Woody Allen – 80, running out of steam

Woody Allen is 80 on 1 December and still going strong with several movie projects running ahead. Though his most recent got slated by the critics. ‘Half asleep’ and ‘lacking in humour’ were two comments.

Born 1 December 1935 10.55pm New York, he has a 4th house Sun Jupiter Mercury in Sagittarius square a 7th house Saturn in Pisces – which is where he’ll get his neurotic, inadequate image and his tendency to be up and down, sometimes enthusiastic, at others negative. Marriage for him means hard work and his first two were short-lived. There was then a long gap before he married Mia Farrow’s adopted daughter who was 27 to his 62 when they got hitched in 1997.

His Sun is also square a 1st house Neptune making him creative though also evasive. What always astonishes me about his chart is a hugely powerful, ruthless Pluto opposition Mars in 11th/5th houses, which you’d never guess looking at him.

He looks lack lustre in the year ahead with the tr Neptune in 7th square tr Saturn in his 4th hitting on his Sun, which looks like domestic/relationship problems.

It looks an edgy, insecure year ahead with tr Uranus square two of his Mars midpoints; and tr Pluto conjunct his Sun/Moon and Sun/Saturn midpoints – so again marriage strain and a heavy slog to keep up motivation.

He said recently he enjoyed taking a paternal role with Soon-Yi his wife, but it may be the tables are about to be turned and she gets more of the upper hand as sometimes happens with a huge age gap. Their relationship chart shows a good deal of affection; but also an underlying power struggle.

Born 8 Oct 1970, she’s a Sun Uranus in Libra with a Capricorn Moon, Venus Neptune and Jupiter in Scorpio; and a Mars Pluto conjunction in Virgo. So charming but quite maverick, seductive, and highly determined.

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