Rachel Reeves’ bombshell budget has attracted mixed reviews.
The Guardian cautions that “with a big budget comes a big risk”. The right wing media unsurprisingly slated it. Daily Mail – “A fatally flawed and seriously socialist Budget that dooms Britain to another lost decade. The Times – “Reeves missed her chance to bet on growth. The budget was much like those of the past 16 years: a funnel for pouring money into an unsustainable state sector.”
The FT, possibly the best guide to the vagaries of economic prediction – “Bold ambition, uncertain prospects.”
Reeves is not a lady given to doubt. Born 13 February 1979 she has a determined and go-getting Sun Mars and Mercury in Aquarius trine Pluto, square Uranus and sextile Neptune. Stubbornly intent on her own way, she won’t budge easy, is stratospherically ambitious, and defiant when it comes to facing pressure. Her Sun Mars in Aquarius trine Pluto especially makes her super-controlling.
She has a confident tr Pluto opposition her Jupiter running through this year and next on and off which can be successful but also wilfully over-confident which could backfire. She is in good spirits and feeling lucky later this month into December and again mid March to early April 2025. Though will be marginally panicked through this December as well and irritable. Where the real problems for her crop up are when tr Uranus moves into Gemini and first opposes her Mars/Saturn midpoint in July 2025 and repeating into 2026 which will be a major setback. With more to following 2026 as plans fail and her confidence takes a dent. [Which is when many of the present government are showing problems.]
The UK chart does have that tricky Solar Arc Uranus heading to conjunct the 8th house Mars, exactly in six months though in effect now. This may have a considerable financial/economic impact but could also bring other effects. Tr Neptune Saturn in Aries will oppose the UK Uranus from mid 2025 onwards which may not be specially money related but does suggest a difficult phase of transition with perhaps failed experiments (Nep opp Ura).
More significantly the Bank of England chart, 27 July 1694 JC, is looking seriously rattled at the moment with the Solar Arc Uranus square the Sun; as well as blocked with SA Pluto opposition Saturn. Tr Neptune is also square the Saturn and SA Pluto in spring 2025 which will not bring good news in the fiscal front. Tr Saturn Neptune in Aries then opposes the BoE Mars for a devastating hit from April 2025 onwards into 2026; and tr Neptune Saturn moves on to square the BoE financial Venus in 2026/27; with another setback in 2028 from SA Pluto conjunct the Venus.
Reeves’ relationship with Keir Starmer will be rattled late this December to mid March 2025 with tr Uranus opposition their composite Saturn – with disappointments through spring and more tensions and differences as tr Uranus moves into Gemini from July 2025 onwards.
Reeves’ relationship with the UK has a fractious yod, hinting at a pivotal relationship which will have far-reaching consequences. It focuses onto Mars in Aries which will be badly affected by tr Neptune Saturn conjunct the yod Mars from April 2025 onwards so public confidence in her won’t be high and sinking fast into 2026.
I couldn’t agree more Jackie . How this woman got the job of Chancellor,beggars belief.She is a typical air sign,in particular Aquarius – x plus y = z ,no thought for people’s human needs .
Sorry, I can’t help it; but whenever I see a photo of Rachel Reeves the words ‘Head Girl’ immediately come into my mind – the one most of the school were dreading. Her official budget day photos simply reinforced the idea. For those of you who know the Harry Potter films, the self-satisfied looks of Professor Umbridge (until she gets her come-uppance) serves as a good comparison. But I guess astrology doesn’t really account for that.
I think a lot of female politicians are depicted that way. Either that or they’re “too soft” like Jacinda Ardern
The 1801 UK astrology chart has Neptune in the 2nd house at 18 Scorpio 44.
It’s v sensitive; on Liz Truss’s budget day on 23rd Sept 2023, tr Uranus was at 18 Taurus 34, exactly opposite that Neptune, and tr Saturn was at 19 Aquarius 20, squaring it.
Well, Reeves has her natal Uranus at 20 Scorpio 56, conjunct the UK Neptune. And her Mars at 18 Aquarius 40, exactly square the UK Neptune in the 2nd. Sort of angry and disruptive.
Typo, Liz Truss’s budget day was on 23rd Sept 2022. The astro positions are right tho’
Can you also have a look at other days that affected the UK economy significantly, such as devaluation day (18 November 1967) and Black Wednesday (16 September 1992) when the pound sterling crashed out of the ERM?
On 16th Sept 1992, tr Pluto was at 20 Scorpio 46. So conjunct the 1801 UK Neptune in the 2nd. Britain crashed out of the ERM, became eurosceptic, and the rest is history. So it WAS transformational. (Tr Saturn was at 12 Aquarius 33 retrograde, so moving away from the square to the UK Neptune. The square became exact in Jan 1993.).
On 18th Nov 1967, Neptune was at 24 Scorpio 7 – so past the exact Neptune return of the 1801 chart, though still under the influence, depending on the orb you use. Tr Mars was at 19 Cap 23, sextiling the UK Neptune and falling in the UK’s 4th house.
scary with a robotic voice and financially illiterate
I agree !!
Is it her Jupiter in Leo needing attention that has had that flippin’ fringe all over the news for the past few weeks (or even months)? As far as I can see its only aspects are by quincunx to her Aqua planets (that’s Jupiter in Leo not the fringe).
What happened to just having a Budget one midweek afternoon, announcing it in the House of Commons – a bit of speculation in the media overnight and then get on with it. This Government seems more interested in talking than quietly and effectively getting on with it. Some positive stuff from them would be welcome – not just the constant doom, gloom and blamegame.
I suspect the slow leakage over the past few weeks was to avoid spooking the markets like Liz Truss did with her complete left-field offerings. The drip…drip of Policy before the stated time to get the public used to it started with in Tony Blair’s administration (if memory serves….).
In a previous life I was involved in Budget Day measures. You received a number of formally sealed envelopes. At 3pm (which used to be the “Official” Budget time that the Chancellor stood up to speak) a message was received telling us which envelopes to open, action them as appropriate, and to return the rest still sealed. The reason being that many of the decisions could actually be down to a very last minute selection of options.
I have found the the tsunami of negativity, and the desperate avoidance of the use of the word “austerity” over the past few weeks has been wearing. (Although there was a mention of Gordon Brown’s favourite epithet “Prudence” which made me smile!).
Very interesting to hear your experiences Debbie. Fair enough about not spooking markets but if you don’t do anything crazy or drastic there shouldn’t be much to spook. If you speak in clear terms (which Sun-Pluto, Libra Moon, Mars in Cancer Starmer seems unable to do) then no-one is left wondering what’s about to happen or who is a working person or isn’t.
My experience working on the Budget was that Gordon Brown left decisions to the last moment.
Looking at Reeves’ chart, it does look rather fixed – one wonders how she will react to the black swan events which will arise. Her Virgo planets will help.
My own view is that this budget is neither revolutionary (nothing on Capital GainGains structure, for example) nor honestly conventional enough. Anyhow we will see.
I am not sure, yet I think I read there has been a complaint lodged, concerning these leaks, by the opposition party. As apparently the rules of the Budget do not allow this practice to happen.
Thanks for this Marjorie.
I did wonder whether the astrology might show signs of over confidence for Rachel Reeves.
It’s certainly a bombshell budget.
She has a strong 16th Harmonic chart whose theme is destruction.
The 16H brings together her Sun, pride, and benefics Venus, Jupiter.
But PARAN-wise as these are setting, malefics Mars & Saturn become
angular on her IC, endings….giving her a FALL from grace as her
Money investments become inflationary, Jupiter, ruling 12th, undoing.
In French, the word for chess is échecs and the chessboard is called l’échiquier. In English, that would be the chequer board.
Well the Budget certainly had some Rookies!
Her PARANS: Alphard culminates as Mars on IC…”Aggressive, assertive.”
Vega culminates as Venus culminates…”ideas on social order.”
Al Reschi sets as Jupiter culminates…”innovative thinker who sets
standards for others to follow.”
Rigel on IC as Mercury rises…”strong personal views, stubborn.”
Zuben Elgenubi on IC as Mercury sets….”spokesperson for a group.”
Alkens on IC as Venus culminates…”to reform as a social activist.”
Rachel Reeves started her U.K. budget on 30 October 2024 at 12:37 UTC. The chart has Moon in 8th House, Saturn, Neptune, NN and Chiron in the 2nd House. Mars in Cancer in the 7th opposed Pluto in the 1st. Uranus in in the 4th near the IC opposed Mercury in the 10th on the MC. Jupiter, Uranus and Mars are all in Detriment of Fall. Only Neptune is dignified by Domicile
The big rise in employers NIC is definitely going to impact workers via fewer hirings, reduced hours, lower pay rises and more layoffs. Businesses will also be looking to pass off the increased costs to customers in higher prices. Even more concerning are the rises in borrowing and spending which do not look as though they are going to produce the hoped for growth if the OBR figures are to be believed. It also remains to be seen whether more money pumped into the NHS and other government spending sinks will produce any significant return in enhanced productivity. The rise in the U.K. gilt yields since the Budget suggests the markets are not buying the Chancellors arguments.
Interesting post. Reeves’ interaction with the UK’s 1801 Chart has her Pluto square its Moon. Her Saturn/Moon midpoint falls in the UK Chart 11th house. Which ties in with her planets in Aquarius. It struck me how apt this is, as she is attempting to mould this country into a union living . She believes totally in the state. She is on a mission.
The Moon is in Libra and the 8th House in the Budget chart. It represents the people and death/taxes. The placement can indicate a fear of loss.
Significantly Mars is in the Moon’s sign of Cancer and in the 7th House which is associated with Libra. It represents relationships, open enemies and generally other people. It can also represent victims. The presence of Mars would indicate lively relationships possibly involving conflict. Mars in Cancer is not normally confrontational as it is in fall which means it anticipates defeat. It lies opposite Pluto in the budget chart in Capricorn a sign associated with authority, government and the 10th house. This suggests the people have little power to resist what is being dictated to them by government.
It is noteworthy that Mercury is in the 10th House in the chart opposite Uranus in the 4th. This suggests that the message or communication in the Budget will cause some sort of turmoil in the country as a whole impacting the very core of the land (the inheritance tax measures impacting agricultural land and farmers would come in that category).
Generally I don’t think this is a particularly auspicious budget chart
Just to add that most of the budget measures will not come into effect until 6 April 2025. On that date the Moon will be back in Cancer conjoining with both transiting Mars which will be at 25 Cancer on that date and the Budget Mars at 28 Cancer. By that time Neptune will have started its new cycle and will be at 0 Aries.
During the upcoming Mars retrograde the planet will cross its Budget degree again on 10-11 January 2025 and 14-15 April 2025 so these maybe dates to watch.
@ Hugh Fowler “…impacting the core of the land” …. When you include housing plans, changing planning laws, rent laws, erecting electricity pylons all along the eastern counties, it would be surprising if the current “well what can you do/no one ever listens or understands our concerns, doesn’t morph into something like the ‘gilet jaunes’ insurgency in France.
Never heard of the term “Chancellor of the Exchequer” in Canada.
What is that??? Answer: Exchequer is a British term for the individual in the government who is in charge of the money: the treasurer. Sometimes it refers to the office in which all the money is kept, the treasury itself.
If you follow British government, you may have noticed that although they have a democracy much like ours, some things are very different. One of them is that the person in the government who is in charge of the government’s finances, the Treasury Secretary, is called the Chancellor of the Exchequer. The word has been around for a long time. There were exchequers in medieval England, back when exchequer offices worked for kings.
In the Middle Ages before the 15th century there were no Arabic numerals and the royal accounts were done on a chequer board using counters – thus the Chancellor of the Exchequer ran the nations finances
@Hugh and Andre, I love the word origins. I had no idea “exchequer, “cheque,” and “check” originated from the game of chess. That makes sense, though.
The word cheque comes from exchequer. Also, I believe, checking off a list or an account.
Which R.Reeves is incapable of. Surely.She doesn’t understand basic math.
Can I just say that within 3 weeks of election she took the winter fuel payment. That told me everything.