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22 thoughts on “Questions & Comments”
Nancy Pelosi is seriously considering delaying the handover of articles of impeachment to the Senate in order to leverage a fair trial with relevant witnesses. A delay would fit Marjorie’s prediction that Trump’s troubles escalate from late January onward.
Hi Marjorie,
Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Been there. It gets better!
Hard to pin down exact launch time, but the “Lincoln Project” — a Super PAC organized by conservative Republicans determined to defeat Trump in 2020 by targeting disaffected Republicans and independents in swing states — “launched” this morning with op-eds in major US newspapers.
George Conway, Kellyanne’s conservative lawyer hubby whose principles diverge from hers, as well as Republican strategists and former officeholders, formed the fundraising group.
Also, what about Trump’s screed to Pelosi today — admissible evidence in Senate trial as to deeds and unfitness?
Any thoughts about their prospects?
Btw, @gtconway3rd’s twitter feed is generally a comprehensive daily digest of Trump crew’s deeds and mental health professionals’ diagnoses of Trump’s malignant, sociopathic narcissistic personality disorder. With a few Corgis, cats, and good deeds for relief.
Hi Marjorie, is it possible to look at the Solar Return for the UK in 2021? I seem to remember that the one for that year looks challenging. Thanks
2021 does look like a gigantic disruption financially and otherwise – tr Uranus is conjunct the 8th house Mars which will have major effects. And pressures are also showing on Boris/Dom charts.
When my brain extracts itself from my jawbone, hopefully tomorrow, will look see in more detail
Apologies for temproary absence. Hors de combat for a couple of days after major dental surgery. Panic running up and aches thereafter. Urgh
Wishing you a full and speedy recovery!
Lots of soup and mashed potatoes to enjoy. Be well.
Don’t grimace or grit your teeth over astro pains!
Look after yourself, Marjorie. We can wait while you recuperate – you do a sterling job with this website. I love the eclectic mix of politics & people that you cover in the news section, and I always feel like I am learning something new.
Thanks for kind thoughts. Urgh,. Cold food – cold coffee and cold soup not enticing. Instructions to do nothing but watch TV/read books. 10 hrs yesterday of old Law & Order, Hawaii 5-0 etc etc . Have overdosed on that. Still dozy so feel free to correct mistakes.
Hope you feel better soon, Marjorie.
Lisa Nandy is a surprise name being thrown into the Labour leadership election. Anything on her chart that stands out?
Hmm, I’m not sure Corbyn is going to let go so easy – that Mars in Taurus square Pluto of his is stubborn. And he’ll want to be sure that one of his clones takes over to preserve the sanctity of the recent leftward swing. Plus they’ve evidently changed the voting regs so will be tricky to put in a non-Momentum type. Will wait till the dust settles and see what emerges in terms of runners. Lisa Nandy looks stuck late January but much more upbeat and confident late February onwards.
More an observation on the final actions of the outgoing GOP governor of Kentucky -ain’t it a Grand ol Party?
Will crazy Congressman Matt Gaetz, who is on the House Judiciary, continue to wield a lot of power? Whether or not you agree with him, one has to admit that he was effective in criticizing the Democrats and questioning the impeachment process. He has Trump’s ear on most matters. He has a DUI in his past, but criticizes Hunter Biden’s substance abuse issues. He was born May 7, 1982 in Hollywood, FL.
Hi Marjorie,
Any thoughts on Scottish independence? Or Welsh, come to that.
What happened to your election forecast Marjorie. You’re usually so good!
Cant wait for the Boris/Corbyn/Swinson/Sturgeon/Brexit/NIreland/Scotland/EU debrief 🙂
Yes looks like Johnson is in full control of parliament and full responsibility for Brexit, no fridges or mistresses wardrobes to hide in now. I wonder how this is going to work out for him.
VoC Moon during whole election doesn’t augur well for people getting what they voted for.
This is a freaking mess, I guess, but some of the influences in the skies truly point to Scotland leaving The UK and entering The EU in less time that the whole Brexit hulabaloo has taken. I remember Sturgeon having a challenging period astrologically in 2020, but good transits in 2021.
Greetings Marjorie.
Could you look into Rachel Maddow, the prime time anchor on MSNBC? Given how anti Trump she is and detail oriented where his transgressions are concerned, I’m curious how she’s looking in 2020.
Hi Marjorie,
Could you look into Tim Minchin chart please? Thank you!
Nancy Pelosi is seriously considering delaying the handover of articles of impeachment to the Senate in order to leverage a fair trial with relevant witnesses. A delay would fit Marjorie’s prediction that Trump’s troubles escalate from late January onward.
Hi Marjorie,
Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Been there. It gets better!
Hard to pin down exact launch time, but the “Lincoln Project” — a Super PAC organized by conservative Republicans determined to defeat Trump in 2020 by targeting disaffected Republicans and independents in swing states — “launched” this morning with op-eds in major US newspapers.
George Conway, Kellyanne’s conservative lawyer hubby whose principles diverge from hers, as well as Republican strategists and former officeholders, formed the fundraising group.
Also, what about Trump’s screed to Pelosi today — admissible evidence in Senate trial as to deeds and unfitness?
Any thoughts about their prospects?
Btw, @gtconway3rd’s twitter feed is generally a comprehensive daily digest of Trump crew’s deeds and mental health professionals’ diagnoses of Trump’s malignant, sociopathic narcissistic personality disorder. With a few Corgis, cats, and good deeds for relief.
Hi Marjorie, is it possible to look at the Solar Return for the UK in 2021? I seem to remember that the one for that year looks challenging. Thanks
2021 does look like a gigantic disruption financially and otherwise – tr Uranus is conjunct the 8th house Mars which will have major effects. And pressures are also showing on Boris/Dom charts.
When my brain extracts itself from my jawbone, hopefully tomorrow, will look see in more detail
Apologies for temproary absence. Hors de combat for a couple of days after major dental surgery. Panic running up and aches thereafter. Urgh
Wishing you a full and speedy recovery!
Lots of soup and mashed potatoes to enjoy. Be well.
Don’t grimace or grit your teeth over astro pains!
Look after yourself, Marjorie. We can wait while you recuperate – you do a sterling job with this website. I love the eclectic mix of politics & people that you cover in the news section, and I always feel like I am learning something new.
Thanks for kind thoughts. Urgh,. Cold food – cold coffee and cold soup not enticing. Instructions to do nothing but watch TV/read books. 10 hrs yesterday of old Law & Order, Hawaii 5-0 etc etc . Have overdosed on that. Still dozy so feel free to correct mistakes.
Hope you feel better soon, Marjorie.
Lisa Nandy is a surprise name being thrown into the Labour leadership election. Anything on her chart that stands out?
Hmm, I’m not sure Corbyn is going to let go so easy – that Mars in Taurus square Pluto of his is stubborn. And he’ll want to be sure that one of his clones takes over to preserve the sanctity of the recent leftward swing. Plus they’ve evidently changed the voting regs so will be tricky to put in a non-Momentum type. Will wait till the dust settles and see what emerges in terms of runners. Lisa Nandy looks stuck late January but much more upbeat and confident late February onwards.
More an observation on the final actions of the outgoing GOP governor of Kentucky -ain’t it a Grand ol Party?
“Former Kentucky governor issued hundreds of pardons and commutations before leaving office this week”
Here’s the formation of the brown shirts…
Will crazy Congressman Matt Gaetz, who is on the House Judiciary, continue to wield a lot of power? Whether or not you agree with him, one has to admit that he was effective in criticizing the Democrats and questioning the impeachment process. He has Trump’s ear on most matters. He has a DUI in his past, but criticizes Hunter Biden’s substance abuse issues. He was born May 7, 1982 in Hollywood, FL.
Hi Marjorie,
Any thoughts on Scottish independence? Or Welsh, come to that.
What happened to your election forecast Marjorie. You’re usually so good!
Cant wait for the Boris/Corbyn/Swinson/Sturgeon/Brexit/NIreland/Scotland/EU debrief 🙂
Yes looks like Johnson is in full control of parliament and full responsibility for Brexit, no fridges or mistresses wardrobes to hide in now. I wonder how this is going to work out for him.
VoC Moon during whole election doesn’t augur well for people getting what they voted for.
This is a freaking mess, I guess, but some of the influences in the skies truly point to Scotland leaving The UK and entering The EU in less time that the whole Brexit hulabaloo has taken. I remember Sturgeon having a challenging period astrologically in 2020, but good transits in 2021.
Greetings Marjorie.
Could you look into Rachel Maddow, the prime time anchor on MSNBC? Given how anti Trump she is and detail oriented where his transgressions are concerned, I’m curious how she’s looking in 2020.
Hi Marjorie,
Could you look into Tim Minchin chart please? Thank you!