Russia – in turmoil which won’t end well


More than 600 have been arrested in Moscow in the biggest political protests in Russia for years after authorities disqualified a number of opposition candidates from standing in local elections. Russian opposition campaigner Lyubov Sobol, a lawyer and video blogger, is among those detained. She has been on hunger strike for 21 days. Alexei Navalny, Opposition leader, was also arrested recently in connection with the rallies and fell ill in prison which he said was due to poison. Putin’s popularity has been sliding in the polls due to the suggested rise in the pension age, economic inequalities, corruption and poverty.

His Six Year Term chart 7 May 2018 11.05am Moscow indicated an unstable and often violent administration with a divisive Uranus on the Midheaven in a disruptive and ruthless square to Mars Pluto in Capricorn. There will be more than a few moments of slumping confidence over the next two years as well as aggravation from tr Pluto square the Mars/Pluto midpoint. But it’ll be 2021 onwards when the challenges really mount with a trapped, high-risk tr Pluto conjunct the Mars into 2022. There are violent Solar Arcs of Mars to Uranus and Pluto to Mars in 2022/23; and a turn-upside down tr Uranus conjunct the Sun in 2022/23 as well as the destabilising tr Pluto square Uranus in 2023/4. So his long reign won’t end well.

The Russia 8 December 1991 7.45 pm Moscow chart is being battered by the Eclipses hitting on the Uranus, Moon, Neptune in Capricorn this year especially the July one so a restless, nerve-stretched and rebellious population could have been expected. Plus an undermining tr Neptune square the Sagittarius Sun twice more before it exits late January 2020; and (time being accurate) considerable pressure to change direction from tr Pluto square the Midheaven in 2019/2020 and damage to reputation. With more muddle, confusion and worry late 2020 from Solar Arc Sun Mercury conjunct the Neptune.

The Russia 8 November 1917 chart is also on high alert and explosive at the moment with Solar Arc Uranus square Mars; as well as a  panicky tr Neptune square the Solar Arc Mars into early 2020. The 10th house Pluto in Cancer in the line of fire of this December’s Capricorn Eclipse. Pluto in hard aspect to an eclipse indicates there are only two choices –  change or decay. There’ll be continuous stress and high anxiety in 2020 and beyond with tr Uranus square the Neptune and then Neptune/Saturn midpoint and then Saturn and opposition the Scorpio Sun in 2021/2022. A very unsettled few years ahead.

Any protests are likely to be brutally suppressed and neither Navalny nor Sobol look remotely cheerful in the next three or four years – quite the reverse.

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