Cliff Richard, the teenyboppers’ delight pre-The Beatles in the early 1960s, is still going strong into his mid eighties. He has announced his Can’t Stop Me Now tour to Australia, New Zealand and the UK in 2025.
He started as a rebellious rock and roll singer in the style of Presley and Little Richard with his backing group, the Shadows, but an increased focus on his Christian faith led to a more middle-of-the-road image. In a career over 65 years, he has collected several gold and platinum discs and awards, including two Ivor Novello Awards and three Brit Awards though he never made the same inroads into the USA music scene.
Born 14 October 1940 9.10 pm (rectified and unconfirmed) in Lucknow, India, he came to the UK aged 6 when violence broke out pre-independence and partition.
He has a Libra Sun largely unaspected in his performing 5th house; with his Mercury in Scorpio also in his 5th opposition Saturn Jupiter in Taurus widely square Pluto in his financial 2nd house – thus a fixed T square giving him endurance and a stubborn streak. He also has a 12th house Uranus exactly conjunct Algol in a creative trine to Neptune.
His 10th house Aries Moon, suiting him for a public career is in a possessive trine to Pluto and a fractious opposition to Mars in his domestic 4th house. His Venus in Virgo trines Saturn Jupiter.
An unaspected Sun will make him defensive and independent, aloof and absorbed within his own world.
His romantic life has always been a subject of intrigue for the media with a string of high profile ladies at one point who never made it up the altar and he has lived for some years with an ex-priest and his mother.
When the police raided his Berkshire home in 2014 as part of the Operation Yewtree post the Jimmy Savile scandal, tr Neptune was conjunct his Midheaven and tr Saturn in Scorpio was opposition his Taurus planets as he expressed outrage at the publicised operation and retired to Portugal thereafter for a few years. No evidence was found and he subsequently successfully sued the BBC and South Yorkshire Police for damages.
Cliff Richard is definitely one of the greatest talents the world has ever seen. I remember growing up in the 70’s and listening to one of his great songs of all time “Mr Dreammaker”. That song was so popular here in South Africa, you could listen to it on every radio station. It was like a national anthem. All of my uncles used to sing and even dance to it. I still remember even some local musicians translated it to our native languages and sang it. Looking at his career from now and the coming years, Saturn is currently crossing his midheaven, his scheduled shows in 2025 are definitely going to be a hit. I will him all the success in his career.
I’d add that the transit of Neptune to his MC during the Yewtree raid would therefore have been in opposition to his Virgo IC and Venus. So it was dissolving some of the mystery around his lovelife.
I assume his being umarried is a combo of no-one ever living up to the Venus/Neptune in Virgo perfectionism; and the Gemini Asc/ Sag descendant being square to that – hence a need for freedom. With Capricorn 8th house, it’s quite possible he’s got some kind of intimacy issues whereas his 5th house is tenanted and he likes to have fun/play.
Here’s his biwheel for the damages award vs BBC. It checks out for accuracy.
Since his birth time was rectified/unverified I checked it with 3 events.
In his biwheel for death of father we get Solar Return Saturn, ruler of
his 8th House of death, squares his natal Sum. This checks out.
For the death of his mother, Converse Moon, mother, in 6th, opposes
Uranus, sudden his natal Uranus, in his natal 12th. This checks out.
For his successful lawsuit against the BBC his biwheel, transit inside,
and natal outside, also checks out..,.this biwheel is in the next post.