Stephen Moyer – a lively Libra with a dark side

Stephen Moyer



‘True Blood’ star Stephen Moyer was born 11 October 1969 at 3pm Brentwood, England (AstroDataBlog). He started in theatre including the Royal Shakespeare, then moved into movies and television with the long-running horror TB sealing his reputation.

He has a 9th house New Moon Jupiter in Libra square Mars in Capricorn – so focussed, lucky, confident, impulsive, likes to travel, lives abroad. A 10th house creative Neptune conjunct his Scorpio MC certainly fits him for the film business. He has a packed 8th house with a charismatic and dark Pluto Venus in Virgo with Pluto conjunct Mercury in Libra which in turn is conjunct Uranus. And Uranus is square Mars – so powerfully intense, dangerous, reckless and able to project quite an aura, which is often the case with actors.

He’s not having his best year with Solar Arc Neptune conjunct his Mars but that is nearly finished.  Tr Pluto is square his Jupiter in 2016/17 which will make him bullish and go-ahead; though tr Pluto square his Sun and then Moon from 2017 for three years will be a challenging and testing time, at work as well as emotionally.

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