Simone Biles – a stunning comeback

The wondrous Simone Biles has recovered from her wobbles at the Tokyo Olympics to triumph in Paris with an astonishing display of gymnastic prowess and grace. A commentator said, “What is gymnastics exactly? Performance art? Hard-edge competitive sport? At one point in her balance beam routine Biles did an insane triple backflip (repeat: on a thin, square bar) like a wheel rolling down an incline, one of those moments where she seems to turn the entire event into something else, movements that are strange, liquid, and basically unlike any other human on the planet.”

 This is her fifth gold medal and only the start of her “redemption tour” with more events to come in this Olympics.

  In 2021 she pulled out of several events in Tokyo three years ago with the ‘twisties’ – a disorientating mental block; and took two years out before returning last year with the Olympics in her sights.

 What is all the more extraordinary about this 4ft 8 inches athlete/dancer is her background.

 She was born 14 March 1997 6.02am Columbus, Ohio, with a drug and alcohol addicted mother whose four children went into care. Simone and one sibling were rescued by her grandparents, who despite their modest circumstances indulged her drive to succeed. The two other siblings were taken in by other relatives.

 She has a 1st house Sun, Mercury, Venus and South Node in Pisces in her 1st house opposition an assertive Mars in Virgo in her 7th. She also has a talented Half Grand Sextile of Pluto opposition a 3rd house Gemini Moon sextile/trine a self-reliant Saturn in Aries and an adventurous, risk-taking, lucky Jupiter Uranus in Aquarius. His Mars is in a publicity-attracting trine to a final degree Neptune in Capricorn.

  Pisces will give her grace and fluidity and with Mars added in a dash of zest. Her Half Grand Sextile is intense with Moon Pluto, gritty and persevering/used to tough conditions with Pluto trine Saturn,  with a positive-thinking-streak from Jupiter Uranus. It is worth noting that her Mars is retrograde and will stay that way for another 17 years by progression.

 When her mental block occurred at Tokyo  tr Neptune in Pisces was conjunct her Sun and worse tr Saturn in Aquarius was conjunct her upbeat Jupiter – both undermining the crucial elements of her success.

  A good news story.

 Her get-it-together 5th harmonic shows immense ambition. Her ultra-determined 16th harmonic is marked. Her global superstar 22nd harmonic emphasises Jupiter and Uranus.  

9 thoughts on “Simone Biles – a stunning comeback

  1. Just seen the documemtary about her on Netflix – Rising – which follows her preparations for the Paris Olympics and in which she talks candidly about herself and her mental struggles. Such an appropriate title. A true athlete and an inspiring person. Well worth seeing. As Marjorie says, a good news story for once.

  2. A truly fantastic athlete who is a joy to watch.

    Interesting to note that her Jupiter at 11 Aquarius echoes a previous observation I seem to remember Marjorie making about athletes having strong mid Aquarius placements.

    • Simone Biles has Moon in Gemini, flying through the air. While Katie Ledecky has Moon in Cancer charging the water. Moon Pluto often indicates disruption in family.

  3. Just been watching the Olympic swimming and Katie Ledecky, who is generally considered to be the greatest female swimmer of all time, is born three days after Biles. She’s just won her 8th Olympic gold

  4. I have a granddaughter who’s a professional ballerina who has Mars in Pisces in the 11th. When Neptune conjoined this Mars she injured her foot and she tried every therapy going, including my own best professional efforts with no success. But as soon as Neptune moved off her Mars she found an orthopaedic therapist who healed the foot immediately. She’s since been dancing with companies in Barcelona, Dublin and Toulouse. She has a prominent Saturn conjunct her Gemini Ascendant trine her Mercury, Neptune conjunction and Uranus all in the Aquarius in the 10th, with the Saturn also in trine to her Aquarius Midheaven. This Saturn helps her with her stamina and describes her hard working nature. I await the forthcoming Pluto transit which will conjunct her Midheaven next year with some trepidation, but will have to sit back and see what happens next…

  5. Apart from the T-square of Pluto, Ascendant and Moon, this is a remarkably “lucky” chart. Anyone born on that day would probably do quite well anyway, but perhaps that T-square gives her the grit that makes her exceptional.

    I suppose the T-square could make her a little bit difficult to live with, but such often is the price of perfection.

  6. Her performance was breathtaking! Every triple backflip she performed made me gasp. It was a triumphant return which put all the critics back in their place. Marjorie, do you find Mars/Neptune in dancers too? I have a friend who was a professional dancer and now a dance teacher. She has Mars/Neptune in Scorpio and is a Leo Sun. I have the conjunction too and did dance classes as a child, until I sadly grew too tall. Simone Biles has such natural grace.

    • Completely marvellous, I agree! And a wonderful example of how an intense chart, and tough childhood can produce amazing results and triumph. Putting all the critics back in their place, as you say VF, I’m thinking in particular of one Piers Morgan…..

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