“Vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself,
And falls on th’other. . . .” Shakespeare
Rudi Giuliani as the tragic hero brought low by hubris seems an unlikely depiction as he shows precious little of his former glory gained in his days as New York Mayor overseeing crime rates dropping and taking charge over 9/11. He has been ordered to hand out the keys to his Manhattan penthouse and all his valuable possessions to the Georgia election workers who won a $148 million defamation judgment against him. Last month he was disbarred in Washington, months after he lost his law license in New York for pursuing false claims about the 2020 election. He is still facing his biggest test yet: fighting criminal charges in the Georgia case accusing Trump and 18 others of working to subvert the results of the 2020 election.
A fatal fall through excessive pride would not seem an exaggeration in his case and he has come down with a resounding clunk. His career was always littered with scandals, sexual and financial, and questionable judgments, such as support for the Iraq War. But he has finally hit zero.
Born 28 May 1944 2.31 pm New York, he has a 9th house Gemini Sun conjunct Uranus with Saturn in Gemini conjunct his Midheaven. But what is eye-catching is a formidably determined, good-in-crises and potentially lawless Mars Pluto conjunction in Leo on the focal point of a mini Grand Trine of Sun Uranus trine an evasive Neptune on his Ascendant.
His Venus in Taurus (conjunct Algol) is sextile his Descendant and Scheat – hinting at a stormy love life.
When 9/11 happened, tr Jupiter was crossing his 10th house giving him extra prominence. His Progressed Mars was exactly square to his Sun, his Solar Arc Uranus was conjunct his Mars, his Solar Arc Pluto was conjunct his Neptune and tr Neptune was opposition his Pluto. He was undoubtedly shocked though with tr Uranus was in a ‘lucky’ opposition to his Jupiter there was also an opportunity. What Mars Pluto excels at, is rising to the challenge in situations of high stress and danger, when others are panicking.
But after the jeopardy recedes there is always a yearning to relive the high risk, adrenaline-surge, sometimes by creating chaos to provide the thrill and emerge once again as the hero. A failed political career followed his exit from New York and his embrace of Trump – fairly similar in astrological features – was to provide the final coffin-nail in his reputation.
At the moment Guiliani has tr Neptune squaring his Saturn and Midheaven and opposing his Ascendant now and throughout 2025; with tr Neptune Saturn in Aries opposing his Neptune in 2025; and tr Pluto squaring his Mars and Pluto between 2025 and 2027. All of which looks like the final collapse.
Saturn on the Midheaven has a reputation for exacting justice and retribution for misdeeds. Stray from the straight and narrow and karma catches up.
He does have a pronounced 10th harmonic, associated with the wheel of fortune which indicates a rise as well as a fall of fortune. It has a Grand Trine of Sun trine Pluto trine Mercury formed into a Kite by Pluto opposition Neptune, which last can have megalomaniac ambitions.
Ironic that his fate is sealed with the Mars opposition Pluto in place across coming months. Which may also be true of Justin Trudeau being pressured by those within his own party to resign – he is also a Mars Pluto type. Of which more anon – though Mars Pluto don’t let go easy.
I don’t feel Mars/Pluto is so much a sign of refusing to give up on something and more a refusal to allow anyone or any organisation to push or coerce them into giving up or walking away, that’s when the obstinacy kicks in. When they decide it’s time to move on they do it almost as single mindedly as Scorpio Sun/Moon.
I have seen what appears to be a pattern of betrayal with this aspect (usually to them not from them) Guiliani seems to be responsible for his situation but if i recall he was relying on Trump to help him out, who of course didn’t.
Marie: he was relying on Trump to help him out, who of course didn’t.
This is what people who do Trump’s dirty work seem to forget about him.
Now is telling people that he will free the people involved in the January 6th insurrection if he’s elected when he could have issued a blanket pardon before he left the White House
Currently Giuliani’s Firdaria period is SUN/Moon. Karma sextiles his Sun
making him open to retribution for past deeds. Natal Karms is quincunx
his Saturn on the MH, requiring adjustment for past actions.
Midpoints: His Sun/Moon = Mars/Saturn, with both currenly trine
transit Saturn, in his 6th. Ebertin gives Mars/Saturn as….”Impotence
and weakness, all will-directed activity meets complete resistance,
disputes, separations, illness.”
Currently transit Mars opposes his natal Karma and squares his 8th cusp.
Giuliani has a Sun-Uranus conjunction in Gemini like Trump, who was born two years later. Both enjoy being provocative. Giuliani’s Sun-Uranus is conjunct the US Uranus, so it is fitting that he would become nationally famous through a dramatic and sudden event. Trump’s Sun-Uranus is conjunct the US Mars square US Neptune, which gives him macho appeal through deception. They are both going to have an unhappy Christmas when Jupiter retrograde in Gemini squares Saturn in Gemini’s 10th house. For a Libran like Kamala, it will mean buckling down to difficult work with no end in sight.