Troubled Irish singer Sinead O’Connor appears to be having a major mental meltdown, after disappearing for a day and thought to be suicidal and then letting off a rant on facebook about her first husband.
She was born 8 December 1966 in Dublin with an unattributed birth time of 7.37 am (astrotheme). This gives her a highly Mutable chart of Uranus Pluto in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces square Venus Sun in Sagittarius. An excess of Mutable can make for a highly strung, disorganized temperament. Sun Venus Pluto will make her emotionally intense and possessive. Sun Venus Uranus will make her feel abandoned as will Saturn, and she’ll also be erratic and unpredictable in her moods.
That opposition is also sextile/trine Neptune Mercury in Scorpio in the 12th – wedges are tricky to balance so the focal point planet(s), in this case Neptune Mercury, will tend to act in a lop-sided way.
Her late Libra Moon (if BT accurate) is unaspected apart from a sextile to Venus and a quincunx to Saturn so she’ll find it difficult to express her feelings in an integrated way.
Her Mars in Libra is conjunct her MC and conjunct her Uranus giving her an ambitious streak but also a tendency to flare up angrily when she feels insecure.
Not surprisingly she’s had a chequered emotional life with four marriages (I think) and four children with different fathers, none of whom live with her, the youngest is in care with an Irish family agency.
At the moment tr Saturn is moving below her Sagittarius Ascendant through her first quadrant which is often when public figures go into a lower profile phase; and is also a time when unresolved psychological issues emerge to be addressed.
She does have her Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct her Uranus, almost exact now, which should bring luck and relief but it may be Jupiter’s amplifying effect that has sent her Mutable T Square into hyper-mode. In addition she has the undermining Solar Arc Mars conjunct her 12th house Neptune, exact in a few weeks’ time, which could be exacerbating her mental problems.
A sad life and sad for her kids.
Yes her mother was very cruel and saddistic. She had a really terrible childhood. Shes very strong to have lived this long.
I question the birthtime too!
After watching her interview with Dr Phil, She HAS to be moon in Scorpio. No Libra. Probably born sometime around 7 pm.
given her (brutal) childhood. i really expected her to have something in the 4th house.. uranus or perhaps mars etc..???
i think its worth checking other birth times