Actress Shelley Duvall, known for playing eccentric characters in Robert Altman’s Nashville and 3 Women, Woody Allen’s Annie Hall and most memorably in Kubrick’s horror-flick The Shining, has died.
She was born 7 July 1949 Houston, Texas, sadly no birth time, and was known as “Manic Mouse” by her mother in her childhood because of her high energy and offbeat personality. She had a gruelling experience with Kubrick during the shooting of The Shining, who pushed her to the limit. After 2000 she retreated from acting and public life, resurfacing in 2016 to talk to Dr Phil McGraw on TV about her mental health problems, which drew criticism for exploiting her fragile state.
Her chart without a birth time is not overly illuminating except that her Cancer Sun square Neptune was sparked off during the filming of the Shining when tr Pluto was conjunct her Neptune ( = devastating/confused) and square her Sun. And again when her heavily-slated interview with Phil McGraw took place in 2016 tr Pluto had moved an exact quarter cycle to oppose her Sun and square her Neptune.
Her natal Saturn in Virgo which was oddly aspected and not well integrated into the rest of her chart, being sextile Uranus and inconjunct a yod focal point Jupiter, also seems to have been a trigger point. Her Saturn would tend to make her perfectionist, a worrier and prone to depression. Though the inconjunct to Jupiter would be hard to handle. It could well have given her flights of mania as she flitted from the low self-esteem of Saturn to the grandiosity of a yod focal point Jupiter.
During the shooting of The Shining she was on her First Saturn Return which is always heavy. And her Solar Arc Saturn had moved to square her Uranus exactly. By 2000/1 when she retired from acting her Solar Arc Neptune was square her Saturn, inducing great uncertainty and perhaps undermining her grip on reality. By 2016 and the Dr Phil interview her Solar Arc Saturn was square her Venus and tr Saturn was conjunct her Solar Arc Neptune.
She was “real”…. in her acting, in her life.
And look at that wonderful face!
I’ve been noticing how unreal things are.. people. How they look.. botoxed nonmoving faces and weird eyebrows and perfect white teeth. Movies that are so over the top unreal…. overly muscled men now, gobs of make-up, airbrushed or whatever bodies.
I was walking down the street the other day and just thought, “nothing is REAL anymore”.
I then thought.. maybe this will all run its course someday and things will get real again.
So I love, love the picture you chose for this remarkably real person.
thanks for honouring her with a posting, Marjorie.
I couldnt agree more. I have a visceral shudder everytime I look at a face with work, botox obviously but ‘fillers’ even more so. Its like every part of the face no longer fits together, its very disturbing, and frankly looks awful as does the orange skin tone and shaved tattoed eyebrows and bizarre implants.This trend took off in the late 90s with the rise of ‘New Laddism’ and a new misogyny via online porn.
Katie Price popularised it here straight from porn sites in the early noughties and the DailyMail etc spread it. Then there was the Kardashians.
Plastic everywhere, poisoning us and decieving us. Hopefully when Neptune finally moves to Aires this might shift, unless transhumanisam has its way, in which case we are f******d
I loved her quirky performance in Popeye with Robin Williams
So much in the synastry with Kubrick
– his Cancer Mercury-Pluto right on her Sun
– his Sag Saturn conjunct her Moon
– his 27Leo Neptune conjunct her 2Virgo Saturn (neptune dissolves saturn’s boundaries)
No wonder he pushed her hard.
But also his Leo Sun-Venus conjunct her Leo Venus and Pluto would probably have been charmed in some way to push through for him.
I think your gift can also be your curse. Neptune on her Asc. sq, Sun and Mercury Uranus, extremely creative, but also prone to the problems inherent in those aspects. She was so unique.
Thank you Marjorie. This is very interesting. She went into acting against her better judgement. Altman badgered her until she gave in. It’s not for everyone. There’s almost always Neptune involved but the boundaries provided by Saturn are also important.
One thing we tend to forget largely because of cookbook astro books, is that everyone has aspects to the outer planets.