19 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. And there is a Deal, announced at 3PM on Christmas Eve London time, 4PM Brussels time.

    Marjorie, what do you see for that Deal?

    • Quick observations:
      All planets except Mercury and the North Node are within 4.5 signs, all above the horizon (assuming the Deal is set to/signed in Brussels). That is quite a concentrated amount of aspecting going on.

      As an aside, that is very similar to my mother’s chart, which has almost all planets within 4 signs with only Mars being outside that set.

    • Fishy? I’d say so! According to another article I read in the NY Times she was expecting to be called to testify back in March 2019. I think Marjorie has written about the bank in the past year. Generally, quite a dark story altogether, one of many where that particular bank is concerned. I can’t find a birth date for her though, only 1960-61. However, that means she’s having her second Saturn return, in Capricorn, with Jupiter either in Capricorn or entering Aquarius in 1961. The Scorpio Neptune would be in line for an opposition from tr Uranus, trine the Pluto in Virgo. Hmmn.

  2. Hello

    Is there astrology for the mutation of the virus? Recent solar eclipse maybe? How does the future look for getting this under control?
    Thank you for your dedication to astrology this year especially. It keeps me hopeful. Happy Christmas.

  3. Have you ever done a chart for Patrick Stewart? Like Billy Connolly he had a dreadful youth, in his case marked by domestic abuse. “I managed to find my own refuge in acting,” he said in a Guardian interview in 2009. (Patrick Stewart: the legacy of domestic violence)

    • Thank you for all your kind comments. What would we do without astrology to collect our scattered wits, put them into a sort of picture frame, and keep us sane? No rest at the year end for us astrologers. Always the urge to see what’s coming next.

  4. I second the comment expressed by Jane that Marjorie has performed a public service by keeping us all sane throughout a crazy year! In addition to her superb astrological insights, of course. Marjorie, I lost count of all the times you have predicted correctly about where a particular situation or world leader was headed.

    After a dismal 2020, let’s hope we start to see some better times ahead. Thank you Marjorie and all the wonderful posters on this site. I hope you all have a safe and happy festive season.

  5. Hi Marjorie, I am getting increasingly concerned about China and its increasing expansion across the world initially by stealth and now far more obviously. I know this is old news but every day they seem to be pushing boundaries. Just today an Aircraft Carrier sailing in Taiwan, or the large trade deal with EU etc,

    • ‘am getting increasingly concerned about China and its increasing expansion across the world initially by stealth and now far more obviously.’

      I may be naive in these matters but they were invited into the West under the banner of ‘globalization’ in terms of trading and connected money markets, and a lot of leaders of the free world are in their pockets so to speak loosely on the matter. It has been very beneficial to the West in terms of cheap labor etc so in their eyes there is still more potential for them to solidify their foot hold. With the territories, i.e. Taiwan, we think they seem to be daring the devil, but I guess in their eyes, these places were part of China originally hence why they think they can be ‘pushing boundaries’. Maybe they now believe they have leverage – regardless of the politics of it all, I’m just surmising.

      Our West has done its fair share of ‘increasing expansion across the world’ so I guess every dog does have its day!

      Just a thought or two!!

      • “With the territories, i.e. Taiwan, we think they seem to be daring the devil, but I guess in their eyes, these places were part of China originally hence why they think they can be ‘pushing boundaries’.”

        I don’t like the sound of that one bit.

        The precursor of WWII was Germany peacefully (with the acquiescence of the Allies) remilitarising the left bank of the Rhine (which was demilitarised by the Treaty of Versailles), then demanding and getting the Sudetanland (the “peace in our times”).

        China’s movements in the Far-East could easily trigger WWIII.

  6. I was wondering about Jeremy Hunt. Following his failed leadership contest, he’s been notably quiet this year while Boris and the cabinet screw things up. I presume if Boris goes early next year, Jeremy’ll be well-positioned by having avoided any association.

    That said, he popped up in the news yesterday as being the MP for Waverly / South-west Surrey – possible the only constituency in the SE to avoid going into Tier 3.

    • Jeremy Hunt has been on Radio 4 news as a commentator very regularly this year. With the lack of comment from many members of this government, he’s positioned himself as the voice of reason – much to my amusement. I’m curious to see what he does next, if anything. Also, Boris is Gemini with a Scorpio Moon, and Jeremy H is Scorpio with a Gemini Moon.

      • GD and Marjorie – possibly, being a Scorpio, he’s playing a long game. With the Gemini Moon, he may fancy a media career further down the line. Curiously, Michael Portillo made a successful broadcasting career after leaving politics – Sun Gemini, Moon Scorpio.

        And wishing everyone a happy Solstice today, and many, many thanks to Marjorie for all the wonderful insights and hard work. It has really been so good to have this during such an insane year.

        • I know Marjorie has kept us all sane during this rogue year and would like to add my appreciation for all her hard work and indeed accuracy of her forecasts. As well as the insights of the many posters and contributors to the site. I’m echoing Jane in wishing everyone a happy solstice and hope that things improve for us all in 2021.

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