Rolf Harris who joined the unholy ranks of fallen national treasure when he was defrocked as a sexual predator of children, has died. He scaled the dizzy heights of BBC stardom, was beloved by animal lovers, children and the Queen whose portrait he painted and produced chart-topping chuckles in Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport, Sun Arise, and Jake the Peg – and was what one commentator described as “a paragon of spotless family fare.” In the wake of Jimmy Savileʼs exposure as a serial paedophile, the police Operation Yewtree, eventually charged Harris with 12 counts of indecent assaults on adolescent girls and he was sentenced to nearly six years in jail. Like the outing of Bill Cosby in the US, the sleazy Harris behind the affable exterior shook the nation to the core.
Harris, born 30 March 1930 3.15 am Perth, Australia, was a New Moon in Aries conjunct Mercury and Uranus in his financial 2nd house – giving him a flare of making money in unconventional
ways. His Sun Uranus were on the point of a Cardinal T Square to Pluto in Cancer in the 5th house of opposition Saturn – not short on ego and self-confidence, defiant with a tendency to lawlessness which is a negative trait of Uranus. His Saturn opposition Pluto would give him a tough, hard streak and Saturn square Uranus can be dictatorial, autocratic, and does not practice what it preaches.
His Aries Moon is tied into his Sun Uranus and widely square Saturn and widely sextile Jupiter as well as inconjunct Neptune but does not seem to be a driver in his chart.
His Pluto in the 5th can be creative, a good performer, but tends to be controlling where children are concerned and it was in a seductive square to Venus and to wayward Uranus as well as in a ruthless trine to Mars. Uranus square Pluto is alluded to by Sakoian & Acker as ‘having serious lessons to learn regarding the sexual function. The aspect coincides with a period of history in which there is much sexual abuse.ʼ [I must confess to being puzzled by that since it isnʼt an attribute I would intuitively attach to Uranus Pluto.]
Bill Cosby, 12 July 1937 12.30am Philadelphia, PA, has Sun, Mercury, Pluto in Cancer opposition Jupiter trine, sextile an ultra- determined Mars in Scorpio which is turn opposes Uranus. He has an Earth Grand Trine of Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune (Moon) in Virgo. A marked 4th house Pluto will be controlling in emotional terms and he has a ruthless streak not obvious from his amiable persona on TV of old. His Venus in Gemini is square his Moon – what Richard Idemon described as the ‘poison appleʼ of sexualised mother love.
Jimmy Savile, 312 October 1926, no birth time, was a Sun Venus in Scorpio opposition a formidably determined Mars in Taurus and trine Pluto in Cancer. Like Harris he has a Jupiter square Mars which can be an opportunist. And like Cosby he has a Virgo Moon. In his case trine Mars and maybe sextile Venus.
Sexual predators come in all shapes and sizes with varying characteristics. Pluto in Cancer did have the affect of
damaging/destroying or irrevocably altering family relationships in the long years between 1914 and the late 1930s – and my own experience is that in certain individuals it warped their emotional responses.
On the harmonics of all three above – the 10th harmonic is not surprisingly strong – symbolised by the wheel of fortune, it indicates rise and fall from high position. The pleasure-seeking 9th is also heavily aspected with Harris and Savile and the 18H ( 9X 2) with Cosby.
One thought about sex offenders was a comment by a professional who worked with them who said they were all very different but if there was one characteristic that was usually evident it was a sugary sweetness, a false charm – helpful in a public performer whose popularity was bought by manipulating a gullible public.