Sean Connery – destined for great things ++ in spite of flaws

Sean Connery, recently voted the best James Bond ever, is 90 years old, in retirement but still golfing happily at his home in the Bahamas.  Born 25 August 1930 6.05 pm Edinburgh, Scotland, he has had an astonishing journey from a poor background, his mother a cleaner and his father a factory worker. He joined the navy briefly in his late teens but was invalided out with a duodenal ulcer, took up modelling and body building, tried a variety of menial jobs and eventually ended up working backstage in the theatre. From which all else followed via stage and serious TV drama (Shakespeare, Eugene O’Neill et al) and films, until his breakthrough role in Bond when he turned thirty.

He was always ambivalent about the Bond movies regarding them as his lesser achievements and with a career which includes an Oscar for The Untouchables with highly-acclaimed performances in The Man Who Would Be King, Marnie, The Name of the Rose, Indiana Jones and the Hunt For Red October he has a point.

He has a private, intense 8th house Sun Neptune in Virgo, which is not uncommon amongst mega-film stars who have an innate (and unco9nscious) capacity to project an aura. His 9th house Virgo Moon hints at a love of travel and wish to live abroad. A 9th house Venus points to marriages with foreigners – his first wife Diane Cilento was Australian and his second Micheline Roquebrune is French-Moroccan.

What marks his chart out as different is the abundance of Cardinal signs which provide initiative, restlessness, an inclination to try, try, try again and keep moving. He has a powerfully confident Jupiter Pluto in his 7th squaring onto Venus in Libra opposition a 3rd house Uranus with Saturn in Capricorn on his Ascendant.

His 3rd house Uranus will make him outspoken and his Mercury in critical Virgo squaring onto a short-tempered Saturn opposition Mars even more so. He’s famed for his impatience with timewasters and those he disagrees with; and his focal point Pluto will make him intolerant as well.  Highly talented, complicated and not always an easy temperament.

Only after his retirement from filming did his first wife Diane Cilento open up about a violent episode in their marriage when he punched her and left her unconscious during the filming of The Hill; and related tales of his tight-fistedness with money and generally ‘unreconstructed’ notion of a woman’s place in a marriage.  Given that she was a free-spirited Sun Uranus in Aries square Pluto, it was never going to be an old-fashioned Victorian-style marriage.

His chart certainly indicates anger issues as well as a strong need to control and be dominant.

But as so often with glaring temperamental flaws goes talent.

His creative 5th, 7th and actor’s 15th harmonics, as well as his leaving-a-legacy-for-history 17H and superstar 22H Harmonics are well aspected.

His astrocartography is also interesting – relocating to Los Angeles puts his super confident Pluto Jupiter on the Midheaven; and New York (and Bahamas) puts his Sun Neptune on the Midheaven. America is his destiny. And now that I think of it his Jupiter is conjunct the USA Sun which makes sense.

Photo: Stuart Crawford.

17 thoughts on “Sean Connery – destined for great things ++ in spite of flaws

  1. A fine golfer, would rarely give up looking for a ball as a result of a wayward shot he made.
    Know this from experience of him in Spain.

  2. it is my birthday on the 25th and I always liked to see what famous people had the same birthday as myself. One almost has the same name John Savage, (actor) Tim Burton is the same year but although I am slightly creative I always thought singing was my thing Gene Simmons or Elvis Costello and Billy Ray Cyrus even Michael Jackson and Madonna are only a few days either side of me but growing up with the same birthday as James Bond was sort of cool. But my bubble has burst I hate violence against women so it’s a double whammy of Michael Cohen and now Sean Connery, I’ve even got Ivan the Terrible. Crumbs

  3. I always thought he was great until I read he liked to slap women around. Don’t care how good an actor he is – he’s a piece of …..

  4. I read an article years ago in which the writer interviewed the caddies at the famous golf course in St. Andrews, Scotland. They were asked about the celebrities they had caddied for over the years and they all expressed a serious dislike for Sean Connery, calling him “mean and tight-fisted”–extremely miserly. That’s reflected somewhat in Marjorie’s astro analysis, I think. Otherwise, most definitely a great actor.

  5. Sydney Lumet always brought out the best in Connery, perhaps because unlike many directors he actually rehearsed in advance. The Offence didn’t make a splash but was way ahead of its time. And The Hill sticks in mind over the years – a really gritty film.
    I made a documentary on Connery in the early 1980s and sat for weeks in a projection room watching everything he’d ever made including some BBC Shakespeare and an ATV Long Day’s Journey into Night. He did some solidly serious stuff early on.
    We interviewed Michael Caine for it who was blissfully professional, turned up on time, gave a crisp, witty ten minute interview that was exactly what was required and left. John Huston on the other hand – hideous man – a misogynist and a bully, not a good encounter.
    Cubby Broccoli said they gave Connery the Bond role because ‘he walked like a panther.’ And that came from not just his early dancing days but also a Swedish movement coach Yat Malgrem, I think, who worked with a good many repertory theatre actors, which he had been through his later twenties.

    • Thats interesting, but did the documentary cover his violence towards women or was it before his statement and the Walters interview?
      Because not only was he as misogynist as Huston he beat his wife unconcious.
      I was also wondering about his birthtime, did Scotland put time of birth on the birth certificate, unlike England?

  6. A very fine actor when given the chance. His performance in Sidney Lumet’s The Offence opposite that other top notch Scottish actor Ian Bannen shows what he could do.

    My Mum remembers seeing him in the London West End when he was starting out as part of the cast of South Pacific

    • Oh yes, I remember seeing ‘The Offence’ on TV many years ago when still a teenager. He played that troubled, seething-with-anger cop brilliantly. Very effective performance. I haven’t seen the film since but it’s always stayed with me as among the darker British films of the 70s, with its setting against a backdrop of bleak 70s Britain.

  7. Sean remains a class act. He made some very fine films, however “The Hill” remains a
    stone-cold masterpiece. Austere and brutal, it is a far cry from the Bond movies he was
    making at the time.

    Happy 90th Birthday!

    • Sean ‘”sometimes they just need a little slap”‘ Connery beat his wife Diane Cliento unconcious.
      A dynamic towards women symbolised by his Libra Venus in T square with Uranus in Aires and Pluto Jupiter in Cancer.
      1st class brutality…

      • Cilento did have a new autobiography to sell when she came out with this testimony, and possibly some old scores to settle. I’m not sure I can agree with your analysis of Venus/Uranus T-ing onto Pluto and Jupiter as “1st class brutality”, I would have thought it described the kind of women Connery is attracted to; beautiful, exotic and temperamental.
        His other T square of Mars/Saturn onto Mercury is surely more appropriate, but then again, to me, that perfectly exemplifies the character of James Bond.
        Perhaps he’s telling the truth when he says that he has sometimes used a controlled slap to keep a woman in line; not my cup of tea, but then I’m not beautiful, exotic and temperamental !

        • That too. Yet despite Venus claim as a peaceful planet, Ive seen it in violent acts again and again, and his violence was spurred by jealousy.

          As to your comment about her book to sell, STILL in 2020 the default position is to doubt the woman first despite all the high profile cases there have been, from Weinstein to Cosby to Depp etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc. You then might respond that we shouldnt automatically believe the woman, and yet your response to jump to defend a male icon/hero’ happens contnuously stretching back through time, and often, most depressingly from women who cant even see their own internalised misogyny. “Shes a gold digger, she made it up for her book [as if!] she is out for revenge/scorned woman, tempremental foriegn woman’ [the casual sexism and racism] as if Sean could never be ‘tempremental.
          The justifications to blame women stretch back to the garden of Eden.

          He is just a man fully replete with flaws, not a demi god, not a ‘hero’ and most definitely not somehow elevated in their character because of the Neptunian ‘magic’ illusion and deception of stage and screen and carefully crafted Publicity campaigns.

          I suggest you see Barbara Walters interview with him.

          • That is an ironic and strangely projectional thing to say given your own words in response to my comment
            “Cilento did have a new autobiography to sell when she came out with this testimony, and possibly some old scores to settle. ”
            And then you continue with this disturbing statement ‘Perhaps he’s telling the truth when he says that he has sometimes used a controlled slap to keep a woman in line; not my cup of tea, but then I’m not beautiful, exotic and temperamental !”

        • “Perhaps he’s telling the truth when he says that he has sometimes used a controlled slap to keep a woman in line”
          Say what? He is a perpetrator of domestic abuse = low-life With control issues. Period.

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