Scotland Referendum – try, try again

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Domestic support for a second Scottish independence referendum is rising with the likelihood of Nicola Sturgeon announcing it at the same time as Brexit pushes off in March. Though it’s unlikely (?) to be held until 2019. Scotland voted substantially for remaining and the SNP wants to move into the EU if they win. Though the economic arguments are, if anything, worse than they were in 2014 for the previous referendum which voted 55-45 against. And the SNP’s record of running the NHS, schools, police and budget since they took over responsibility in 2007 is the subject of ongoing criticism. One argument is that Scotland could end up like Greece, and that’s if they could make the financial criteria for entry, which would require more fiscal discipline than has been obvious in the past.

The Act of Union between Scotland and England got under way on 1 May 1707 JC. In 2014 for the first referendum tr Saturn was opposition the Taurus Sun. There is certainly huge pressure on this chart in 2018/19/20 with tr Pluto opposition Mars, trine Sun and then square Neptune – so it will be a bitter fight. Tr Pluto square Neptune in 2019/20 could point to a devastating end to the Act of Union, but on the other hand it’s an enormously fixed, enduring chart with a Taurus Sun square Pluto Jupiter – and won’t break apart easily.

Nicola Sturgeon’s term chart, 12 May 2016 9.35am Edinburgh, does have a powerfully confident Earth Grand Trine of Pluto trine Jupiter trine Venus, Mercury (and Sun) in Taurus; but that forms into a Kite with Jupiter opposition Neptune, making idealistic, visionary, delusionary Neptune the driving planet. Plus there’s a very wobbly and impatient T square of Jupiter opposition Neptune square Saturn Mars in Sagittarius. Tr Neptune is undermining that T square from this April to the end of 2018, so the Holyrood government will be in less than ideal shape.

Her personal chart is under very muddled influences. She has tr Saturn moving through her 2nd house till 2018 which is usually not successful; with tr Neptune opposition her Sun/Jupiter, Uranus/MC and Mars/Jupiter midpoints and Solar Arc Sun through to January 2018 – and then opposition Solar Arc Mars through till 2020. Her Progressed Moon is going through her 12th till autumn 2018 which is often a time of being held back. And tr Pluto will trine her Saturn for a discouraging and tough slog through 2018/19.

On the upside she has tr Uranus trine her MC in April and tr Saturn also trine through the year – so a change of direction which could be positive. She’s also got tr Uranus square her Cancer Sun from May onwards and tr Uranus opposes her Jupiter through 2018 which will be upbeat and lucky. She’ll also get a lift from tr Jupiter moving across her Ascendant from November this year for a year thereafter. Her Solar Arc Mercury is conjunct her Pluto now and her Solar Arc Pluto squares her Mercury in 2018 – so she’ll be arguing fiercely.

There’s nothing that looks like ‘a whoopee we’ve done it’ moment. If a recession strikes with the Saturn Pluto in Capricorn picking up through 2018 into 2019 it will make the economic arguments for separation even less palatable.

5 thoughts on “Scotland Referendum – try, try again

  1. I thought I was seeing things when I read this and then realised that the mainstream media in the UK seems to be working well. Not surprising as 99.5% of it supports the Union (not one newspaper in Scotland owned / controlled by a Scot): And exemplified by anyone being conned into believing for one moment that Scotland could ever be compared with Greece. The GERS figures used to support such ‘tales’ are devised by Westminster and are utterly reputed by a number of economists. Once again rarely reported by the media: ( The figures also relate to Scotland being part of the Union, not Independent.

    55% voted against? The Independence movement was winning latterly that is until David Cameron, Nick Clegg and Ed Miliband rushed to Scotland, breaching Purdah Regulations and United Nations Conventions, and made a vow/s to the Scots which was later broken. And of course in the run up to the 2014 Referendum many Scots were influenced by Armageddon like levels of scaremongering.

    Scotland could be a very wealthy country indeed, with it’s manifold resources / assets, if it could unshackle itself from Westminster. One just has to compare it with countries such as Finland which has no oil, gas, renewable energy and little electricity. There is also the issue of Scotland’s extremely lucrative oil wealth, which would have made it one of the richest countries in the World, being siphoned off to the Westminster Treasury with the proof being hidden in a London vault for decades (McCrone Report YT). And after over 40 years and over £300 billion in revenue (plus £800 billion lost through privatisation) the Scots are left with no Oil Fund. The only country in the World to have found oil and have no fund, other than Iraq, due to lack of Westminster Fiscal discipline. Six thousand square miles of Scottish Seas including 7 oil fields were ‘transferred’ to Westminster behind the Scots backs (Stolen Seas YT). And so it goes on.

    More fiscal discipline than has been obvious in the past? Scotland’s wealth flows into the Westminster Treasury and then they are ‘given’ a block grant, as is Wales and N Ireland. Note that this doesn’t apply to England. Westminster takes from the ‘pot’ as and when they see fit. What many people don’t seem to realise either is that Scotland is not only paying to run it’s own affairs, but forking out for infrastructure in London and the SE of England, maintenance of buildings such as Westminster, Royal Establishments, Civil Service / Foreign Office, paying for interest on debt (currently standing at 1.7 trillion) that they didn’t rack up and for Nuclear weapons that they don’t want on their soil. Just a few examples of numerous ‘bills’ that the Scottish Government has to pay for, for ‘items’ that they don’t want or need but are ‘added’ to our deficit anyway.

    As to the SNP’s running of Scotland, with 82.5% of powers still lying with Westminster (93% until 2016), I reckon that they are doing an amazing job especially in comparison to their neighbours south of the border. As an example research findings show that the Scottish A&E Service is the best in the World and that Scotland is the most highly educated country in Europe with the Scots being amongst the best-educated adults in the world.

    EU? Scotland with 1% of the EU population contributes 60% of it’s oil, 25% of wind and 25% of wave energy and is the EU’s second biggest gas supplier. Scottish whisky constitutes 25% of all UK food and drink exports alone and there’s more of course with Scotland exporting much more than it imports, unlike England (hence level of debt racked up). The exports come under the ‘umbrella’ term of UK exports, not Scottish. The EU, not prone to being duped by UK propaganda, is very well aware indeed of the level of Scotland’s wealth and in fact their EU Constitutional Reform Committee is already working on how to keep Scotland in the EU, such as through a bridging arrangement initially (maybe EEA).

    Nicola Sturgeon is a fabulous person and a very brave leader (receives numerous online sexually: physically abusive / death threats every day – being investigated by the Police) who is most empathetic and compassionate, so it comes as no surprise that her policies, and that of many Scots, are not in alignment with the Westminster establishment.

    If the Scots can overcome the overwhelming media bias this time round, and it’s full on again, Scotland will surely become Independent between 2018 / 2020.

    I hope this clarifies the situation in relation to Scotland to some extent and may even, hopefully, help us all see the astrological charts through a different lens.

  2. How bad will the UK-wide recession be during Brexit? As bad as the Great Recession of circa 2008? Worse? Will the Eurozone be unscathed by Brexit (financially)?

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