Robert De Niro – a Leo Aries match coming unstuck



Robert De Niro is divorcing his wife Grace Hightower after 20 years, though they split briefly in the early days of the marriage and came back together.

He was born 17 August 1943 at 3 am in New York to painter parents, with his father leaving when he was two, announcing he was gay. He moved between both parents and grandparents when he was a child and started acting young.

He’s a Sun Leo square a determined Mars in Taurus; with a powerfully confident Pluto Jupiter in Leo in his 2nd along with his Sun – so fairly focussed on money. His Pisces Moon squares both Uranus and a 12th house Saturn, reflecting his erratic childhood. Saturn in the 12th often refers to lack of a good male model and that added to Neptune in his 4th would give him problems in committing to a settled domestic life.

At the moment he has tr Pluto moving through his 7th which often puts strain on relationships; plus tr Neptune squared his Sun/Moon midpoint a few years back, so dissatisfaction will have been building. Exactly now his Progressed Moon is opposition his Uranus for a separation announcement.

Grace, 7 April 1955, is an Aries Sun square an adventurous and lucky Jupiter Uranus in Cancer and in a determined trine to Pluto. Their Fire signs are a good match; and her Venus in Pisces is conjunct his Moon which also chimes. Her Jupiter Uranus falls in his 1st so her bounce and exuberance would lift him up. But like him she has Mars in stubborn Taurus and hers opposes Saturn in Scorpio which would double up on the unyieldingness. Her Pluto is conjunct his Sun which would give an intense bond initially but may have become overly restrictive.

Their relationship chart has an affectionate composite Sun Venus aspect; and a passionate Venus trine Pluto, sextile Neptune. Lots of positives, some negatives  – Hollywood isn’t a place with much marital sticking power.

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