With Donald Trump’s seemingly unstoppable upward trajectory perhaps de-railed, thoughts are beginning to turn to Ted Cruz as a GOP possible candidate. Cruz is Tea Party hard-right – against abortion even for rape or incest, wants to slash funding for Planned Parenthood, against LGBT, is pro-death penalty and pro-gun, doesn’t believe in man-made climate change, doesn’t believe in the divide between Church and State and thinks Christians can’t be terrorists, likened Obama to Hitler for promoting health care. Senior GOP-ers dislike him, describing him variously as a ‘whacko bird’, a ‘jackass’ and not having any friends.
Born 22 December 1970 in Calgary, Canada with a possible birth time of 1am, he’s a Sun Capricorn square Pluto in late Virgo; with both Sun and Pluto in aspect to his Mars/Saturn midpoint – so controlling and tough-minded. He’s also got Saturn in stubborn Taurus in a cold, unkind opposition to Mars Venus in Scorpio; with Jupiter also in Scorpio conjunct Neptune. He’s undoubtedly ultra-determined, not a man for turning, and is evidently exceptionally bright which would fit with a 3rd house Sun.
He’s got pluses and minuses this year. Tr Pluto is trine his Saturn throughout 2016/17 which is heavy going, can be discouraging. But he’s got support from tr Pluto sextile his Venus and Mars/Jupiter midpoint at the moment and returning over the Inauguration in 2017 – they will bring popularity, a charm offensive (Cruz style) and confidence. If his birth time is accurate then tr Uranus will trine his Solar Arc MC around the election which will bring a positive change of direction. And his December 2016 Solar Return located to Washington, DC has Jupiter in the 10th and Sun in the first – so successful and centre of attention. Plus tr Jupiter will move across that Ascendant from late September which is usually good news.
But he’s got a disappointing, dashed-hopes tr Neptune square his Sun/Jupiter and tr Saturn conjunct Sun/Jupiter in June; plus an unnerving tr Uranus square Saturn/Pluto in late May/June and September.
There are always mixed influences running into elections since it is such a rigorous marathon of a process so tricky to see what is just wear and tear and what could keep them afloat.
His bid chart, 23 March 2015 has a pro-active and steady Aries Sun trine Saturn; with a ruthless Pluto square Mars; and an ‘outsider’ but confident Yod of Pluto sextile Uranus inconjunct Jupiter. Jupiter will have moved by Solar Arc in November to make the Yod exact. As ever this can be a two edged sword – overly self-righteous and self-aggrandizing, which can backfire. But with tolerance, it offers a potential for gaining great influence over society.
His bid chart also shows up late May/June as a critical time, bringing insecurity and over-reaction. If he can get over that mid year hurdle it’s not beyond the bounds of possibility that he may just do it.
Another internet astrologer says Ted Cruz is a Scorpio in Capricorn clothing. Judging from your
analysis, that sounds about right. Thanks for your very revealing post.