14 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. A bit of news for those following the American Reveolutionary War, esp Chris Romeo.

    “Help transcribe military pension files from the Revolutionary War!” request from the National Archives. “Revolutionary War Pension Files Transcription Mission” in becoming a citizen archivist. Might not necessarily be astro-related but the information revealed could be fascinating. Same as with my conversation with VF about Salem Witches.


    I just joined!

  2. Some say that Wes Streeting, shadow health secretary, is being groomed to be the next Labour leader. What are his prospects for the next couple of years?

  3. Marjorie, could you look at Andrew Malkinson’s chart? What does it show about this man’s resilience after being wrongfully imprisoned for a rape he did not commit? What a shocking miscarriage of justice.

  4. I was genuinely touched by the Netflix documentary “Wham!”, and thought immediately that I would love to read about their synastry. Besides this I admired George Michael’s musical talent (Neptune in 5th) and liked him as a person despite his troubles, maybe even because of them, as I can relate to them.

  5. Intrigued by the astrology of the situation with Farage who has transiting Saturn directly opposite his Virgo Uranus. Which makes sense with his uniquenesss being opposed by the powers that be. Yet strangely he seems to be coming out of this okay as the Natwest boss has resigned, the BBC apologised etc. Not sure how to interpret the astrology of that. Lots more Saturn to come for him though …

  6. Marjorie, are you able to look at the chart of Abby and Brittany Hensell, March 7, 1990 born in New Germany, Minnesota, U.S. they are conjoined twins. Thank you

  7. In the aftermath of the Uxbridge by-election, which was the fly in the ointment of Labour’s clean sweep, I’m seriously pondering the relationship chart between Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London and Labour leader Keir Starmer.
    Of course, Khan’s insistence on the ULEZ expansion caused Labour to fail to win in Uxbridge – giving a glimmer of hope to the Tories. Doubtless, Starmer is quietly fuming and angry with Khan. Likely Khan’s card has been marked within the party, and his career is effectively over. Politicians are extremely unforgiving in these instances.

    It is remotely possible that the Khan/ULEZ effect might just possibly cost Labour the next General Election, perhaps tying in with the prediction made here that Keir Starmer will not become PM.
    All this against the overwhelming odds all pundits are putting in Starmer’s favour.

  8. Hello. Would you please look at Tippi Hedren? I had no idea that she has influenced the nail salon industry. There’s a documentary about it. When I was growing up in the 70’s, nobody was getting their nails done. Now every woman I know does. My former town of 40 thousand people had 30 nail salons. I’m curious what within her chart might indicate this impact. You had also looked at her granddaughter, Dakota, and said she would be an influencer. So, there’s something quite interesting in these charts. Also, Tippy’s relationship with Hitchcock was very fraught. On a fun note, her signature shown on Wikipedia is a hoot! Thanks for considering.

  9. Marjorie would it be possible to look at Chien-Shiung Wu (May 31, 1912
    Liuhe, Taicang, Jiangsu, China)? I came across her from reading a review of Oppenheimer that lamented her omission from the film. After reading the wikipedia page on her (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chien-Shiung_Wu) she seems to have led an interesting life and also wonder why she didn’t make an appearance with such a rich story of her own.

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