The pioneering feminist Shere Hite, known for her best-selling The Hite Report: A Nationwide Study of Female Sexuality, which reportedly kickstarted the real sexual revolution for women in the 1970s, has died in London aged 77. Her book, which has sold 50 million copies since, encouraged women to take control of their sex lives and was dismissed as “anti-male”, dubbed the Hate Report, by Playboy. Sustained criticism of her in the US, much of it highly personalised, led her to renounce her US citizenship in 1995.
Born 2 November 1942 (no time sadly) in the socially conservative US state of Missouri, to her 16-year-old mother, she was raised by her grandparents.
What’s intriguing is the similarities between her chart and that of Barbara Amiel (see post below) – though in Hite’s case the interest in sexuality would be further heightened with the already passionate Venus Mars in highly sexed Scorpio conjunct her Sun and all square an intense Pluto. I’d hazard a guess that her Pluto is on the point of a T Square connected into the chart axis. Though it is already on the focal point of a mini Grand Trine of Saturn Uranus in Gemini trine Neptune. An emphasised Pluto is often a researcher, delving into unknown territory, coming up with ideas often before their time and running into hostile resistance.
Her Moon is either late Leo or early Virgo, almost certainly conjunct her North Node.
Her enduring 11th harmonic is strong and her global influence 212H even stronger; as is her ‘breakthrough 13H and both her creative 5th and 7th harmonics.
I’m willing to bet she was a scorpio rising. All of that energy in her first house, a true embodiment of the sign. That would also place Chiron in the 10th house if public life (where she felt the most pain, maybe) and Jupiter in her 9th house of higher education and worldly pursuits, etc. it would also make sense that her moon and Pluto are there in the 10th house as well. I use whole sign houses as that resonates the most with me. I am also a sun and Mars Scorpio, and just watched the documentary on her. Just my two cents. 🙂
She had a dramatic affect on my life. She was a terrific woman. I am sure she changed women’s lives and for the times she was very brave
I’m going with Leo Moon, based on the hair in the photo. That requires significant Leo. Also, I would think either late Scorpio or early Sadgittarius Asc, placing the Scorpio conjunction in the 12th house, given she was deemed “anti men”. Men projecting their own insecurities to her work, when she was a messanger.
I was 16 or 17 years old when I read Shere Hite’s book… in secret.. hidden from my parents. As a young teenager being raised to get just enough education so that, if my husband left me, I would be able to find a job!!!….
….. this book was astonishing and affirmed my true self worth.
What a gift for a young girl!!
How poignant that she struggled at the end with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
As an aside… in medical astrology… are there any markers for dementia?
a bit tricky, but I do wonder.
take care all,