Julia Roberts – a Saturnine Scorpio



Julia Roberts, the film darling of the 1990s with smash hits like Pretty Woman and Nottinghill, has retreated into domesticity and motherhood in recent years, making occasional films and has been persuaded to make the crossover into television like many big names. She said it was watching BBC’s Peaky Blinders that made her realise that grown-up TV had turned a corner into an arena that attracted her.

She’s starring in Homecoming, a new Amazon drama series about a former caseworker forced to revisit her years working with returning soldiers.

She was born 28 October 1967 12.16 am Atlanta, Georgia with theatrical parents who divorced, her mother married an abusive second husband and her father died when she was ten. So a fractured childhood.

She has a 4th house Scorpio Sun on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine to an exuberant Jupiter in Virgo trine Mars in Capricorn  – she’ll be doubly private with a Scorpio Sun and in the 4th house which makes her want to be deeply rooted in her own protected space. Her flamboyant Leo Moon squares Neptune; and she has a decidedly difficult Yod of Jupiter sextile Sun inconjunct a forced-to-be-self-reliant Saturn in Aries. It takes real maturity to get the best out of such a Saturn. On top of which her Saturn squares Mars, hinting at her dislike of her step-father and his cruel treatment of her; and leaving her with a fairly short temper.

Her Venus is conjunct Uranus Pluto in Virgo so she’ll be emotionally changeable and then some.

She’s had a chequered relationship life in the past, including one brief marriage to a country singer and has been married to cameraman Danny Moder since 2002. Born 31 January 1969 he’s a Sun Aquarius which isn’t an easy match with Scorpio but his Sun falls in her 7th house of close relationships; and his Venus in Pisces and Cancer Moon will help to give an emotional connection.

Their relationship has an affectionate and passionate Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Pluto T Square; with a lively and argumentative Mars perhaps trine Moon trine Saturn. It’ll have been through its ups and downs but appears to be holding at the moment.

She’s moving into a hard-working few years ahead, becoming more visible and sociable.

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