Rodrigo Duterte – deploying criminal tactics to fight crime



Rodrigo Duterte, the new President of the Philippines, much given to expletive-laden tirades, has been mouthing off again about his bloody campaign against drug dealers and addicts. President Obama cancelled a meeting with Duterte recently after he appeared to call him a “son of a whore” for speaking out against extra-judicial killings. Duterte has openly said he would “kill 100,000 criminals” to reduce crime in the Philippines. Since June 3,000 people have been killed in police operations or by vigilantes.

A former lawyer, prosecutor, he was city Mayor for Davao for 22 years, which became known as the murder capital, as Duterte sanctioned civilian death squads to cut crime rates. He was born 28 March 1945 and was sworn in at noon on 30 June 2016 in Manila. At least a third of the population live below the poverty line in the Philippines.

He’s an upfront Sun Aries opposition Neptune in Libra square Saturn in Cancer, so will have a vision and executive ability though won’t be good at sharing the driving seat. His Pluto is heavily aspected being trine his Sun and on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine of Neptune to Uranus in Gemini, as well as square Venus – in a Half Grand Sextile. His Mars in Pisces is square Uranus and trine Saturn. So talented but power and aggression drive him. He looks pleased with his achievements by 2018/19 with tr Pluto trine his Jupiter in Virgo.

His Presidency chart is also controlling with the Sun Venus opposition a 4th house Pluto which squares onto a 7th house Uranus – so a firm clamp down internally and divisive diplomatically  with neighbours. There’s also a heavy-duty and hidden Earth Grand Trine of Moon in Taurus trine Jupiter Node in Virgo trine Pluto, formed into a Kite by Pluto opposition Sun Venus. Plus a stressed, explosive, vengeful Mars in Scorpio inconjunct Uranus – so not harmonious or risk-free.

The Philippines Independence chart, 4 July 1946 9.15am Manila, is surging with confidence at the moment with Solar Arc Pluto conjunct Jupiter and tr Pluto square Jupiter in 2016/17 – but that combination always carries the risk of going a step too far, breaking rules and regulations out of arrogance. Duterte has already said he doesn’t care about human rights laws when threatened by UN sanctions. There will be some jolts in 2017 with Solar Arc Sun square Uranus and tr Uranus square the Saturn.

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