Sean & Micheline Connery – sunshine problems

Sean Connery’s wife Micheline is in trouble with the Spanish authorities over the sale of their Marbella villa 16 years ago with allegations of tax fraud. They want to prosecute her next year with the possibility of prison time and a swingeing fine. SeanC was initially investigated but is not to be charged. She says it was a simple sale and nothing more.

His chart, 25 Aug 1930 6.05pm Edinburgh, is being rattled at the moment by the tr Pluto square tr Uranus – hitting on his Cardinal Grand Cross. Tr Pluto is square his 3rd house Uranus on and off till late 2016 so a time of mental strain. With tr Uranus opposition his Venus now and again in early 2016, and square his 7th house Pluto in 2015 till spring 2016 -emotional upsets involving a spouse.
Plus tr Saturn has been square his Virgo Sun and Neptune a few weeks back. His Solar Arc Mars will conjunct his Virgo Moon in 2017 when tr Saturn will square both and oppose his natal Mars in Gemini. So all in all a troublesome time.

According to net sources (which may be dodgy) Micheline was born 2 September 1929 so if accurate would also be a Sun Neptune in Virgo. Two Virgo Suns together. It would give a composite Sun Neptune Venus Moon in the relationship chart which does look affectionate and complementary if a little Neptunian.

On this birth date she looks undermined in 2016 with tr Saturn square tr Neptune hitting on her Sun throughout; with a shock in 2017.

But both are elderly so there may be other factors involved.

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