35 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Unless I’m mistaken, it’s your birthday today Marjorie, and a big “O” one at that. Hope you have a lovely day whatever you do. Best wishes.

  2. When I first received some consults from Marjorie way back in 2007-2008, she’d written that my MC runs thru eastern Europe. Many years later, I came to discover my maternal grandfather was Ukrainian (not Russian, as my mother had proclaimed).

    Marjorie did not see me hob-knobbing around Moscow with Russian mafia but I find it very curious that the MC pointed to my heritage region.

    Maternal grandmother was Polish.

    Thoughts, weblinks, and opinions welcomed.

    • Hm, something else is running through eastern Europe, because your midheaven runs through the place you were born. Astrocartography finds places around the world where your planets are angular.

      Did you ever do the DNA check à la Genographic Project or Ancestry or whatever else is there? I’m forgetting. Could be interesting for you.

  3. Paetongtarn Shinawatra the youngest Prime Minister of Thailand had been sworn in on 6 Sept 2024, around 6.15pm by the King Maha Vajiralongkorn. I think timezone is Bangkok time.

  4. The story of Pisces is Andromeda (Aphrodite/Venus) and her son jumped into the river and turned into fish to escaped Typhon. Andromeda was more beautiful than all and her parents Cassiope and Cepheus decided to stripped her, tied her to a stone and offered her to Cetus. Then along came Persus who slayed the monster and turned her parents into stone using the Medusa Head and married Andromeda. So where does all the astrology comes in for all the things that we are experiencing? People wanting to become Persus? And Cepheus turning to offering his wife?

  5. Hello Marjorie,

    I’m wondering if you could look at any similarities with recent events involving women – Ugandan Olympian Rebecca Cheptegei (22nd February 1991 Cheminy, Uganda) killed by her ex after he set her alight, French woman Gisèle Pélicot (can’t find any birthdate information) currently in court for a case involving her husband organising repeated rapes of her by strangers over an extended period and the crowning in New Zealand of Maori Queen Ngā Wai hono i te pō (13 January 1997, Waikato, NZ). Is there anything astrologically afoot at the moment reflecting shift in women/power or compare/contrasting aspects??

  6. Hi All,

    This is a general post on the US Presidential Inauguration 2025, so please fell free to comment, but let’s keep your comments astrologically oriented.

    This is me just casting the chart myself for 12 noon on Monday, 20th January 2025 at Washington DC. I play around with the house system and have used both equal houses and Placidus.

    The points that jumped out to me

    (a) Chiron in the 11th is almost exactly (within a degree) opposite the Moon in the 6th. That immediately reminded me of Chris Romero’s post below about healthcare in the US. Could Moon in the 6th indicate that there will be more public thinking (Moon) on healthcare (6th) in the US in this term) Or that there will be a focus on mental health (again Moon in 6th)? Also, how does Chiron being exactly opposite it impact the Moon?

    (b) The Moon also appears to be the focus of a yod/finger of God, opposite a wide sextile between Saturn-Venus (within one degree of each other) in the 11th and Uranus in the 1st. The Saturn-Venus conjunction could also indicate further acrimony on abortion (and on the hard rules about women).

    (c) Mars within two degrees of the IC/Nadir. Violence at home? Violence on the home stretch? Possibly another terrorist attack on US home soil?

    (d) Mars being within 8 degrees of opposition to the Sun-Pluto conjunction. Violence (Mars) against power (Pluto)? Another insurrection?

    (e) If using the equal house system, MC-Mercury-Sun-Pluto in the 9th. War abroad?

    (f) Sun-Pluto being sextile the North Node and trine the South Node to within two degrees. Is history being triggered or is history doing the shaping?

    Again comments invited. Please note that this is an amateur observation. And please keep your comments astrological centered.

  7. Marjorie, saw an astrologer comment on X about “The Key of Destiny”. I did a search and there is an old astrology book from 1919 with same name. His point was Trump’s Key of Destiny is at 10 Libra which was conjunct transiting Jupiter when he won in 2016. In your recent post of Trump’s Solar Arc chart I saw his SA Venus is now at 10 Libra which will be eclipsed in October. Wondering if you’ve ever heard of this Key of Destiny? Only thing in my search was the book.

  8. Hello, Marjorie. I have been following the horrific case about the French man, Dominique Pélicot, who drugged his wife, advertised her online, and allowed her to be raped by almost 80 strange men. This is big news as the trial commenced. I don’t know if you have their birth details, but if you can, it will be interesting to hear the astrological take on this, especially the couple’s synastry and composite. He was arrested in Sep 2020 for filming under girls’ skirts in a shopping centre. When police confiscated his computer for that case, they found more than they bargained for, and a can of worms was opened.

    At the time of his arrest (well, the year 2020), we had the triple conjunction of Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter, and now we have Pluto anaretic one last time, and I wonder if the trial and arrest are connected astrologically. Is there a message for humankind? It is one thing for a husband to do this (as bad as raping and soliciting his wife is) but another for almost 80 men to be so depraved that they will rape an obviously asleep woman who is not consenting: how can there be that many sick bastards in/near one town? How can anyone normal not ever think “there is something wrong about this”? She (Gisele) said that her marriage seemed fine, and she had no idea, but her life collapsed after being shown the footage: so Neptunian, illusions being shattered.

    Many thanks in advance.

  9. Does anybody here notice that there seems to be an increasing hate for mothers in general by their children and grown kids? Is there any astrological aspects? I think aries might be involved. The common comment that their mothers are toxic, are bad for even trying to discipline them.
    Cassiope is a fixed star in taurus which stand for the seated woman. In some old constellation stories it is under Aries.

  10. Hi Marjorie,

    Gary Oldman is briefly in the news with a new series of Slow Horses out tomorrow, and he is outstanding in it, as he has been in so many things. Yet, he flies a little under the radar. Wondered if you might take a look? 21.03.58, 10.56 a.m. London.

    Thanks for all your work.

  11. Marjorie, forever A-list actor Brad Pitt debuted girlfriend Ines de Ramon on the red carpet last night. Any astrological synastry insights very welcome.
    Big age gap, but I can overlook this, as Brad has both looks and charisma by the bucket load (IMO) .

  12. Hi Marjorie,

    I was wondering if you could take a look at the situation regarding the cost for prescription medications here in the U.S.

    Aside from women’s reproductive rights, Healthcare and the cost for prescription drugs can become another top tier pivotal issue for voters this year.

    President Biden and Vice President Harris announced earlier this year (I think it was back in March) that they had successfully made it where Medicare now has the power to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies over the cost of prescription drugs as a result of the Inflation Reduction Act being signed into law.

    As a result, generic prescription drug prices have been lowered for millions of senior citizens and other Medicare recipients and it’s expected that $1.5 billion will be saved in out-of-pocket costs annually.

    One woman on Twitter / X said she is disabled and she had been.in Medicare since she was 24 years old. She said that prior to the new law, she had to pay over $1,100 a month out-of-pocket or a life-saving medication and now she only has to pay $1.50 a month!

    Anyway, I’m just wondering what the astrology might suggest regarding the new law and it looks promising in the near future.

    • ‘….. had to pay over $1,100 a month out-of-pocket or a life-saving medication and now she only has to pay $1.50 a month’

      Golly gosh, that is an obscene difference! Unless of course the person is super rich and wouldn’t blink an eye at that cost.

      • @ Jennifer E,

        I know! It’s terrifying to think of how expensive medications can be in this country. Many low-income Americans have had to rely on various assistance programs (if they qualify) to help pay for medications like insulin and other save saving drugs.

        This is why I personally consider the lowering of prescription drug costs as President Joe Biden’s crowning achievement – he’s truly saving many people’s lives.

        I’m really surprised Vice President Kamala Harris (who was part of this initiative) isn’t making this her main campaign platform.

        I know Harris is doing an amazing job in fundraising, engaging with voters, and addressing other pivotal issues…but I honestly think touting the lowering of prescription drug costs would win her even more support in the major swing states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Wisconsin where there are large aging populations and senior citizen communities.

        Campaigning on this issue would also help her here in Florida where we have a large geriatric community and a high cost of living.

        Anyway, I know Kamala Harris has brought it up a few times in her speeches, but she should consider discussing it more often. Many people I talk to had no idea that Biden and Harris succeeded in getting prescription drug prices down….so, that’s definitely a sign that it needs to be addressed more.

      • @Jennifer E, My husband is on a cancer medication that costs $16,000 a month! We’ve been fortunate to get it free so far, but the foundation says that we no longer meet their means test, as if December. Not sure what we’ll do since this specialty medication, targeted at the specific mutation of his cancer, has kept him alive for eight years. But we don’t have that kind of money for the meds…

        • I would post in several cancer forums – such as the Cancer Support Network out of the American Cancer Society and others – and just ask the question what should I do. Also talk to a social worker. Don’t give up. Keep talking to people and asking the question until you find the solution.

  13. Labour poll lead drops to 4% against leaderless tories and Starmer’s popularity drops to negative numbers. I know these ratings are bot of much significance right now but cop armed with Tony Blair and Cameron around the same time during their tenure as PM it’s a pretty big drop for any govt that totally smashed the GE!
    What’s stored for starmer in the coming months or even years considering some in Labour Party like Rayner harbour ambitions of their own.

    • Sorry for the typos

      “I know these ratings are not of much significance right now but compared with Tony Blair’s and Cameron’s around the same time during their respective tenures as PM….”

  14. A question for Solaia (I believe that they are in Finland, but I could of course be wrong), but others please contribute too.

    I’m looking at astrocartographical charts for somebody moving to Sweden, but most house systems look absolutely ridiculous for places near the Arctic circle. What house systems do you all use in the extreme north or south?

    On a completely non-astrological level, I remember reading that everybody’s income tax returns are openly accessible in Norway. Is that (a) true, and (b) is that a uniquely Norwegian thing or common to all the Scandinavian countries?

    • I think in Finland too there is one day in the year where everyone reports their income to the taxman and it’s free to all to see and, of course, the tabloids plough through the incomes of, say, influencers, to get the stories for the next day. There are certain limits, but I am forgetting of what kind.

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