USA leading the way in mindless mass slaughter

Two massacres in the USA within 24 hours, at least one with white supremacist, anti-Hispanic leanings, making three mass killings this week, have left a mounting death toll, well into double figures. The US had more mass shootings than any other country and has the highest per-capita gun ownership in the world with 120.5 firearms per 100 people. Well over half mass shootings are carried out with semi-automatic handguns or rifles.

One wonders where the tipping point comes when effective action is taken – indeed any steps at all – to combat the problem.

A couple of things strike me – this latest batch of killings occurred with Uranus opposition the Mars/Pluto midpoint which is very violent. And tr Mercury was exactly conjunct the USA Mercury in Cancer, perhaps an eerie omen of what is to come with the USA Mercury opposition Pluto getting stoked up from 2020 for three years.

The recent early July Cancer Solar Eclipse was conjunct the USA Sun which usually precedes a crisis that hits a bull’s eye; facts have to be faced, decisions taken leading to a new direction – or not as the case may be since although the pressure is there, often there’s a refusal to face reality and life blunders on, though with more angst to come. And significantly tr Uranus is square the US ‘leadership’ North Node in Leo which is a sensitive spot. Tr Neptune was in opposition to the USA North Node for 9/11 which hit the USA’s pride and self-esteem considerably. Tr Uranus shaking up a Node can, if changes are made, lead to more freedom; and, if not, it leads to more restrictions and restraints. The transiting Mars/Pluto midpoint was also square the USA North Node.

And so it goes on, round and round the same doom-and-disaster hamster wheel, with lives needlessly lost.  Mind you Hollywood and television drama have a good deal to answer for.

As Richard Pryor once remarked “You can’t talk about fucking in America, people say you’re dirty. But if you talk about killing somebody, that’s cool.”

35 thoughts on “USA leading the way in mindless mass slaughter

  1. No matter all the rhetoric and posturing from countries in the world about making war, and no matter what the justification and defending of this move, only the US, 74 years ago, ended a war by unleashing the nuclear demon on our planet. Today is the anniversary of Hiroshima.

  2. The statistics on firearm deaths in the USA are staggering.

    On average over 35,000 US citizens die from gun shots per annum

    That is more deaths every two years than the US military had killed in Vietnam from 1956-1975.

    And two thirds of these deaths are from suicides not homicide so US citizens are using their guns to kill themselves twice as often as they do to kill each other.

    Despite all the arguments about political, economic and racial divisions, inadequate health care etc the factor which really distinguishes the US from the rest of the planet is the astounding number of firearms in private hands. In fact it is not only a far more weaponised society than most other developed countries but also than supposed warlike area such as Afghanistan. Until that changes I dont see the slaughter stopping anytime soon.

  3. Hilary Clinton won the vote by 3 million votes, but our outdated Electoral College gave the Presidency to Trump from 3 states.
    The Electoral College should have been excised out of our Constitution long ago, but the RINOS and DINOS WON’T DO IT!
    It has lost the Democrats 3 Presidential elections.

    • Do you think Hilary would have stood up to the NRA? Would there be less dead American men and women if she had got the job? Never mind thousands of innocent dead and displaced in other peoples countries?

      She is as owned by big business and KSA/Israel as the loathsome b*llshitter currently occupying the White House.

      • He was 100% acting. Reading his deepest emotions from a teleprompter….under the Orange Amin the US is turning fascist. What are they going to do about it?

        • Nothing will happen, not as long as Trump and the GOP associate gun control with immigration control. Nothing happened with the Nam protests…nothing will come from protesting today.

  4. Thoughts and prayers won’t stop the killings.

    Trump won’t impede the killings.

    His only concern is re-election. At any cost. Even from collateral damage…

    More cocaine enters the US at the level of billions of dollars…thru other ports of entry. NOT across the Mexican border.

    What’s to be done? Average americans won’t do anything.

  5. Also a mass shooting of 7 in Chicago on Sunday morning. Birthdate of one of the shooters, Patrick Crusius
    Born: July 27, 1998 Allen, TX

  6. I am more depressed than ever at the state of my country over this gun violence and ongoing racism. True, I live in the South but I’m on Facebook today, reading comments of family, friends, and strangers in local news threads and they are 1) blaming the victims for being in the Wal-Mart or “at a club at 1am”; 2) that it was Obama who “started this racism”; 3) no one should blame Trump for stirring up everything (remember, it was Obama); and 4) this was a “false flag” event meant to take their guns away and get the Democrats elected. Really, they are this stupid. And brainwashed, you cannot discount the impact of their chosen news media (Fox News) and Trump himself who is a walking, talking disinformation conduit for them. I don’t think there is any shaking them out of their delusions or their prejudice or their hatred. I honestly think this will end up in a civil war or a race war. And I think that’s exactly what Trump and the GOP wants: divide and conquer. Meanwhile, they are portraying the Dems as Socialists and themselves as “patriots”, yet are in the pockets of the Russian-funded NRA. It’s a cluster fuck basically. Oh well, we had a pretty good run for about 200 years.

    • I’ve read that democracies are good for about 200 yrs, then all are tossed with the chamber pot into the soup. Quite plutonian. You hv choices (at least while choices remain plentiful in this country):

      1) sit back and pass the popcorn

      2) pass the wine coolers/ jack daniel’s/ bourbon

      3) pass the basket for more donations to the deity of choice [I kinda like Ceiling Cat myself]

      4) move to another country

      5) hide under a rock

      6) run away!

      #4 is my preference. Already speak several languages (at least one quite well and it is not English), hv no social/romantic/marital commitments to bind me in the US. Just pick a green space with the smallest # of cow patties and take a leap of faith.

  7. Thank you Elizabeth on your succinct description of 2nd Amendment Rights in America.

    Marjorie, wish you would use the 8 degree Scorpio Rising for U.S. Natal Chart. I think you will find it spot on.

    Trump’s father was a member of the KKK in New York. He was arrested during a riot there in the 1920’s. This is where our Russian elected President acquired his racists view and his Fascists politics from his German born grandfather, who was arrested and sent to jail then exiled from Germany for prostitution.

    America is in deep trouble because we literally have a malignant narcissistic psychopath at the helm of our country, and a grossly corrupt and obsolete government. I fear for my country as well as for my countryman and women. And the children!

    What we are seeing now is the Resurrection of the Republican Fascist Party (which has been Fascist for decades but well hidden since the 1930’s — Pre WWII) under Trump, whose racists and hate-filled rhetoric rouses his psychopathic supporters to KILL in his NAME. Trump doesn’t have to KILL because he knows full well — as Hitler/Stalin did — that the least SANE of his followers will do his bidding for him (killing of the demonized “Other” e.g. the Jew, etc.) in order to facilitate the Totalitarian State. This is how you raise a Nazi American Army. And I am not exaggerating this.

    This may not end well for U.S., and I fear there will be more deaths of innocent Americans and possibly Civil unrest and more blood in the streets of America.

    • I just noticed interestingly that using your suggestion of the 8 degree Scorpio as the US rising would put the NRA Sun in Scorpio in its first house? Just started reading Marjorie’s post on the NRA and realised that. If that is correct then does their strong influence on the country?

      • I just noticed interestingly that using your suggestion of the 8 degree Scorpio as the US rising would put the NRA Sun in Scorpio in its first house? Just started reading Marjorie’s post on the NRA and realised that. If that is correct then does that show their strong influence on the country?

  8. The old guard will clearly not back down, so it will be up to the younger generation to slowly, move things forward here. I’m sure they will at some point – the status quo will have to be altered. Something has to permanently give, now or in a generation (or two) from now.

  9. also fading presence of scheat asteroid- terror asteroid(in usa?) someone should use astrocartograpical techniques and a computer to predict these? also, not to be too paranoid,could you have a foreign entity behind this? after all, nobody really knows what quods has been doing for the last 20 years.

  10. Conveniently left out of the equation is the use of media to communicate among
    groups that profess MAGA inspired racist actions…call it alt right, NRA, KKK, whatever,
    it’s pretty much vigilante violence with high powered weapons. A school with kindergarten
    children, Walmart, a bar, a garlic festival: shoot up whatever annoys you and go out in
    a blaze of glory (there’s the Hollywood action figure, “they’ll remember me”). The pattern
    in the last couple of weeks has intensified, and it is curious: young white men (and there
    is the odd older white man like Las Vegas), acting in essentially the same way, some with
    manifestos, instagram accounts magically deleted the day before their actions. Hardly

  11. I don’t think ‘the wild wild west’ ever left the American psyche. Isn’t that where the idea of the right to bear arms originated from?

    • Second amendment (right to bear arms) was result of 1776 revolution.
      The west, as we know it, resulted from Louisiana Purchase (Jefferson’s
      administration, purchase from France), skirmishes and wars with Mexico/Spain,
      religious freedom (Mormons/LDS in Utah), the gold rush (California, and
      eventually Alaska), and Native American genocide. Throw in some railroads,
      a booming population, unhappy Confederate soldiers, ah, and that unfavorable
      word: immigrants (Irish, German, central European). And there’s the west,
      wide open spaces, invent film and motion pictures, and you have the Western.

      • You left off the negro and Inspector Callahan/Man with no Name for a true Western.

        Before the Louisiana Purchase, the region around the Great Lakes was also known as “northwest territories”, a largely forgotten factoid. Perhaps Chris Romero can speak to it.

        Nothing will be effectively done until the 2nd Amendment is constrained; the constitution is suspended; WW3 begins.

        “We gotta own guns!” is a wee bit different from owning guns to defend against the Crown circa 1750’s.

        • If you want a true catalyst western, it is not Clint Eastwood/Dirty Harry/Inspector Callahan.
          Eastwood survived on spaghetti westerns filmed in Spain. Look at Stagecoach, the
          John Ford film (1939), from a short story by Ernest Haycox, and starring John Wayne.
          Ford utilized the landscape as a character: vistas and geological formations to amaze
          the viewer; open spaces not seen by European or eastern audiences. That was the
          myth of the WEST. Eastwood has his own interpretation.

          The Northwest Territories were land wrestled from the Brits, and not really the west.
          Settlement and expansion, but not really “The West” of gunslingers, cowboys and Indians.
          Certainly they were “wildlands”, but only briefly. Buffalo soldiers existed too, but not
          really a great influence on the west. Many freed slaves stayed in the south on the plantations,
          some went to Texas, some went west, but by and large they were not players in the myth.

          Amending the Constitution to revise the second amentment might well lead to unintended
          consequences. One might limit gun ownership, and lose other freedoms without fair warning.
          We elected a president, not a king. Now we endure the folly of this particular “leader”….

          • Clearly my post including Clint Eastwood was mis-understood and misinterpreted. I’m well aware of the history of the Spaghetti Western. There continues to be a Euro-fascination with the American wild west. BTW, they’re called spaghetti westerns because they were also filmed in Italy.

            “The Northwest Territories were land wrestled from the Brits, and not really the west.” It included the region around the Great Lakes. At the time, such was considered the “northwest”.

            The US has made its bed with NRA and political influences, esp the Trump regime. Now it has to sleep in that bed, come what may the price of sleeping.

  12. I am thoroughly disgusted with the “great” USA. On one hand there are the 2nd amendment-crazed, NRA-supporting Republicans who attribute gun violence solely to mental health issues, ignoring the fact that too-easy access to guns is equally to blame. The Democrats, on the other hand, are wimps, always skirting around the HUGE gun problem in this country, never proposing real, nuts-and-bolts solutions, never expressing moral outrage or demanding urgent action. THIS IS A NATIONAL EMERGENCY, for godsake. In the last Democratic debate, Amy Klobuchar was the only candidate who had the balls to go after the NRA. And what do the people who witness all this carnage do? They hold candlelight vigils. And of course, Donald Trump, the instigator-in-chief, just keeps fanning the flames.

  13. The NRA contributed $50m to the demented narcissist’s last election campaign and there’s another looming…is the Pluto long term opposition to US Cancer stellium pushing it towards the abyss? The grip that big business has on America is killing people in so many ways and nothing ever gets done about it. Maybe a second revolution is in order. It is becoming impossible to feel any sympathy for a country that just tolerates this mass killing stuff time after time after time.

  14. The idea of America is far better than its’ appalling reality. It has always been a violent and unpleasant country,
    even more so since the village idiot called Trump has now been elected POTUS. TV and Hollywood weren’t around when
    the KKK and other odious racist groups were started. Gerald L.K Smith, George Lincoln Rockwell, “Bull” Connors,
    Ronald Reagan, David Duke, etc. The list is endless.

    It was an American who murdered John Lennon after all. What more is there to say?

    • Robert – I agree that you can’t blame the media for much of this violence and poison. But an infamous movie did play a part in the “rebirth” of the KKK back in 1915. The film is “The Birth of a Nation”, released on 8th February, 1915. Its one of the most controversial films ever made, and incited riots at the time because of its warped portrayal of black people – notably black men. It is cited as a major trigger for the resurgence of the KKK at that time.
      At that time, Pluto was just into Cancer, beginning its transit across the US Cancer stellium. There was a stellium in Aquarius (US Moon) with Mars on the Moon’s South Node in the US chart – violent karma released? There are several other curious links between the two horoscopes. The film seems to have mirrored what’s so troubling in the US psyche. Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn are now (and have been) opposing all those Cancer planets. We can only hope for some Plutonic transformation and rebirth of a peaceful nation at some point……

      • Jane – Well observed. TBOAN did play a huge part in the resurgence of the KKK. It was even given acclaim by
        Woodrow Wilson at the time. However extreme violence is deeply ingrained in the American psyche, I have read
        countless accounts of America’s treatment of any group that doesn’t fit in.

        The noted writer James Ellroy said, “Bad white men created America”. His own mother was murdered and
        the killer was never caught.

        I do not have any astrological knowledge, but it would appear that the USA is sliding into the abyss of its’
        own making. It doesn’t bode well for the future.

        • Yes, sadly, I agree with you Robert. I have spent some happy and memorable times there, worked and travelled there and realised that I was in a country that seemed, in so many ways, more foreign to me than anywhere in Europe, or indeed Canada where I also lived for a year. What’s happening now is terrible, but as I’ve remarked before, we’re seeing some kind of culmination and it is revealing everything that’s been there all along behind the glitz, glamour, and optimism.

  15. These mass shootings are becoming more prevalent than ever and they’re happening just about everywhere. The NRA has a death grip over many of the politicians though (most of being Republican politicians) and I don’t think anything is going to be done anytime soon. It makes me so angry; I’m really starting to hate this country.

    Chris Romero
    Jacksonville, Florida, U.S.

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