Rodney Alcala, known as The Dating Game Killer, is the subject of a true crime film made of his murderous career. He was found guilty of eight murders between 1971 and 1979, is suspected of killing more than 100 women and girls and died in 2021 on death row.
The actress Anna Kendrick who directed the film also played Cheryl, a contestant on the dating show who refused to go out with Alcala because she thought he was creepy. Anna Kendrick has donated her fee from hit Netflix film Woman of the Hour to Rainn (the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) and the National Centre for Victims of Crime, because she would have felt “gross” profiting from it. She had previously said her own experience in an emotionally abusive relationship inspired her performance in the 2022 psychological thriller about a coercive boyfriend, Alice, Darling.
Rodney Alcala, August 23, 1943, San Antonio, Texas, joined the army at 17 and was described as manipulative, vindictive, and insubordinate. After a breakdown, he was diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder, with later diagnoses labelling him with narcissistic personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, and malignant narcissism with psychopathy and sexual sadism comorbidities.
His Sun was on the cusp of Leo/Virgo and his Moon in Gemini. His Sun was square Mars and Algol in Taurus so quite a bulldozer personality with a short fuse with his Sun square a defiant Uranus as well. Plus a super-over-confident Jupiter Pluto conjunction in Leo.
Where his sadistic inclinations show up clearly are on his ‘serial killer’ 18th harmonic which has a marked T square of Sun opposition Mars square Saturn – Mars Saturn being the traditional astrology signature for assassinations.
What draws Anna Kendrick, 9 August 1985, Portland, ME, to playing in movies about abusers is her Mars in Leo opposition Jupiter square Pluto in Scorpio; with her Sun Mercury in Leo conjunct her Mars and square Saturn in Scorpio. She had an accountant mother and a history teacher father and started acting in community theatre when young. But with an accentuated Mars square Pluto – and widely connected into Saturn as well, she will have a sensitive antennae to coercion, bullying and worse. She has said in interviews she never intends to have children.
Her Mars is conjunct Alcala’s emphasised Pluto Jupiter with her Jupiter in opposition and her North Node square so she would home in on his coercive personality.
Her victim/healer 12th harmonic is significantly strong with a Grand Trine involving Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune Pluto, formed into a Kite by Pluto opposition Sun. She has the capacity to make a difference.
After reading all the comments on Virgos (yes it is disturbing to notice numerous Virgo killers/abusers, also quite a few nasty & unfortunately effective Virgos in the MAGA movement, or, non-Virgos whose ruling planet is in Virgo, such as Diddy), I remembered something the French would say about the sign, which I’ve never heard elsewhere: ‘Vierge folle ou Vierge sage’ – crazy or wise, but apparently not much in the middle… Seemed a bit much of a generalization, but maybe there’s something to it?
Also, as I recall from reading Goodman ages ago, there’s a difference between males and females – Virgo being a ‘feminine’ sign, men might be less at ease.
Rodney mom paid for his bail!!!+
Why it took cops so long to arrest him, God only knows. Giovanna, nsw
Anna Kendrick…..Heliacal Rising star, is Acumens…”The healer, the one
who tries to bring help thru’ words or actions. Philanthropy.
PARANS: Zosma, the victim star, setting as Venus is on the IC…
…”Depression, a difficulty with self-esteem. Being a
victim or film about others who were victimized.”
While a very dark life, I think it is irresponsible to make the type of gross over generalisations, such as the ones expressed in your comment.
As always with astrology, it can also be the opposite, just as likely a victim as perpetrator.
Perhaps Liz Green stated as much in her book…
Thank you
Was trying to respond to first comment…
Sorry for misplacing…
Hi Beth, I am sorry if my remark seemed like a generalization. It was not meant to generalize, more as a possiblity which could be explored. Re your observation about astrological placements being able to work both ways, you are very right. I know this all too well from personal experience. I have a hard aspect between Pluto and the Sun – in mutabel signs – and grew up with an abusive stepfather. Today, I live with an aggressive male neighbor. Thank you for your critical note, anyway. I have retrieved Liz’ Greene’s book from my attic and will start reading it again
Thanks Marjorie. I’d never heard of this man until recent publicity for the film. Highly intelligent apparently, and one of a small, chilling group of serial killers who appeared on TV before they were discovered/arrested.
In an odd little coincidence, I caught part of the obituary of American Patti McGee, also 23 August 1945, just now on the radio. She died on 16 October. Patti was the first female professional skateboarder, a champion and a groundbreaking sportswoman.
You write about Alcala – “He did have an unloved Venus Saturn in Cancer and an explosive Mars Uranus in Gemini.” Patti has the same, of course. I think that agile, games-loving, Mars in Gemini with added adventurous, unconventional energy from Uranus, found expression in Patti’s skateboarding triumphs – while Alcala used that energy in a dark and destructive way. I know nothing of P M’s personal life apart from her two children, and two marriages. However, the Venus-Saturn in Cancer may have been careful with money, and valued security of one kind or another very highly?
Jupiter in communicative, media Gemini is currently transiting the Mars in those charts.
One other thought – 20 Gemini is where fixed star Bellatrix is situated, in the constellation of Orion, the Hunter. It is sometimes known as the Female Warrior or Amazon. Elsbeth Ebertin writes:
“If positive properties can be drawn out, will lead to advancement and success, but those who succeed always have to allow for being surrounded with envy and hatred. Quick decision making, thoughts and plans being realized with energy, courage, fighting spirit, strategic talents, ability to organize, discrimination. Reckless aggressiveness of a belligerent daredevil.” [Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.33.]
Apologies. I need stronger glasses. His birthdate is 1943. Have amended.
Ha! Thanks Marjorie. Well, one fixed star of interest with the new birthdate is Al Hecka, aligning with Alcala’s Saturn. It is the Bull’s Southern Horn, 24 Gemini:
“With Saturn: Uncontrolled passions, drink, debauchery, perverted genius, clever writer of undesirable literature, luxurious surroundings but little wealth, isolated or confined at end of life, domestic unhappiness, accidents if Mars is also afflicting. [Robson, p.126.]”
“According to Ptolemy it is of the nature of Mars, but Alvidas suggests that of Mercury and Saturn conjoined. It gives violence, male violence and danger of accidents. [Robson, p.125.]”
Thank you, Marjorie. I appreciate your thoughtful analysis.
Anna Kendrick appeared on the Armchair Expert podcast in early 2023 to talk about her movie Alice, Darling and I found her deeply compelling. She compared a previous relationship with an ex to her character in the movie which helped her to recognize how unhealthy it was. Anyway, after listening to her and watching the movie, I saw many similarities with my relationship with a family member. Furthermore, I did some detective work and found out the birthdate of her ex which was the EXACT same as my relative (incl the year) – I almost fell out of my chair! With a Sun square Mars and Moon opposite Pluto in both of them, I finally saw, thanks to her, that I had to make some changes.
Anyway, I’m very much looking forward to seeing this new movie. Between her creativity in making films that help us women see some darker themes that we don’t always see ourselves, and the integrity displayed in rejecting a fee for this movie, I’m now a loyal fan 🙂
Terrible, terrible story. I seem to remember from read astrologer Liz Greene’s book ‘The Dark of the Soul’ (psychopathology in the horoscope), that serial killers often have a prevalence of planets in the mutable signs. I don’t know what the explanation for it was. Alcala certainly seems to fit the bill with his Virgo Sun, Pisces Moon and Mars-Uranus in Gemini
I would tend to agree with J and Liz Greene – I did a skip round bi-polar sufferers when Catherine Zeta Jones was diagnosed in 2011 and Mutable came out as one defining feature.
An overdose of Mutable planets can be nervy and highly strung – which obviously does not always result in a major psychological malfunction – but it is worth noting that at the extreme end of the spectrum it can result in such. It is not a generalisation merely an observation. And I speak as a highly Mutable type and don’t take it as a gross insult.
See : Mutable signs – Mercury on steroids, 29th July 2024.
For what it’s worth….”Of all the opposition aspects in astrology, Moon opposite Pluto most resembles bipolar symptoms. Alternating extremes of emotion and behaviour are the signs of bipolar disorder and of the Moon opposite Pluto”
-Astrology King
Thank you for the clarification, Marjorie. I need to learn more about the phenomenon of the mutable signs and their possible proclivities for errant behaviour.
Thank you @J, for opening important dialogue about this topic. Sorry for knee-jerk response; Mars/Pluto/Uranus…
All good, Beth!
Best wishes 🙂
Same here, it’s bewildering since terrorists usually have saturn or Uranus number kind fixed birth dates or either easily manipulated signs like Pisces or completely fixed ones like Taurus…yet when it comes to statistics of serial killers..Virgo is on top…how come mutable signs don’t realise their sins n repent?
While I also read somewhere years ago that Virgo is most cruel morally
I wonder if the Virgo serial killer thinks they are tidying things up?