Roger Hallam – eco-jihadists causing havoc

The environmental zealots have surpassed themselves by blocking an ambulance taking a sick elderly woman to hospital after weeks of the police being seemingly incapable of clearing them off main roads.

  Roger Hallam, co-founder of Extinction Rebellion which is the umbrella organisation for the Insulate Britain road-blockers, said in an interview he would support stopping even dying patients in ambulances for his cause. Born 4 May 1966, he was formerly an organic farmer and has been studying for a PhD, researching how to achieve social change through civil disobedience and radical movements.

  An assertive and immensely stubborn Sun Mars in Taurus opposition Neptune in Scorpio and possibly Moon in Scorpio – with his North Node closely conjunct Algol (which seems to be a constant presence at the moment.) His Sun Mars are also trine Uranus Pluto in Virgo giving him an inclination to rock boats and set up revolutions. He’s also got a chilly Venus Saturn in Pisces in a see-saw square to Jupiter in Gemini.

  Nothing much is going right for him now and for the foreseeable future with Uranian upheavals and disruptions into 2023 as well as Eclipse challenges and Neptunian droop thereafter till after mid decade.

  Extinction Rebellion, 31 October 2018, will hiccup along until 2023 when it will, force majeure, have to rethink its future with tr Pluto square its Uranus. Its opportunistic, none-too-sensible Mars square Jupiter will be rattled up by the upcoming late 2021/2022 Eclipses.

There is an oddity about these fanatical groups – a bit like the animal liberation front – some justification for their grievances but wildly way over the top in their ways of making their point.

5 thoughts on “Roger Hallam – eco-jihadists causing havoc

  1. Thanks Marjorie!
    And Jupiter in Gemini is very ‘Do as I say not as I do’, especially in the anaeretic degree, and exact squared to the Piscean Venus Saturn. And in addition to all that Taurus, Scorpio, so I would expect to see more coming out about that contradiction, with his transiting Saturn conjunct natal Moon then Neptune, and Neptune conjunct natal Saturn Venus square Jupiter .

  2. I actually think that Extinction Rebellion have done a lot of good in bringing the climate and ecological emergency to the top of the agenda. Their premise, that nobody listens until their lives are disrupted, is difficult to argue with; and although these things can always be taken to unreasonable extremes by particular people, it’s humbling to contrast the way XR protesters are prepared to go to jail for telling the truth, with the liars, crooks and corrupt politicians lounging in our current Government, the ones who are causing so much disruption, hardship and difficulty to people’s lives. Government accusations about XR are breathtakingly hypocritical.

    However I do think Hallam has gone a little off the rails and is hijacking the very cause he helped to do so much for. Thanks for the chart Marjorie.

  3. A chart full of hidden anger waiting to be released now he’s hit his 50s and can’t take it anymore.

    Interesting that the Uranus in Taurus eco-revolution has been characterised by people sitting in roads, glueing themselves themselves to trains etc. Nothing able to move – very Taurus.

    • “Nothing able to move – very Taurus” – very good GD! It’s also interesting to see fixed Nodes in both Hallam’s chart and the Halloween chart for Extinction Rebellion. Hallam’s Taurus/Scorpio emphasis on ‘resources’ and ‘values’, and ER’s on relationships, groups, and risk-taking in Leo/Aquarius.

      I’m also intrigued to see, yet again, a prominent place for Algol. As Marjorie notes, it is “a constant presence at the moment” – waiting in the wings to step centre stage with the approaching Lunar Eclipse in November. Judging by the number of times this has now appeared on the charts Marjorie has posted here, Medusa has a lot to say to us this autumn.
      Bernadette Brady writes: ” Algol represents a strong consuming passion that may devour you with anger and rage. If one can contain an unconscious compulsion to take revenge, and focus that passion into a more productive outcome, Algol is one of the most powerful stars in the sky.”

      The late Diana K. Rosenberg did much research into the Medusa star as well. She said that “the polarities of bigotry or tolerance, violence or kindness, cruelty or compassion…..are issues that are unavoidable” when this star is prominent. That balance is a real challenge for Roger Hallam, and the groups he’s inspired.

      Finally, as an aside, it’s thought-provoking to see that both the late Princess Diana, and Prince William, have Venus in Taurus conjunct Algol in their natal charts.

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