Royal babies are tumbling out at speed, most notably Zara Tindall, Princess Anne’s daughter, who delivered on the bathroom floor since her number three wouldn’t wait. Followed five days later by Princess Sofia of Sweden’s number three son. And last month Princess Eugenie, Prince Andrew’s youngest, produced her first, another boy.
Lucas Tindall, 21 March 2021 circa 6pm Minchinhampton, England, is a super-charming Sun Venus in Aries in his 7th so he won’t be short of admirers or a jam-packed social and romantic life later on. His sporting 5th house is also well populated which given a rugby playing father and equestrian mother is hardly surprising. He has a lucky, confident Jupiter in Aquarius there trine his midheaven and a disciplined Saturn trine Mars which could point to a career on the organisational side of entertainment or sport. A 10th house Cancer Moon will suit him for a public role in life. Although he isn’t a titled Royal he will want to be a mover and shaker in some field that interacts with the public. And with a right-hand chart will definitely be a people person. He may well clash with oldest sister Mia, who is a determined Capricorn since his Pluto is conjunct her Sun and her Uranus is conjunct his Sun.
Princess Sofia’s No 3 son, 26 March 2021 11.19am has the sociably and diplomatic Sun Venus in Aries in his career 10th, along with Uranus and Mars, so he’ll be focussed towards achievement and a public role, though with moments of rebellion. Jupiter in his 8th suggests supportive and generous grandparents. Saturn in his 7th and Neptune square his Sun/Moon midpoint suggest a later marriage and perhaps difficulty making a commitment.
Princess Eugenie’s first baby, a son named August, 9 February 2021 8.55am London, has his Sun and four other planets in Aquarius in the 11th – keen on friends and team activities, communicative and enduring. His volatile, excitement-seeking Mars Uranus in Taurus is square most of his Aquarius planets so he will be rebellious, disruptive, argumentative and very stubborn with seven Fixed planets. He has a Moon Pluto in Capricorn suggesting a possessive mother so he may be defensive about committing himself to relationships later, which is echoed with his Saturn conjunct his Sun/Moon midpoint. An emphasised 12th house Neptune hints at escapist or addictive tendencies. He has a left-hand chart so will be independent-minded.
Pippa Middleton also had her second child on 15 March 2021 at 4.22am (Hello Magazine) in London, which makes her daughter a creative and dreamily charming Sun Venus Neptune in Pisces with a go-ahead Aries Moon sextile Jupiter Saturn in Aquarius and a can-be-autocratic Uranus square Saturn – quite a mix with four planets in her financial 2nd house so earning money though art or design businesses is possible.
She has Pluto conjunct her Ascendant with Saturn just below echoing her brother’s (15 October 2018 1.58pm) Saturn Moon on the ascendant with Pluto just below, suggesting that both births may have been problematic – and this tends to lead to a reserved personality in public or at least a secretive, enigmatic one. Both have Uranus in the 3rd house of siblings so they’re likely to need space from each other.
Marjorie could you tell us more about right and left handed charts please?
My granddaughter born hours apart from Lucas Tindall has a similar chart except that hers is ‘left handed’ and his is right. Is it just a slightly different emphasis?
I’m now starting to learn a little about planets in houses from you and that must change constantly with the ascendant always being in the first house and that changes 12 times
every 24 hours!
A left-hand chart oddly also known as eastern hemisphere tends to be self-motivated, more independent. A right-hand Western hemisphere likes to involve others in their actions.
Marjorie I love your porcine pigs might fly royal! Do tell who is the artist.
I find some members of the Royal family more human and loving than most people think. I remember William reaching for his wife’s hand as though receiving comfort but also giving it in return. This was at Princess Eugenie’s wedding. The Tindals aways seemed a happy and supportive family especially given the pain from a previous miscarriage.
I’m sorry to sully the moment by saying that I think a certain person’s account of her miscarriage presses the supposed buttons for expected sympathy, but doesn’t ring true. More like a script for a second rate movie of the week.
Despite that family’s determination to destroy the fabric of this country, I have great hope that the remaining branches that their children will grow up into stable adults and not twisted and loathing of the United Kingdom.
Pixabay. They are a free image site.
I agree with Jo. Princess Madeleine would have been very unhappy in the UK version of the RF. I lived in Sweden when the present king married. The press’s attitude to the RF was very relaxed. At one point they published a cartoon of the king naked because they were making fun of him for some gaffe he had made but it wasn’t meant maliciously. No one batted a eyelid. An equivalent example in the UK would be unthinkable without calling for the paper to be closed, the reporter sacked or telling us the RF was already on the way out. In Sweden you are allowed to mock the foibles of their RF and still love them. I wonder how the British and Swedish RFs’s horoscopes compare?
An observation: Prince Carl Philip’s and Princess Sofia’s sons aren’t, and won’t be, part of the Swedish Court, even if they are part of the Royal Family. King Carl Gustav XVI made a decision to formally exclude children of his younger children from these duties, as well as tax payer funded allowance. Therefore, Carl Philip’s and Madeleine’s children are freer, from the get go, to forge their way, than children of Princess Anne and Princes Andrew and Edward have been.
Therefore, Carl Philip’s and Sofia’s 3rd son has an interesting chart in that it’s so public. For no reason what so ever, other than having extremely good looking parents and therefore likely being attractive himself, and Leo Rising, my feeling is he might become an actor. Neither of his parents has been known as an intellectual – with Carl Philip suffering of dyslexia and Sofia having a Reality Tv background. Carl Philip has, however, apparently inherited Bernadottes’ creativity, and Sofia wan respect by volunteering as an hospital aid during worst months of covid-19 outbreak (I’d already noticed she’s a hard worker and probably very organized, with her Taurus Moon and Retrograde Capricorn Mercury – Mercury Retros becoming used problem solving early on). And yes, despite not being member of Court, grandchildren will not miss anything from their Royal grandparents, especially Queen Silvia has expressed, in many interviews, the joy of having numerous grandchildren.
I’m no Royalist but I have to say, I’ve always had a soft spot for the Swedish Royal Family. I think their model is a perfect example of how Royal Families should work. Crown Princess Victoria is admirable and very likeable too. If I recall, when Carl Phillip was born he was in line to inherit the throne due to being the male heir as the males always inherited? However, about a year after he was born, parliament threw out the progeniture laws and the Crown heir title would always go to the first-born. So, Victoria inherited the title. Not that I would trade places with Royals as it must be a deeply restrictive upbringing with not much slack to have their own freedom on their terms.
@Jo, I’m not a royalist either, but being about 9 months older than Victoria, have always followed her life closely. And you are correct, Swedish Parliament passed absolute primogenitude in 1979, and the law came in effect in January 1st 1980, so Carl Philip was officially Crown Prince for little over half a year.
What’s interesting, too, is how little Bernadottes and Windsors interact (although , given current King’s grandfather Gustav VI married Louise Mountbatten, aunt to Prince Philip, after being widowed from Margaret of Connaugh, granddaughter to Queen Victoria. So, I really wonder what happened there…
Also, I may have small personal interest in conservation of Monarchy in Sweden. Prince Daniel is my 10th cousin, and therefore, if Princess Estelle (who is adorable) ascended to throne, my daughter would be 11th cousin to a Queen. I have to say that’s wild.
That’s an amzing connection, Solaia! I think if it were our English Royal Family I might have shrugged and said, “Meh”, lol, because they are so underwhelming and too many. But the Swedish RF seem to live within their means and appear very down-to-earth. I remember when the media were mentioning Princess Madeleine as a potential bride for Prince William. I think she would have been absolutely miserable with such a role. And all three of Carl-Gustav’s and Silvia’s children have to be the most beautiful Royal offspring I’ve ever seen! All other aristocratic household’s look like variations of the same theme. I went on holiday to Stockholm in 2003 and fell in love with the place. I have a deep fondness for most things Scandinavian and mention on here from time to time that it’s model and structure is something every country should strive for 🙂
Thanks for doing those charts. Also Pippa ..Kate’
s sister had her daughter… must have been a good lock down in 2021.
Lots of information to think about here, thank you Marjorie.
Marjorie, loved this. Right and left handed charts, I learn something new from you almost every time.
Same here
Ah.. right hand left hand charts could you please tell us more Marjorie?
Coincidentally my first granddaughter was born just over 2 hours after Lucas Tindall but as this was in Sydney the (then) 11 hour time difference gave her birth time as 7.10am on 22nd March.
Although she appears to have all the same planets in signs as Lucas (Cafe Astrology) she seems to have a mainly left hand chart.
How much difference does this make to her astrology?