Syria – Assad in a life-changing crisis

Syria pushed down the agenda recently because of other Middle Eastern tensions may become a pressing issue again with the EU electorate increasingly resistant to any uptick in immigrant refugees. Tiny Lebanon, which has been overwhelmed with millions of Syrian refugees since the uprising against Assad in 2011, is at the end of its tether and has recently seen an increase in migrant boats heading for Cyprus and Italy.

 The best solution to relieve the pressure would be an engagement with Assad in the hopes of settling the internal situation. But that seems a faint hope.

  Assad’s Presidency 17 July 2000 has survived brutal challenges in recent years with tr Pluto opposition the Mars, North Node and Sun in Cancer and is heading for a different set of disruptions in the next two or three years. This year there is an uncertain, panicky Solar Arc Neptune square the Saturn. From mid 2025 tr Uranus will conjunct the Saturn for a period of high-tension and eruptions; with an applecart-upsetting Solar Arc Sun opposition the Uranus in 2026. Plus tr Pluto conjunct the Neptune and opposition Venus in 2026/27.

 Assad’s personal chart, 11 September 1965, no birth time, is moving through a critical – life-changing – phase with his Solar Arc Sun Pluto Uranus conjunction crossing over his natal Mars Neptune conjunction in Scorpio – which will bring a shed load of problems, aggravations, challenges, and disappointments. This year looks caged, trapped and high-risk; 2025 looks agitated, insecure and undermined and so on till 2028.

  On top of his political and geopolitical pressures and risk from understandably disaffected Syrians, he is also coping with his wife’s leukaemia diagnosis following her breast cancer a few years back. Asma Assad was born 11 August 1975 and is looking rattled with tr Uranus conjunct her Mars from this August onwards into 2025. Their relationship chart, which is a stressed at the best of times is on alert right through this year and next from sudden Uranian jolts as well as the late Virgo/Pisces eclipses in late 2024/25 exerting pressure on their joint influence.

 Bashar Assad’s relationship chart with Syria 1 January 1944 is in for a severe shake up from this June onwards through till early 2026 with tr Uranus square the Mars and then Pluto. There may be repercussions from the Middle Eastern instability across this summer which extend on.

4 thoughts on “Syria – Assad in a life-changing crisis

  1. Thanks Marjorie. Re the repercussions you mention, and the instability of the whole region, I thought it was worth revisiting April 2023 and your post on Sudan. Terrible things are happening there, which have been under-reported, to say the least.

    “Richard Kemp in the Telegraph suggests: “Sudan may be just the first African nation to implode under Russian influence. In the Central African Republic, Mozambique, Libya and Mali, Russian mercenaries have worked to reinforce existing conflicts, prop up despotic regimes, suppress efforts towards democracy, loot natural resources, secure strategic advantage for Moscow and drive out Western influence. The forces unleashed by their efforts will not be easily contained.”

    Sudan, 1 January 1956, does have the devastating and confused tr Pluto square Neptune exactly now and throughout 2024, with tr Pluto moving on in 2024/25 to upend the Uranus as well. Plus an explosive tr Uranus opposition Mars from this June, running on in a highly disruptive opposition to the Saturn and square Pluto in 2025/26. There’s nothing to suggest a peaceful truce anytime soon.”

  2. Thank you for writing about this, Marjorie. I live in Jacksonville, Florida. We have the 10th largest Arab-American community in the United States. The overwhelming majority of Arab Americans in my city are of Christian Palestinian, Lebanese Maronite, and Syrian heritage and many of them have roots here in Jacksonville, Florida going back to the 1890s (when many Lebanese, Syrian, and Greek immigrants settled here) while still maintaining contact with extended family back in Syria to this very day. Even my city’s Mayor is of Syrian heritage and many members of Jacksonville, Florida’s high society are of Syrian origin.

    So, while the other parts of the world have become less focused on the humanitarian crisis in Syria in recent years, this is an issue that has never disappeared from our radar here in Jacksonville, Florida. The Syrian community here continues to stay involved and bring awareness.

    I have many friends here who are of Syrian heritage (some originally from Syria and some who were born and raised here) and one thing we all agree on: we cannot stand Assad or his government. He’s abused and tortured his own people for so many years now.

    So, reading this astrological reading gives me hope that maybe Karma will find him and maybe the millions of innocent people who’ve suffered under his reign of terror will get some closure one of these days.

    Just another quick side note I’d like to share (hopefully nobody minds): the Syrian community here in Jacksonville, Florida have been very kind and supportive of the small Ukrainian immigrant and refugee community in this city. Many Syrians here have donated cloths and money to Ukrainian refugees, some have offered to host Ukrainian families, and I’ve also noticed many Syrian-American businesses in my city have Syrian flags (the opposition flag) hanging next to Ukrainian flags.

    Many Syrians here say they can relate to Ukraine because Assad and Putin are working together and both dictators have inflicted the same misery on both Ukraine and Syria.

    • Interesting insight, Chris. I had no idea about the prominence of the Arab-American community in Jacksonville. My own city of San Diego also has a large Middle Eastern/Arab/Muslim community, one of the largest in the US, particularly Iraqi Chaldeans, who are right-wing Christians, plus growing numbers of Muslim refugees, especially from Somalia and Afghanistan. This is despite the punishingly high cost of living in San Diego.

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