Spain General Election re-run – far-left pulling together



It isn’t just the UK EU referendum which is worrying Brussels, the Spanish General Election due on June 26th could also drop a bombshell on their lap. The non-result in last year’s election with no coalition agreed has seen months of a caretaker government. Now the left and far-left parties have joined in a united front against the former ruling People’s Party, led by Mariano Rajoy.

The Spain, 22 Nov 1975 12.45pm chart, has a 10th house Neptune at 11 Sagittarius which has tr Saturn conjunct and tr Neptune square late this month. So not a result which will inspire the country’s confidence.

The Bank of Spain, 2 June 1782, has an 11 degree Gemini Sun and the Madrid Stock Exchange, 20 Oct 1831, has Saturn at 11 Virgo – and they are also suffering from an all-round financial panic.

Alberto Garzon, 9 Oct 1985, and Pablo Turrion, 17 Oct 1978, are the main leaders of the new party, both communist in background. Both charts look marginally disappointed on the day itself, but definitely on the upswing through July.

Mariano Rajoy, 27 March 1955 12 noon Santiago di Compostela, looks confused and uncertain this month with tr Pluto conjunct his Sun/Neptune into mid July. He’s not a man to budge easily with Mars Moon in Taurus opposition Saturn square Pluto. But he now has tr Neptune just across his MC into his 10th for years to come which is usually not ego-supportive for political ambition; with tr Uranus moving into his 11th next year shifting his future plans considerably.

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