When “a professional life ruiner” ran into the “Erin Brokovitch of revenge porn” by flaunting her daughter’s private photos on an internet site he met poetic justice and a prison sentence. Another Netflix crime sleaze-a-thon “The Most Hated Man on the Internet” shines a spotlight on the antics of Hunter Moore, notorious in the 2010s for revelling in his bad-boy image, posting explicit photos of people (mostly women) without their permission. Pleas to remove the photos, were laughed off, with little recourse for those whose lives were upended, some driven to suicide.
Charlotte Laws, 11 May 1960, turned Moore’s actions in posting unauthorized and unshared photos of her daughter Kayla into a personal crusade, contacting other victims and lobbying authorities until they took action. Along the way she was harassed, vilified and flooded with death threats. Luckily she’s a stalwart Sun Taurus square Uranus and trine Saturn in Capricorn with a confident Jupiter trine Pluto and risk-taking Jupiter square Mars, with probably a Scorpio Moon. Nothing much would push her off course.
Moore, 9 March 1986, is a Sun, Moon and Jupiter in Pisces (not conjunct) with his Sun square a high-wire, uncompromising Mars Uranus conjunction in Sagittarius and his Jupiter square Saturn. His Moon is likely trine Pluto, square Saturn, maybe sextile Neptune. Without a birth time there’s not much indication of a driving sexual motive. Another campaigner against him said: “he didn’t care about destroying women’s lives, he just cared about content. He was an unempathetic asshole.”
His strong Uranus would make him a disrupter, happy when he was causing waves. Both his pleasure-seeking 9th Harmonic and his 18H are strongly marked with Uranus Neptune and his 9H with Saturn as well – it may be he was one of that emotionally-dead geek mentality who just wanted to make money or grab attention with zero empathy for anyone who might be tramped on in the process.
As it was he ended up in prison for “aggravated identity theft and aiding and abetting in the unauthorized access of a computer.”
As an entertaining footnote, at one point Anonymous – an internet vigilante group comprised of highly-skilled hackers – targeted Moore, wiped his servers and backups of previous files, emptied his bank account and donated all his money to women’s refuges. His social security number was wiped. A death certificate was created, declaring him dead in the state of California, this invalidating his passport. Learning that he was still living at his parent’s house in Sacramento, Anonymous shipped hundreds of dildos to his address. [Love it – shades of arch hacker Roddy in Mick Herron’s spook novels.]
What goes around, comes around.
It is a delicious irony that with such a flyaway Mutable chart he should run into a determinedly Fixed mama bear. Their relationship chart had a composite Sun Venus opposition Uranus – on different agendas. With a hostile composite Mars Jupiter trine Pluto.
When he pleaded guilty in 2015 and was sentenced to two and a half years in prison tr Jupiter in Leo was conjunct Charlotte’s Uranus and square her Sun for relief. Jupiter was also admittedly trine his Mars Uranus but that couldn’t outweigh his First Saturn Return giving him a sharp grow-up message at the same time. He’s now out and lying low.
This story is similar to that of extradited Dutch citizen Aydin Corban whose trial on extortion, harassment, child luring, and possession of child pornography heard closing arguments today in New Westminster, Canada. Corban’s alleged victim, 15-year-old Amanda Todd, took her own life in 2012. Sadly, Corban also sees himself as a victim of a ‘hate campaign’. Am hoping there will be justice for Amanda, born Nov. 27, 1996, no time in Greater Vancouver–Sun-Pluto in Sag quincunx a sensitive, vulnerable Cancer Moon.
I’ve read he’s lying low too – but is without remorse. Two and a half years was not enough time for him to grow up. He sees himself as a victim. “You know my name but you don’t know what I’ve been through.”
I have a sneaking suspicion he’s not done yet trying to ruin women’s lives. Early Aries plus Scorpio? Revenge is still on his mind. IMHO
The mother has Aries in Mars in a wide yod with Virgo Pluto and Scorpio Neptune. And the Mars is square Jupiter. Given she is a Taurus Sun/Mercury/Venus I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s generally quite placid until riled and then, with a Scorpio moon, unleashes that mars as retribution for the event and a lot more she’s been ignoring over the years.
Notably his Aries Mercury-Venus is conjunct her mars in the synastry (and he also has Neptune squaring it).
All of it in the 1st degree thereby coming into the world with utter selfishness after the selflessness of the Pisces degress.