Stanley Kubrick – from school dunce to cinema legend



A lost Stanley Kubrick screenplay has come to light in the possession of a schoolchild friend and music composer for five of his movies Gerald Fried. Fried said in an interview that Kubrick, famously known as tight and a control-freak, didn’t pay him for his first score.

Kubrick is known as possibly the greatest and most influential director in cinema history for A Clockwork Orange, Dr Strangelove, 2001: Space Odyssey, The Shining amongst others.

Born 26 July 1928 1.41 pm (unverified) New York, he did badly at school but developed an interest in stills photography and went to work for Look magazine where he was known for his story-telling abilities.  No one expected him to be a director since he was shy and diffident but he gradually moved into making shorts and then full-length films.

He was a Sun Venus in Leo in a confident square to Jupiter in Taurus; and in an inspirational Fire Grand Trine to Saturn in Sagittarius trine Uranus. So he would be an innovator, a risk-taker, attention-demanding and serious about his craft. He also had a determined Mars in Taurus opposition an intense Scorpio Moon square a 10th house Neptune in Leo – on this birth time, though it may be wrong and it doesn’t look overly likely given his temperament. An associate described him as “a very dark, sort of a glowering type who was very serious”. But anyway it was an emphasised Neptune, suiting him for film and photography, images and fables.

His ‘world-class’ 22nd Harmonic and influencer 17th harmonic were both strong though stressed, with undertones of anger and violence. His genius/breakthrough 13H was also well aspected.

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