Saudi Arabia, Iran, Oman, Egypt – sandstorms ahead

Looking at the remaining Middle Eastern countries – Iran, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Egypt – all have varying internal problems, some with elderly rulers in failing health, so some upheaval ahead may be put down to change of rulership.

The Iran 1906 and 1979 charts both look uncertain in 2017 into 2018; with major disruptions through 2018 to 2021. The Ayatollah Khamenei has prostate cancer and isn’t expected to survive much longer. His chart looks shaken every which way in 2018 with tr Uranus hitting his formidable T Square of Mars opposition Saturn square Pluto. His leadership chart is edgy and insecure this year presumably with Trump in situ and very undermined from 2018 onwards.

Saudi Arabia, 15 Jan 1902 3.45am is heading into a challenging financial downturn in 2017/18 with tr Pluto conjunct Saturn. There may be some upswing from tr Uranus square Jupiter this year but it also squares the Capricorn Sun, so will be a time of escalating change. The years 2019/2022 look exceedingly confused, uncertain, fairly devastating; with high insecurity. Their Jupiter may come to their rescue on the back of it but it’ll be a time of forced change.

King Salman of Saudi Arabia’s Reign chart, 23 Jan 2015 1am, will be shaken into crisis by this February’s Pisces Eclipse conjunct the 4th house Moon Neptune Mars which looks like family and internal problems. With a sense of closure and certainly a major jolt in 2018.

Oman, 23 July 1970, another absolute autocracy, is picking up problems late 2017 and through 2018/19 with Solar Arc Uranus conjunct the Saturn and tr Pluto trine Saturn, so economically not great and highly unsettled; with a risky tr Uranus square the Sun and Mars in 2018/19. Qaboos bin Said Al Said, Sultan of Oman, born 18 Nov 1940, on the throne 23 July 1970, will face major shocks in 2018/19, which show up on both these charts, with his personal chart extending difficulties into 2022.

Egypt, is already in trouble with the 1922 country chart in confusion through this February with the Pisces Eclipse and tr Neptune both conjunct Uranus and square Mars; and looking very blocked late 2017/2018. Abdul al Sisi, the President’s term chart, 8 June 2014 11.18am is very unstable at the moment with Solar Arc Pluto square Uranus exactly; and sagging badly, as well as at high risk in 2019 with tr Neptune square the Sun and Solar Arc Mars opposition Uranus. However that chart has lucky wild card Jupiter tied into it so may ride out the storm. Al Sisi has as tough a chart as Ayatollah Khamenei so is unlikely to keel over easily.

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