 11th house Sun Venus in Aquarius opposition a Leo Moon and Pluto in the performing 5th house with his Sun Venus in a confident trine to Jupiter as well. Certainly intense, attention-grabbing but never entirely sure what he wanted with a Full Moon and not an easy temperament. His Sun was also in a full-on, upfront square to Mars in heavyweight Taurus; with Saturn Uranus also in Taurus in an outspoken square to his Mercury and in a creative trine to Neptune.

He had erratic Uranus and extravagant Jupiter in his financial 2nd house, which led him to rollick through the Python millions forcing him latterly to agree to a stage appearance in 2014 for money which turned out to be an embarrassment.

Michael Bentine of the Goons, who preceded Monty Python in off-the-wall humour, was also a Sun, Venus and Mercury in Aquarius – 26 January 1922 3am Watford, England..

3 thoughts on “Terry Jones – quirky and offbeat wit

  1. Best writer of the bunch, by far…

    They only showed “Monty Python’s Flying Circus” in their entirety here in the 1990’s, around the time Michael Palin visited Finland in his “Pole To Pole”, because the jokes there had flewn over heads in the early 1970’s. Therefore, tailend GenXers here have an almost unique generational experience based on listening to Nirvana and Pearl Jam and watching “Monty Python” after school. I say almost, there was a youth exchange program my school was part of, and a friend discovered this was a very, very popular show in newly democratic Hungary, at least in Budapest. This was with Saturn in Aquarius.

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